A.M.A. Chiles, C Edwards etal, 007, Sec. 36, T22N, R16W, Caddo Pine Island, 1100’ MD, Nacatoch.

A.M.A. Chiles, C Edwards etal, 008, Sec. 36, T22N, R16W, Caddo Pine Island, 1100’ MD, Nacatoch.

A.M.A. Chiles, C Edwards etal, 009, Sec. 36, T22N, R16W, Caddo Pine Island, 1100’ MD, Nacatoch.

A.M.A. Chiles, C Edwards etal, 10, Sec. 36, T22N, R16W, Caddo Pine Island, 1100’ MD, Naca­toch.

Enduro Operating LLC, lcv ra suk; Brock etal 30h, 001, Sec. 30, T16N, R16W, Greenwood Waskom, LCV RA.

Enduro Operating LLC, lcv ra suh; Querbes etal 17h, 001, Sec. 17, T16N, R16W, Greenwood Waskom, LCV.

Indigo Minerals LLC, cv ra su90, Berry etal 24-15-15h, 002-alt, Sec. 24, T15N, R15W, Caspiana, 15500’ MD 10500’ TVD, Cotton Valley RA.

Indigo Minerals LLC, cv ra su91; Berry etal 25-15-15h, 002-alt, Sec. 24, T15N, R15W, Caspiana, 15500’ MD 10500’ TVD, Cotton Valley RA.


Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha rd suv; Gamble 24 & 25-14-12hc, 001-alt, Sec. 24, T14N, R12W, Red River Bull Bayou, 18200’ MD 12500’ TVD, Haynes­vill eRD.

Chespeake Operating Inc, ha rd suv; Gamble 24 & 25-14-12hc, 002-alt, Sec. 24, T14N, R12W, Red River Bull Bayou, 18200’ MD 12500’ TVD, Haynesville RD.


JSB LLC, Labokay, 001, Sec. 25, T6N, R10W, Wildcat, 5500’ MD, Cretaceous.


Petro-Chem Operating Co Inc, rod rd su a; Reed, 001, Sec. 4, T17N, R9W, Sibley, 5900’ MD, Rodessa.

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skip--- less and less permits--- what total now permitted and not drilled? Do you have numbers drilled but not completed? Number drilled completed but shut-in?

adubu---more and more linear feet of perforated well bore.  We'll see if the latest Office of Conservation stats will link below.  The short answer is that there have been periods of lesser permit numbers in the past.  The development activity in the Haynesville Shale has varied quite a bit over the last two years since most operators successfully held their leases.  What is different now is that CUL (Cross Unit Laterals) are becoming the norm.  Fewer wells are drilled but each covers more rock.  Click on Haynesville Shale Wells by Month.


Skip-- interest and info web site thanks for link --- with these cross lateral unit what the longest lateral you seen reported ?

The main Haynesville operators have been permitting CUL alternate unit wells for some time but the actual wells have only recently been spudded.  The plats for those alternate wells show surface locations in the middle of a section with the laterals extending north and south.  That would allow a theoretical lateral length of 7590' in a southern orientation covering a section and a half and a similar lateral in a northern orientation.  This compares to a maximum theoretical lateral length of 4620' for a well drilled in a single section.  It also eliminates the 660' of unfracked rock at the juncture of two single section units.

Use this link and click on Docket No. 13-400 Hearing Application which is an EnCana CUL app for the Woodardville Field.  Look at the last page which is the plat.


I don't see length measurement but from TD from vertical depth looks to be about 7500 feet for the lateral am I reading correctly

Because the surface location is in the middle of a unit, there is no associated set back for a no-frack zone.  Drill south from the middle of a section 2640' into the next section and then to within 330' of the unit boundary (5280 - 330 = 4950').  2640 + 4950 = 7590' which would be the maximum theoretical length of the CUL. I'm not measuring a lateral.  I'm calculating the maximum length lateral based on the set back requirements of the state of Louisiana Office of Conservation.

There are some wells in Texas that appear to be permitted in the 8000'+ lateral length.  I'll see if I can find the permits another day.

I looked at the latest Investor Presentation for Pioneer Natural Resources (PXD), a great company that drills a lot in west Texas. They are talking about 10,000-foot laterals for their horizontal wells.

(As an aside....  they talk of having 40,000 (!!!) drilling locations available in this presentation.  It is worth reading.  What an awesome company.  No wonder their stock rocketed last week.)

Henry - I was refering to in the Haynesville Bossier - If memory serves, one or some of  the recent permits in Shelby or San Augustine County is for Haynesville or Bossier wells.


I think the long PXD wells are in the Eagle Ford

Yes dbob, you are right.   PXD drills in west Texas in the Wolfcamp field.  I only mentioned them here to say that the technology is now allowing laterals of that length.  Maybe we will see some that long in the Haynesville some day.

Pinnacle drilled a similar attack from Section 10 with 4 wells associated with 

229694 JAMES RB SUK;BLACKWELL 001 6318 1440 16 20 010 10N 14W 10/22/2004 17031236830000


Section 15 to the south and the one north of 10 were captured in this unit.  The James Lime was going on before Haynesville scrambled things up.  The decline curves based on Sonris data for these bores seem to be more favorible long term than Haynsville is proving to be.  That as percentage of IPV, IMHO.


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