Anyone know what’s going on in Sec 19/14-14 in Kickapoo? They put up a well then took it down then two days later they put it back up and took it back down Any information will be appreciated 

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I'm sure you mean a "rig" instead of a well.  Nothing on the last weekly rig report for that location.  If you are able to go by the well site, there should be a well sign on the access road or drive that tells the operator and well name.  That would help tie this down to see if we can get any information.

Ok thanks so much Skip

Probably just a workover rig. These operations won't show up on any rig reports. 

Ok thanks so much 

Hello James this is Bird’sview . it’s been quite a while since I’ve spoke to you.

hope everything is going well with you.

I believe what you’re seeing in section 1914 N. 14 W., West is in my opinion a recompletion rig to get the old wheel back on again or it is a drilling rig a drilling rig for waterwheel to start up and get prepared for a new well on that pad. 

I believe a lot of people that have mineral rights in sections 18. 19. and 30 don’t know the following information.

Folks that live in those three sections or have rights in those three sections will be receiving money from a multi section well or Wells being drilled. I know this for fact because my brothers and I drove down there recently and talk to some folks were they were drilling two wells in section 18 Near Mansfield Rd. on the other side of those apartments on Mansfield Rd Highway 171.

There were two wells that were drilled and just finished in section 18. 14 N  14 W. Going south through section 19 and stopping in section 3014 N. 14 W. these two wells or horizontal multiunit Wells and they were just finished being tracked and completed 09 2121. these two wells have now been active and running for approximately a month as of the 21st of this month. As everyone knows when you first yellow well it’s the first check is a two month check so the well has the room for eight weeks and then about a week later you get the check and then after that you get receive one after each 30 day period.

I just wanted to let you know and others to do something that is exciting and surprising to happen in Werner future a Little bit of Final Cut each person‘s way. Everybody can always use a little extra cash. I believe the reason I haven’t seen any information on here and  folks talking about it is because everyone has been looking in section 19 oh well.

These two wells or three sections 1819 and 30 right beside each other in a car that cross-sectional Wells from what I understand anyone’s mineral rights Involved in cross-section Wells all parties will be a part of receiving the funds. Hope this information helps good luck and update me and everyone else if you hear something or if you do drive by the well site like Skip suggest to do.

Skip is auto correct about a sign Located outside the entrance or gate to where the well pad is And if there is to be a new well drilled there there will be a new sign with a new well serial number posted outside the gate.

The old well zero number 240455 is what you will see on the sign there also but there will be another side just like it showing a totally new no number on it if if they’re going to drill a new well there.

Let me know if you hear any new information and I will get back on here today or tomorrow with the 2 well serial numbers numbers of the two wells that were just completed so remember there are a lot of people trying to buy your mineral rights cheap from you but please do not fall for this because they know that people in those sections are about to start receiving checks and these minerals and the funds from them or for our blessings along just my opinion.

Anyway have a nice and pleasant afternoon and let me know for sure anything that you may hear anyone else hears.

Take care

Bird view

Currently there are "cheap" offers to buy minerals and there are stunningly good offers to buy minerals.  The highest in the history of the Haynesville Shale play.  The trick is to know the difference.

All buyers prioritize acquisitions with new wells in the pipeline because that represents an opportunity for a quick return on investment.

Here are the wells in question.  The second was reported complete five days ago.  It should be another 3 or 4 months before first royalty is paid.  Before then there should be a report in the database that details how many feet of  perforated lateral lie in each section.  The percentage of the total lateral in each section will allocate the production to each unit and therefor the royalty.














HA RA SUT;EDWL 18-19-30 HC




















COMPLETED 9/21/21; GAS; 52588 MCFD; 42/64 CHOKE; 67831# CP; PERFS 23348-24435'















HA RA SUT;EDWL 18-19-30 HC




















COMPLETED 9/21/21; GAS; 44939 MCFD; 40/64 CHOKE; 6564# CP; PERFS 12203-22751'

Good to talk to you again skip. You have always helped me with questions in the past on well information very well.

I have a map on these wells that i got in the past that already shows the allocation of all three sections laterals and the middle section 19. 14 n  14 w has the most allocations because being all three sections right next to each other there is no 330 feet restrictions on both sides of the section lines of section 19  and both sides of 19 too saying the north section line both sides of that line and the south section line both side of that also . I know it sounds confusing but meaning 330 feet of section line  section 18  and then the section line and then 330 feet of 19 a total of 660 extra feet of rock or ground to get gas from and the same repeat thing on the section line between 19 and section 30 another 660 feet to get gas from and with that being said 660 more feet more allocated for section 19 only because it’s the middle section and section 18 and 30 have half that amount with no restrictions on one side of those two sections that is the way it works out since they are all three joined together as one unit the way i understand it.

That map is a plat of the projected path of the laterals.  Once the wells are reported complete to the state, the operator is required to submit an "as drilled" well plat.  That report will provide the total linear feet of perforated lateral, the number of feet lying in each section/unit and the percentage of well production that will be allocated to each.

It is common for "as drilled" lateral lengths to vary from "projected" lateral lengths.  Hopefully not by much but sometimes an operator stops short of the planned Bottom Hole and sometimes operators lose an entire lateral.  I'm dealing with one of those situations now.

Note that one well has a perforated lateral length of 12,187', fracked in 40 stages.  The other well has a lateral length of 10,548', fracked in 38 stages.

Thanks for the information . I. didn’t know that.

Whatever way we look at the information. It’s all good either way.

Hey Skip can i ask you a question. What price per thermal unit will Gep Haynesville our company go with?
Dont they usually hedge the unit price you know like lock in the price or will they not hedge price be the price of natural gas is still going up and other pipe lines and plants coming on line in the near future to also cause the price to go up ever later on.

I was just trying to get a little info on the subject and get your apinion .

If you care to please share what your thoughts are on this being these wells soon to come online.

Thank you very very much

There are a number of financial transactions that can be used to "hedge" the volume and price of natural gas.  A straight hedge and a "collar" are the ones I see most often mentioned.  Those hedges are for some volume less than what an operator expects to produce, so a percentage of the whole.  Hedges have no relation to the price mineral lessors are paid.  They are paid on a monthly settlement price that is a benchmark for negotiating the sale of physical gas (not futures).  The actual price can be a premium but more commonly a discount to the hub price.  I post the Henry Hub monthly settlement price at the end of each month in my Main Page discussion on the subject.  Much of north LA Haynesville production actually goes to the Perryville Hub and much of E TX goes to the Carthage Hub.

Only so much can be surmised from the Initial Production (IP) data.  That is especially true with long lateral wells such as these.  The operator performs a SDM2G IP test over 24 hours.  If the well is turned to sales on day one and the 24 hour test is run the next day for example, the flow will not be the maximum for the well.  It can take days and indeed weeks for a well to return the frac water and proppant that is produced once the well flows.  At some point the bulk of water and sand that will return plateaus and that is approximately when max flow occurs as far as I know.  The IP data is only a "first look" at the well's performance.  What you want to see if the first months of production reported to the state.  A lot of industry types talk about IP90, IP 120, IP 180, etc. as they attempt to model that decline profile and thus the economic life of the well.

Hey Birdsview, 
I have interest in sec 19-14/14 the well that’s in Sec 18-14/14 is it online yet because I am hearing it’s not paying out yet may be in a month or two and will 19 owners get anything from this well Thanks for all you information 

There are several horizontal permits in Sec 18-14N-!4W. Three by SWN on the same pad. Two are drilling to the north while one is permitted to drill to the south thru Section 19 and then into Section 30.

Same rig looks to be drilling all three laterals. One to the north is done and cased to TD in lateral. The 2nd well (also heading north) is drilling in the lateral as of 9/7.

I am assuming that, once the second lateral is cased, the rig will skid over and drill the lateral in the 3rd permitted lateral (the one that will go thru 19 and into section 30.

Then I figure operator will frac all three laterals one after another.

Patience the word here - this all take time.



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