

The GIS Division of the Information Technology Division has posted a new GIS Mapping test site. The can be accessed at www.sonris.com

I would like to take this opportunity to ask anyone who uses mapping to please test this new link. Pass it around. The more we get it tested and working like it needs to be, the quicker we can get it available to you.

When in SONRIS, in the right menu panel, click on GIS new (TEST)

You'll be taken to the GIS Test link. 

Please read the informational pop up and the tutorial.  There is a link on the tutorial on the information pop up.

If you have any comments, problems, etc. Please use the feedback form to contact the GIS department at DNR.  The feedback form is the #1 way of getting to the GIS dept about this test site.

The feedback form is located on the title bar where it says " Sonris(ng) Interactive Maps  Oil/Gas". 

There is a little orange envelope icon to the left of the green arrow.  Click on it to open the form. Please be honest. Notify us of any bugs or possible enhancements.

We know it's different, and will take a bit to get used to, but it is awesome. The graphics are great. Search results are exportable to excel. So, please check it out and let us know what you think.





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Tracie, thank you for debuting the new GIS system on GHS.  All of the SONRIS databases contribute greatly to the discussions here.  Our thanks to you and all the SONRIS staff.
Tracie, the new GIS system is great.  I'll look forward to exploring more of the features when I get back.  I'm headed to Slidell in the morning for the annual Mardi Gras Boat Parade.  Have a good weekend.
Can't get anything to zoom with the cursor..
I noticed that also, P.G.  That was my first suggestion.  There is a vertical slide bar on the left hand side.  It's faint but if you look close, you will see it.  Put your cursor on it and it will become easier to see.  That's the way to zoom in and out.  I asked if they could make it easier to see.  I'm headed out of town in the morning and hope that members will spend some time exploring the new GIS system and providing the staff with feed back to help work out the bugs and make it as user friendly as possible.  It's a great tool and a welcome addition to the SONRIS databases.
I don't see any improvement to the old map, there is no hyperlink, it is cartoonish looking and the legend covers up a third of the map. It seems more diffcult to use. Someone tell me what they like.  SONRIS is great and what I see needs improving is the data is really slow getting into the system.  I know wells have been completed and the information is in the state system but not in SONRIS for months.  I would like to see that improved.

The legends can be minimized by clicking the little arrow.  On the old version, the legends still take up space, but it's on the side, not overlaying the map, and they can't be changed.   You have a larger map area in the new version. 


The legends overlaying the map does irritate me, but I think it's mostly perception.  The old version chews up map area for the legend, too.



You have to draw a box around what you want to zoom in with.


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