Anyone know of any leasing going on in Vernon Parish Louisiana? If so, who is leasing?

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No leasing going on everyone has pulled out.

There have been sporadic reports of leasing in Vernon and Beauregard associated with the renewed interest in the Austin Chalk.  Panther Energy III was promoting their Bloodhound prospect at the Summer NAPE.

Summer NAPE: Oil Companies Look To Form Partnerships

Velda Addison Senior Editor, Digital News Group Hart Energy  Friday, August 17, 2018  


Exhibitors at Summer NAPE in Houston were given a chance to talk about prospects as they sought partners. (Source:

HOUSTON—Nearly a dozen companies took center stage during Summer NAPE to each give eight-minute pitches, hoping to lure partners for exploration, development and production opportunities in the U.S.

Among them was Josh Cornell, vice president of land for Panther Energy Co. III, who presented a Louisiana Austin Chalk opportunity—the Bloodhound prospect—in Vernon and Beauregard parishes.

“We have 50,000 net acres, mostly 100% ownership tracts. It’s a large contiguous, scalable footprint,” Cornell told a crowd gathered Aug. 15 to hear the prospect preview pitches. “We project over 26 operated DSUs [drill spacing units].”

He added the deep overpressured Austin Chalk Formation is built for long laterals with the company’s asset having a TVD range between 14,000 ft and 16,000 ft.

The Austin Chalk, which spans over 600 miles from the Mexico border into Mississippi, has sparked renewed interest from oil and gas players such as ConocoPhillips and Marathon Oil Corp., which added the play to their exploration portfolios.

Others are already seeing success. EOG Resources, which completed five wells in the South Texas Austin Chalk in second-quarter 2018, captured the spotlight in 2017 when the Eagle Ranch 14-1H well in Avoyelles Parish tested at a rate of 1,120 barrels of oil per day and 1,157 million cubic feet of gas per day.

Looks like Prize Explorations has pulled a well permit on the Hawthorne Field in December 2018 outside of Leesville, LA in Vernon Parish.

I heard they plan to begin "production" in a week or so?

Landman giving everyone last offer to sign by end of this week?

Well serial number251471

Field ID/4440  Well Name MAUR H1


036 /03N /09W/ W


Thanks skip. I will see what else I can find out.

Suggest you join the Austin Chalk group and read this discussion.  If you click on the link in the discussion title you will see the area included in this unit application.

No one is going to throw good money after bad drilling the chalk in those two parishes. The target has always been to use chalk wells to tie up the leaseholds in  perpetuity for the deeper Tuscaloosa gas formation. 'Course, that didn't work out so well. The chalk wells often came up dry or almost dry even before prescription had run.

Generally an accurate assessment, BZ, however the EOG matrix approach does not depend on intersecting natural fracture networks.  That was the "old" play as you describe.  The "new" play appears to intentionally avoid highly fractured areas.

What two Parishes ?

Vernon and Beauregard.

There is now a Vernon Parish Group.

Looks like Prize Explorations has pulled a well permit on the Hawthorne Field in December 2018 outside of Leesville, LA in Vernon Parish.

I heard they plan to begin "production" in a week or so?

Landman giving everyone last offer to sign by end of this week?

Well serial number251471

Field ID/4440  Well Name MAUR H1


036 03N 09W W

Starting "production" probably means commencing drilling operations or location construction. Permit info attached - directional well with a 12,250' TVD that is being drilled to a BHL that is about one mile north of the surface location.




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