How long will it take for the haynesville to be set in its ways, all wells complete and all mineral titles correct...

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Thanks, Mike I kinda figured that but would it be wonderful...

You can look at fields throught area---- The Woodbine Oil Field in East Texas is 80+ years old of course it's been set in it's way for about 50 years. The Panola County Gas fields are about 60 years old but continue to change in different formation come in to play thru the years Rodessa-Pette then Travis Peak, James lime, Cotton Valley the Cotton Valley Taylor sands, CV lime and now shale formation can be produced by horizontal drilling plus hydraulic frac. of course hydraulic frac was is use in tight sands such as in the TP and CV vertical  before shale. The time frame for shale to complete development will take much longer due to cost of production ( deeper formation with longer laterals = $10 million to drill )so need higher NG prices in $7-8 range -- the prices will vary over time resulting in the normal for O/G Boom and Bust. We will have episodes when prices are low no activity for few years then when prices are high lots of activity. This is mostly East Texas Iam talking about, but you see the same pattern in La. and every where else in the USA. The Haynesville/ bossier Shale fields will go on probably for ~ 100 years. The Permian Basin in West Texas is 80-90 years old and with new tech it's like the Energy Bunny it just keep going
I am with abuba, and I will say 50 to 100 years. Mike I figure you will be a very old man when it comes to the end of this play.
If you mean mature, by well defined and with a low change in production from year to year, I'd guess something more like 20-30 years.  Adubu is right about the boom and bust - get gas more towards $10 and we will be drilling Haynesville in many areas outside the current core.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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