OIL&GAS NEWS, October 28, 2012


Caddo Parish

Indigo Minerals LLC, cv ra su97; Sib­ley Lake realty Corp etal 34h, 001­alt, Sec. 34, T15N, R15W, Caspiana, 15500’ MD 10750’ TVD, Cotton Val­ley RA.

Claiborne Parish

AIX Energy Inc, ha rc su yy; Mer­rit etal, 003, Sec. 15, T23N, R7W, E Haynesville, 11200’ MD, Haynes­ville.

DeSoto Parish

KCS Resources LLC, ha ra su69; hunt Plywood, 18-alt, Sec. 1, T14N, R13W, Caspiana, 16859’ MD 11491’ TVD, Haynesville RA.

KCS Resources LLC, ha ra su69; Hunt Plywood, 19-alt, Sec. 36, T15N, R13W, Caspiana, 16198’ MD 11507’ TVD, Haynesville RA.

KCS Resources LLC, ha ra su69; Hunt Plywood, 20-alt, Sec. 36, T15N, R13W, Caspiana, 16445’ MD 11506’ TVD, Hayensville RA.


Caddo Parish

A M A Chiles, C Ed­wards etal, 1: 245251. WHERE: Cad­do Pine Island, S 36. T. 22N R. 16W.
0 mcf gas on 0/64 choke; 3 barrels 21 gravity con­densate; 75 barrels water. PRES­SURE: 0 lbs. SPECIFICS: Nacatoch; perforations, 1060-1065 feet, depth, 1065 feet.

COMPANY: A M A Chiles, C Ed­wards etal, 2: 245252. WHERE: Cad­do Pine Island, S 36. T. 22N R. 16W.
0 mcf gas on 0/64 choke; 3 barrels 21 gravity con­densate; 75 barrels water. PRES­SURE: 0 lbs. SPECIFICS: Nacatoch; perforations, 1060-1065 feet, depth, 1065 feet.

D L & Barbara W Chiles, Thad Edwards, 9: 245095. WHERE: Caddo Pine Island, S 36. T. 22N R.16W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 0 mcf gas on 0/64 choke; 2 barrels 21 grav­ity condensate; 50 barrels water. PRESSURE: 0 lbs. SPECIFICS: Naca­toch; perforations, 1073-1078 feet, depth, 1078 feet.

D L & Barbara W Chiles, Thad Edwards, 10: 245096. WHERE: Caddo Pine Island, S 36. T. 22N R.16W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 0 mcf gas on 0/64 choke; 3 barrels 21 grav­ity condensate; 60 barrels water. PRESSURE: 0 lbs. SPECIFICS: Naca­toch; perforations, 1073-1078 feet, depth, 1078 feet.

COMPANY: G & S Oil Co, The Land Company, c-14: 242967. WHERE: Caddo Pine Island, S 9. T. 20N R.
15W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 0 mcf gas on 0/64 choke; 1 barrels 29 gravity condensate; 30 barrels wa­ter.
PRESSURE: 0 lbs. SPECIFICS:Paluxy; perforations, 2198-2256 feet, depth, 2450 feet.

Hale Oil Co, hoss-ken­drick, 52: 245370. WHERE: Cad­do Pine Island, S 24. T. 22N R. 15W.
none mcf gas on open/64 choke; 2 barrels 21 grav­ity condensate; 100 barrels water. PRESSURE: 0 lbs. SPECIFICS: Naca­toch; perforations, 1000-1007 feet, depth, 1007 feet.

COMPANY: Hale Oil Co, hoss-ken­drick, 53: 245371. WHERE: Cad­do Pine Island, S 24. T. 22N R. 15W.
none mcf gas on open/64 choke; 2 barrels 21 grav­ity condensate; 100 barrels water. PRESSURE: 0 lbs. SPECIFICS: Naca­toch; perforations, 1017-1024 feet, depth, 1024 feet.

COMPANY: Hale Oil Co, hoss-ken­drick, 54: 245372. WHERE: Cad­do Pine Island, S 24. T. 22N R. 15W.
none mcf gas on open/64 choke; 2 barrels 21 grav­ity condensate; 100 barrels water. PRESSURE: 0 lbs. SPECIFICS: Nac­atoch; perforations, 994-1000 feet, depth, 1000 feet.

COMPANY: Hale Oil Co, hoss-ken­drick, 55: 245373. WHERE: Cad­do Pine Island, S 24. T. 22N R. 15W.
none mcf gas on open/64 choke; 2 barrels 21 grav­ity condensate; 100 barrels water. PRESSURE: 0 lbs. SPECIFICS: Nac­atoch; perforations, 1007-1013 feet, depth, 1013 feet.

COMPANY: Hale Oil Co, hoss-ken­drick, 56: 245374. WHERE: Cad­do Pine Island, S 24. T. 22N R. 15W.
none mcf gas on open/64 choke; 2 barrels 21 grav­ity condensate; 100 barrels water. PRESSURE: 0 lbs. SPECIFICS: Nac­atoch; perforations, 1010-1017 feet, depth, 1017 feet.

COMPANY: Indigo Minerals LLC, cvra su89; H E Walton Jr 23h, 001­alt: 244866. WHERE: Caspiana, S 23. T. 15N R. 15W. DAILY PRODUC­TION: 5200 mcf gas on 64/64 choke; 40 barrels 58 gravity condensate; 1020 barrels water. PRESSURE: n/ a lbs. SPECIFICS: Cotton Valley RA; perforations, 10382-14262 feet, depth, 14380 feet.

COMPANY: M&M Oil Co LLC, Mus­low B, 5: 245141. WHERE: Caddo Pine Island, S 4. T. 20N R. 15W. DAI­LY PRODUCTION: 0 mcf gas on 0/64 choke; 1 barrels 27 gravity conden­sate; 300 barrels water. PRESSURE: 0 lbs. SPECIFICS: Glen Rose; perfo­rations, 2159-2163 feet, depth, 2400 feet.

COMPANY: M&M Oil Co LLC, Mus­low B, 6: 245142. WHERE: Caddo Pine Island, S 4. T. 20N R. 15W. DAI­LY PRODUCTION: 0 mcf gas on 0/64 choke; 9 barrels 27 gravity conden­sate; 500 barrels water. PRESSURE: 0 lbs. SPECIFICS: Glen Rose; perfo­rations, 2177-2181 feet, depth, 2400 feet.

COMPANY: T&L Oil Production, Ginther, 31: 245269. WHERE: Cad­do Pine Island, S 36. T. 22N R. 16W.
0 mcf gas on 0/64 choke; 3 barrels 21 gravity con­densate; 30 barrels water. PRES­SURE: 0 lbs. SPECIFICS: Nacatoch; perforations, 1048-1056 feet, depth, 1056 feet.

Claiborne Parish

AIX, hay ra sub; LA Min­erals, 1: 245231. WHERE: Oaks, S 11. T. 22N R. 7W. DAILY PRODUC­TION: 6500 mcf gas on 25/64 choke; 550 barrels 56 gravity condensate; 170 barrels water. PRESSURE: 2450 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; per­forations, 10427-10184 feet, depth, 11100 feet.

AIX, ha rc suzz; Mer­ritt etal, 2: 245115. WHERE: East Haynesville, S 14. T. 23N R. 7W. DAI­LY PRODUCTION: 620 mcf gas on 24/64 choke; 150 barrels 56 grav­ity condensate; 300 barrels water.
PRESSURE: 500 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RC; perforations, 9568-9968 feet, depth, 10400 feet.

Hunt Oil Co, tayrcsuc; WM Butter est, 3: 220050. WHERE: Haynesville, S 11. T. 23N R. 7W. DAI­LY PRODUCTION: 12 mcf gas on 10/64 choke; 12 barrels 44.2 grav­ity condensate; n/a barrels water. PRESSURE: 40 lbs. SPECIFICS: Tay­lor RC; perforations, 9002-9012 feet, depth, 10375 feet.

DeSoto Parish

Chesapeake Operat­ing Inc, ha ra su61; cpstimber 4-10-14h, 1: 244118. WHERE: Benson, S 4. T. 10N R. 14W. DAILY PRODUC­TION: 6036 mcf gas on 20/64 choke; n/a barrels n/a gravity condensate; 812 barrels water. PRESSURE: 4565 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; per­forations, 11271-15795 feet, depth, 15900 feet.

Indigo Minerals LLC, cv ra sua; red Oak Prop LLC 27h, 001­alt: 245067. WHERE: Belle Bower, S 27. T. 13N R. 16W. DAILY PRODUC­TION: 4060 mcf gas on 64/64 choke; 12 barrels 58 gravity condensate; 2680 barrels water. PRESSURE: 250 lbs. SPECIFICS: Cotton Valley RA; perforations, 10857-14102 feet, depth, 14176 feet.

Red River Parish

Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha rb su56; Wellman 28-13-11h, 1: 243947. WHERE: Red River Bull bayou, S 28. T. 13N R. 11W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 15480 mcf gas on 22/64 choke; n/a barrels n/a grav­ity condensate; 360 barrels water. PRESSURE: 7780 lbs. SPECIFICS: Haynesville RB; perforations, 12563-16513 feet, depth, 16613 feet.

Sabine Parish

Comstock Oil & Gas LA LLC, ha ra suzz; Evans 13 hz, 1: 243468. WHERE: Converse, S 13. T.
9N R. 13W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 5358 mcf gas on 12/64 choke; 0 bar­rels n/a gravity condensate; 235 bar­rels water. PRESSURE: 7932 lbs.SPECIFICS: Haynesville RA; perfo­rations, 12726-17175 feet, depth, 17255 feet.


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Jay, shush!


jk.  that was funny.  i canceled my sub a long time ago and have never participated on their site and never will now unless they get rid of the paywall.  it is gannett paper after all.

AIX results more impressive this week..

Yes they are, especially the LA Minerals well.  The fact that the Merritt etal #2 also fits that description is simply a reflection of the fact that the previous two dozen AIX wells in this area were marginal producers.

Skip and others, what do ya'll contribute to the recent increased success of the AIX wells?


They are drilling conventional reservoirs, Gray Sand and Haynesville Sand.  The usual performance of these formations are just what we see in the AIX wells.  There is a wide variance in production within the same formation(s) over relatively short distances.  Most operators drilling the same formations in the same general area of N LA have experienced the same results over a number of decades.  Look at the JAG Operating HAY wells over the last thirty years, 1982 - 2012 for a good example.  You will find above average producers sprinkled in amongst a large number of average wells and a modest number of non-economic wells.


Skip, I think you failed to mention Smackover formation. This is most important producer in the area.

I left the SMK off in regard to AIX because they had so few completions in that horizon.  The general area certainly has prospective SMK that fits the same conventional reservoir characteristics.


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