If like many of you claim, there is oil below the Haynesville, which is baloney in my opinion. Why are they moving rigs out of the Haynesville to south Texas, Colorado and other liquid/oil plays when they have the rigs, crews, infrastructure, leases, etc. right here right now? If there was even a hint that this ridiculous rumor was true I can promise you they would be going after and producing it with oil at an all time high. This one fact alone should blow the theory out of the water once and for all. Not only is it geologically improbable, it just doesn't make sense.

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CMK, I personally think there is oil below the Haynesville but as of now they don't have the technology to secure it. Remember, Encana drilled into the Haynesville & plugged it in Red River in 2006. They knew the gas was there, but they didn't have the technology to procure it. I know a lot of people in the business and some think as you do; however there are others who believe the oil is there and that someday companies will be back in here leasing again at deeper depths. Guess only time will tell if oil is there.
Doubt if will live that long :(  LOL

You never know

What technology do you think is lacking? The technology is there now to drill deeper horizontal wells, it just isn't true.
I've seen many things in the past couple of years that seemed improbable and make no sense.
One thing for sure, it is a persistent rumor.
whether it's there or not, the oil discussions always generate the most buzz on here.
Haha, I'm pretty sure we all know Checks opinion on the oil issue.
The latest rumor I heard on April 22 is that there is not a rig big enough, or strong enough to handle the deep pressure and that one is being made at this time to go after the "vast pool" of oil below the Haynesville and is being patterned after an offshore rig . . . Gosh, I wish I could believe that oil was down there, but . . . 
Shaleeee --Exxon has drilled a well >37,000 feet in Russia so I'm sure there is a rig aroung the US with enough HP to drill into this Brown stuff
They drill 20'000 plus feet wells all the time in South Louisiana, so you are saying the oil is more than 2 miles below the deepest Haynesville, I would like to see your book of fairy tales you get this from.

In reference to going after it, there is a rumor that one operator is soon to do just that.  Hope this rumor

is true.  In reference to getting it out, remember the American people are very ingenious and American

technology is some of the best in the world.  The operators will get it out. Will it be in paying quantity?  Let

us hope that it is.  Remember a few years ago the Haynesville Shale was not productive enough to get in

large enough quantity and make a good profit, but by coming up with new technology and procedures we

are now seeing a boom in gas production.  One day, I believe, America will see a rise in oil production,

along with other sources of energy to get us off the huge oil dependence we now have.  Keep a

positive attitude, the citizens of this great country want to excel, get out of debt, live a better and more

financially free life.  Oil, gas, coal, and other sources of energy are here to stay.  Oil, gas and coal are our

biggest sources or energy, but just need to be further exploited, fine tuned and made available.  Sorry, but

I get rather testy when someone is being negative or saying we can't do it.  Hope all had a great Easter.


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