My brother and I were approached by Clear Sky Partners with an offer to buy our mineral rights in 12N-15W-27. Does anyone know about new activity there? That's just north of Hwy 84 in Stanley. Thanks. Gayle

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Gayle, I've never heard of Clear Sky Partners but there are so many mineral buyers new to acquiring Haynesville/Bossier minerals, that's not unusual these days.  There are no well permits nor existing Field Orders for more wells in your section at this time.  You only have the original unit well which is now over 12 years old.  Your section is proven for both Haynesville and Bossier shale reserves.  That means you will get eleven more wells in the future.  SWN is aggressively drilling their Haynesville units and I would suggest that you keep the letters you get and wait until you get a notice letter for additional future wells.  Once there is a Field Order approving new wells, the value goes up.  When the state grants well permits for those approved well slots, the value goes up again.  And when a rig shows up to start drilling those wells, yep it goes up again.  For that reason, lacking any compelling reason to sell at this time, I suggest that you wait.  Good luck.

Skip thanks for the reply. This is excellent info for me also as we are NW of OP in Sec 21 and with one older producing well. 

You're welcome.  Good luck.


A follow-up question. Can you comment on a different area?

11N 15W S27

Thank you.


SWN is the operator but Chesapeake formed the unit and drilled the HA well.  This section is in the low porosity zone,  The wells there have not been economic and probably still are not even at current high nat gas prices.  SWN has a lot of better places to drill.  I wouldn't expect them to drill there.

The prospects around Stanley seem to me to be less attractive than much of DeSoto Parish.  Comstock is now drilling some wells in the SE portion of 12N 15W that reach down into the top row of sections in 11N 15W, but other than that, seems like there’s not much going on.  XTO had a terrible HA well on the west side of 12N 15W, and I haven’t seen much indication of any new activity in that general area.  If some company is now wanting to buy minerals, maybe they know something that we don’t.

Thanks for the information, Steve.

A number of mineral companies have made offers in the low porosity zone.  They are clueless or haven't done the research.  I would certainly see there as it may never get further development.  I suspect that once a buyer does any reasonable due diligence. they will rescind their offer.

GEP has a  new cross unit permit for 22/27/34 11N 14W which would be south of 84.

That is outside of the low porosity zone...but not by much.



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