So, it 100p on June 25, 2009 and Obama has just given the synopsis of his energy bill that is going through the House right now.
Not one mention of how clean natural gas is and that natural gas is the clean fuel. In fact he never mentions natural gas at all. He wants to build windmills....
Natural gas prices have gone down hill since he is unwilling to speak out about the massive amounts of reserve we have in the shale and other places.
So, where does this leave us now? And natural gas prices?

Tags: Obama, energy, gas, green, natural, windmills

Views: 245

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That's encouraging, thanks.
As usual Jim, your knowledge of the O&G business is unsurpassed. Your knowledge of politics is dismal and your understanding of what the American people are thinking is worse. The gig is up buddy, from Gitmo, the stimulus, GM, Korea and Iran this administration still hasn't got anything right, and the people are starting to figure it out. Now, the way I see it, I listen to your side bitch and whine for eight years, about the Bush administration, now your gonna listening to me. Pelosi calling the CIA liars, Harry saying the war was is lost, Murffa accusing marines of murder in Hidefia (when all charges were dropped) their the biggest bunch of idiots ever voted into office. You may kiss their feet, they can kiss my ass.

Ok, let's get to the bet Jim. Although, times are tuff, I got about $200 left in my horse racing stash. I'll send it to whoever you wan't to hold, and you do the same. They then can mail it to the winner, or should I say me. Just name your person Jim.
Hi Jim,

The CIA refers to the fact that if Pelosi has no problem calling the CIA liars, (especially since everybody knows she was the one lying). Why? should anyone trust her on this bill or anyother bill for that matter. She has no problems lying to the American public. Trust nothing about this bill, or anyother bill intorduced in the house.

Sure Franken will be seated soon, but that still won't help, even Louisiana's own Mary Landrieu is probably not going to vote for this bill. When a Senator like Mary Landrieu won't vote your way on a bill like this, you got no chance.
Ok, I have to respond to you Mr. Krow (respectfully).

1. Natural gas prices plunged since Obama was elected last November down into the depths on the fact that commodity buyers knew that Obama was going to detach himself from any big oil company. I am sure you enjoyed your royalties during the Bush years.
2. Natural gas prices are at the lowest they have been since 2001 (albeit a Bush year) 911 took everyone by surprise and all markets fell.
3. I agree with Dorcheated, if Mary Landrieu won't sign this bill then their is no money in it for her and the oil and gas buddies that she promotes.
4. I will repeat, Obama will not endorse anything that George Bush had any part of especially the oil and gas companies.
5. We have plenty of ideas and your "change" as you call it is going to take a big bite out of your life if it hasn't all ready.
6. I believe in the constitution while Mr. Obama does not.
7. Just wait and see, it will be getting worse if things do not turn around quickly.
God Bless....
No, that is under point 1. The economy was up for most of the Bush years falling on his departure. Having said that GM did not go under in a couple of months either, that had been going downhill because of greed on the part of their executives.
So, how would you defend the stimulus that did not stimulate? If you are in the gas industry you have to be hurting over the last year.
1. NG prices are down since November because demand has continued to evaporate from the biggest recession (let's hope it stays at a recession and not a depression) which began well before Obama was elected and continues to this day. What does a big oil company have to do with NG prices in the US since "big oil" largely abandoned the US NG market years ago. EXXON and Shell and BP are building LNG facilties in overseas producing countries which export NG to the US to compete with domestic NG.

2. So what. NG is a commodity whose price generally follows economic activity and supply/demand. We currently have an over-supply due to increased production in the US and a decline in demand (see 1 above).

3. Mary Landrieu won't sign the bill because she wants to be re-elected, which all politicians want to do or else they become ex-politicians. Louisiana is a red state that is out of step with the rest of the nation as evidenced by the November election and out of step with its own economic self interest. Which is why it is in the lowest 10th percentile of almost every standard you could apply to a state.

4. Many of Mr. Obama's policies have been more close to Bush policies than his left of center supporters would like. See preventative detention, the stimulus plan with $400+ B of tax cuts instead of infrastructure spending with attendant job creation.

5. Waiting, waiting waiting. Ideas for "change" would not be to return to what we have been doing since 1980 unless you think failed banks, two wars, 10% unemployment and a $10 T national debt are good. By the way, how is the budget doing in Louisiana?

7. President Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago, after graduating with a degree in law from Harvard. I presume he believes in the Constitution. Do you have any evidence that he does not believe in the Constitution since he swore in his oath of office to protect and defend it. He probably wouldn't interpret the Constitution like you. Hey, the reason we get 5-4 decisions on the Supreme Court is that different people can interpret the Constitution differently, but I presume all the justices believe in the Constitution. Please post the evidence that you have that President Obama does NOT believe in the Constitution--quoting Rush is not evidence.

8. I agree with you that, in fact, things will in get worse near term because the economy is still declining and unemployment is continuing to increase, just as it has every month since last year. Only the rate of increase in unemployment has declined, but last month 600,000+ Americans lost their jobs.

God bless you and the citizens of the US who live in a country where each can express their views.
Ok, your view was a little bit harsher than mine. How about I quote Glenn Beck?
How about doing your own research on hard facts and not quoting Rush, Glenn, Rachel or Keith (MSNBC, not goHAshale). I thought you comments on belief in the Constitution, the economy and NG were ill founded, unsupported and shallow.

God bless.
Thanks, I wanted to give my opinion that's all....I don't support meanness. You know this is the first time that I started a conversation about something that I thought was opinion only...I tried to take the edge off by joking about Glenn Beck but you know it's not worth it......
NG prices are probably down because it's competition is primarily coal rather than petroleum. If it were used for transportation, it would probably mirror petroleum more closely. That would also keep a lid on petroleum prices. The economy needs stability when it comes to energy prices.
NG will probably cost consumers more if they pass that bill but I doubt if it will do much for well head prices. The higher prices for consumers will come from all the newly government created costs added on to it just like it will be for gasoline and electricity.
I am more convienced every day that Obama does not look out for the best interests of America. I think he looks to see how he can weaken America so he can eventually turn America over to her enemies all under the guise of better international relations and the greatest good for the greatest number.
If you notice how Obama operates, I personally think that he owes so many people favors in the " Green" environment that he has no where to turn. But having said that, the American people are not stupid. I attribute most of the misunderstanding of the oil and gas industry to lack of information except from a negative point of view. And this negative point of view unfortunately comes from the top. If oil and gas corporations would go more on the offensive with commercials on how clean natural gas is and the availability of it right here is the US. It has to be literally "drilled " into people's minds. The importing of natural gas has to be stopped all together.
Solar is down the road, a long road but natural gas is here and ready.



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