Chesapeake is applying to form a unit in S27-T12-R11. Hearing was held on January 27, 2009. Just received notice today that Petrohawk is applying to form a unit in S26-T12-R11. Hearing is set for February 23, 2009 IF someone requests a hearing. We leased the 38 acres we have in Section 26 to Petrohawk back in May of last year. We also have 44 acres in Section 27. We are currently in negotiations with Chesapeake, hoping to come to an agreement this week. According to the landman who made the offer on behalf of Chesapeake, they are wanting to get a well drilled really soon. =)

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Here is a copy of what we received from Chesapeake. I got this directly from the DNR website. The hearing for this unit application was held on Jan 27. What we received from Petrohawk states that it is a "PRE-APPLICATION NOTICE". It states that "A conference to discuss the application and any opposition thereto is hereby tentatively scheduled for Monday, February, 23, 2009......." So, it would appear as though you are correct. So, what's the process now? Can they go ahead and apply for a well permit in either of these 2 proposed units, or do they have to wait until they have the approval from the COC to form the unit?
I asked the landman if he knew where they were wanting to put a well and he said that they hadn't decided yet. At one time they had discussed putting it on our property, and they had also discussed putting it on my husband's aunt's property. If they were to build a pad site on our property, how many acres would that occupy?
I assure you, the landman wouldn't have a clue.
Look at the plats for the propossed units, sometimes a unit well will be designated on the plat, this will be the first one they drill.
Neither plat shows a designated unit well. Still waiting to hear back from the landman concerning lease negotiations in Section 27. Hopefully we'll hear something this week. We have a direct line to Petrohawk and Chesapeak---my husband's aunt is an independent landperson and she also has land in the two proposed units. I'm sure she'll let us know once they decide where they want to put the wells. She told us in advance that she thought that Petrohawk was about to try to form a unit in Section 26. I'll keep yall posted.
Received a plat for the Murray 24 #1 in De Soto Parish. Do you know anything about this well?
getoverit, to the best of my knowlege, these are the first wells that have begun the permitting process in 12/11 of DeSoto Parish and I am glad to finally see some activity there. I have an interest in section 15 of 12/11, so send them 2 miles north! I am actually glad to see both Chesapeake and Petrohawk starting activity. I'm leased to Petrohawk.
Getoverit, there have not yet been any HS wells shown as permitted in SONRIS for T12N-R11W. Hopefully Chesapeake & Petrohawk will begin the process soon.
They may be waiting to see if the units are approved first.
Under what kind of circumstances would a unit not be approved?
I was under they all were approved, that the hearings etc, were a formality, because the O&G's do there best to jump through the hoops and line up all their ducks, before they apply.
(Saves them time and money, why would they apply if they did not think they would get it?)
I am definitely not a cheerleader for the O&G, but just thinking link a business owner I would not put my application out there unless I was sure would go through.
In north LA, the geographic units tend to be approved. In South LA where geologic units predominate, there are more legitimate reasons to dispute units.

That being said, wouldn't you like to have your unit approved before you spent 8 million on a well?
WP, the following unit has been formed by Shell:

S11-T10N-R12W, HA RA SUE Unit, Shell, Pleasant Hill Field, De Soto Parish

This is the only Haynesville Shale well currently drilling in Sabine Parish:

Nomac #48 Rig, Chesapeake, Nabors Logan 27 #H1 Well, Serial #239443, S27-T10N-R12W
Harvey the Pooka?



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