any information on oil & gas lease prices in vernon parish yet its rummored people from shreveport been wanting to lease any dollar ammount yet  thanks for any information

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Offer of $200-300/acre, 20% royalty, take it or leave it. I left it. They called back 6 months later with same offer. 

RAP, can you share the company making the lease offer?

A guy fronting for Mustang.

The last time I looked Mustang had filed a few leases with the Vernon Parish Clerk but that's been  three or four weeks ago.  Also EOG, Classic Energy Partners and Big Lake Productions had recorded leases.  North and south of Leesville.  Unless plans change, I will be down there next week and will try to spend a little time in the clerk's record room.  Thanks for the information.

No prob. Appreciate the dialogue. All posts are helpful. 

RAP what Township and Range are you in?

Sec24 T1S-R8W



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