Interesting to see that there will be a 22,000 ft well
to spud soon in Jefferson County exploring Haynesville Shale.

See Mainland Resourses----any comments??????

Tags: Activity, Mississippi

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Thanks, Bruce.  Good luck on updating your reserve estimate.  If the 2000' vertical interval of shale is 100% net pay then it would equal about 40% of the fracture zone of a typical Haynesville Shale horizontal.  It was demonstrated early on that shale interval thickness was a poor predictor of productivity.  In northern areas of the HS Play a number of wells were drilled where the formation was 300' thick.  They were poor producers owing to a higher clay content.  It is becoming obvious that though producible Haynesville and Bossier shale occurs over a large, contiguous area, the rock quality varies quite a bit.  And not all areas are economic at current prices.

A well that was drilled to 19000 feet in 1982 . Pipe was set to 16500 ft.   The top 3000 feet of pipe was pulled then plugged,  Only surface casing left on top 3000 feet. Could this hole be re-entered and could the casing still be in good shape?

It would depend on the diameter of the production casing string (the string that was cut off @ 3000ft).


The larger this string's inside diameter is, the more options would be avaliable. Minimum requirements would be enough avaliable diameter to run a new string of casing all the way to TD, the run a drilling assembly through this casing and drill-out cement and the bridge plug. Once this was completed you could drill ahead. 


4.5" is the smallest drilling tools are made, and they are not really reliable - especially considering the abrasive nature of the formation that you would drill out into. You would really need to be able to pick up a 6.5 inch drilling assembly. 


4.5" tools would allow for 1 drilling run.


6.5" would allow for 1 drilling run, another string of casing, and another drilling run with 4.5" tools.

I realize that there are tons of video on drilling and fracking, but I found this to be one of the better ones.

Did anyone hear any info on how the fracking is going with Berk-Phil?
Probably none until after spring flooding season is over (June).....
Good gosh.  Blatant disregard!
I can only guess that you are in need of some revenue at this time to be selling any part of your RA's in this area.
Not really. It's only a third of what I own. It's more of a 'hedge' against something going wrong. These mineral acres have been in the family since long before I was born and all I have heard for the past 63 years is how the 'big one' is just around the corner. So while I'm waiting for the 'big one', I thought I'd reap some of the sow for once.

That's about what I thought. In your shoes I would most probably do the same.

PS: I thought any advertising on this blog was not permitted. I am surprised that this got thru. Good luck though. I am sure you will get a very good price for your RA's...............Bill

That is about what I thought. In your shoes I would do the same.

PS: I thought advertising on this blog was not permitted and I am surprised this came thur. Good luck though and I think you will get a good price for your RA's in this area.........Bill

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