Just found this permit application for Lacour 43.


 PUBLIC NOTICE - - - In accordance with the laws of the State of Louisiana and the particular reference to the provisions of LA R. S. 30:4, and the provisions of Statewide Order No. 29-B as amended and adopted by the Office of Conservation of the State of Louisiana Anadarko E&P Company LP P. O. Box 1330 Houston, Texas 77251 832-636-3315 is applying to the Injection and Mining Division of the Office of Conservation for a permit to dispose of producing fluids generated from oil and gas production by means of an injection well, which is identified as Lacour 43 SWD Well No. 1, Serial Number (NA), with the injection interval at an approximate depth of 3365 ft. to 4395 ft. The well location is Section 43, Township 3S, Range 8E, Lacour Field, Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana. All interested parties are hereby given an opportunity to submit written comments no later than fifteen (15) days from the date of this publication. Identify the well when corresponding. Direct comments to: Office of Conservation Injection & Mining Division P. O. Box 94275 Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9275 Re: Comments for SWD Application 4513457-aug 9-1t - PUBLIC NOTICES/CONSERVATION


Views: 11726

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10/24/2011 05 20140 SLIDE, ROTATE DRLD & MWD SURVEY DRLG; LAST BOP TST 10/16/11;
10/31/2011 05 21994 DRLD TO 21994';


I just looked at the permit for Lacour 43 and it states the permited depth at 22200. Does this mean they are close to ending the drilling? Will they go past the permitted depth if needed?

They should be very close to TD. Operators can drill further than the permitted depth it just requires them to make that change with the state prior to crossing the hardline that they submitted. They have made a lot of hole in 60 days...pretty amazing. Should have test results end of this month.
Hope to see more holes in the area! :-)
They are running the tubing right now. 2nd your comment Bulldog, that was a pretty amazing drill!

Does the rig now move to Lacour 42? If so how long would it take?

I heard they were going to Rabalais next but your guess is as good as mine. None of these are in our area. I just heard it in passing checking on things in our part of the world.

As far as moving a rig goes it depends on if the next site is ready. They can tear one down and move it in a week if everything is good to go.

I find it hard to believe they are going to Rabalais given the proximity of 42 and the fact that the permit for 42 expires in 6 weeks. Rabalais was just permited and should have plenty of time to drill. Just a guess, I have not read the Rabalais  permit yet.

Where is this Rabalais site? I hope it does move to 42 next.

Back in the North Bayou Jack Field. 35 1S 6E.


Easy enough to find out. Take a drive and see which site is studded. It would make sense moving onto 42. Like I said, that was just something I heard in passing speaking with another mineral owner in the area. I have no dog in that hunt.


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