G & S Oil Co, Sarkozi & May C, 001, Sec. 24, T22N, R15W, Caddo Pine Island, 1200’ MD, Nacatoch.

G & S Oil Co, Sarkozi & May C, 002, Sec. 24, T22N, R15W, Caddo Pine Island, 1200’ MD, Nacatoch.

T & L Oil Production, Ginther, 046, Sec. 36, T22N, R16W, Caddo Pine Island, 1200’ MD, Nacatoch.


Anadarko E & P Onshore LLC, ha ra su60; Jones 2-11hc, 1-alt, Sec. 2, T16N, R11W, Elm Grove, 18500’ MD 11600’ TVD, HA RA.

Anadarko E & P Onshore LLC, ha ra su60; Jones 2-11hc, 2-alt, Sec. 2, T16N, R11W, Elm Grove, 18400’ MD 11500’ TVD, HA RA.


Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha rd suee; abg 30&37-14-11hc, 001-alt, Sec. 30, T14N, R11W, Red River Bull Bayou, 18300’ MD 12900’ TVD, Haynesville RD.

Chesapeake Operating Inc, ha rd suee; abg 30&37-14-11hc, 002-alt, Sec. 30, T14N, R11W, Red River Bull Bayou, 18300’ MD 12900’ TVD, Haynesville RD.

J-W Operating Co, ha ra suqq; J M Peace 25, 1-alt, Sec. 24, T15N, R13W, Caspiana, 16871’ MD 11470’ TVD, Haynesville RA.

J-W Operating Co, ha ra suqq; J M Peace 25, 2-alt, Sec. 24, T15N, R13W, Caspiana, 17005’ MD 11470’ TVD, Haynesville RA.

J-W Operating Co, ha ra suqq; J M Peace 25, 3-alt, Sec. 24, T15N, R13W, Caspiana, 16839’ MD 11475’ TVD, Haynesville RA.


Wildhorse Resources LLC, talbert family LLC 33-4h, 001, Sec. 33, T19N, R3W, Ruston, 20750’ MD 13000’ TVD, Mid CV.

WildHorse Resources LLC, talbert family LLC 33-4h, 002, Sec. 33, T19N, R3W, Ruston, 20500’ MD 13000’ TVD, Lower CV.

WildHorse Resources LLC, talbert family LLC 33-4h, 003, Sec. 33, T19N, R3W, Ruston, 20000’ MD 13000’ TVD, Bossier.

WildHorse Resources LLC, talbert family LLC 33-4h, 004, Sec. 33, T19N, R3W, Ruston, 20000’ MD 13000’ TVD, Upper CV.

WildHorse Resources LLC, temple 8-5h, 001, Sec. 8, T18N, R3W, West Simsboro, 20500’ MD 12500’ TVD, Mid CV.

WildHorse Resources LLC, temple 8-17h, 001, Sec. 8, T18N, R3W, West Simsboro, 20000’ MD 12500’ TVD, Lower CV.

WildHorse Resources LLC, werner 29-32-5h, 003, Sec. 29, T19N, R3W, Terryville, 19000’ MD 13000’ TVD, Mid CV.



BHP Billiton Petro (KCS Resources) LLC, ha ra su69; Hunt Plywood, 18-alt: 246292. WHERE: Caspiana, S 1. T. 14N R. 13W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 8051 mcf gas on 14/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 40 barrels water. PRESSURE: 4052 lbs. SPE­CIFICS: Haynesville RA; perfora­tions, 12303-16898 feet, depth, 16999 feet.

BHP Billiton Petro (KCS Resources) LLC, ha ra su82; Hunt Plywood 1 h, 2-alt: 245353 WHERE: Caspiana, S 36. T. 15N R. 13W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 7138 mcf gas on 14/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 35 barrels water. PRESSURE: 1834 lbs. SPE­CIFICS: Haynesville RA; perfora­tions, 12138-16696 feet, depth, 16780 feet.

BHP Billiton Petro (KCS Resources) LLC, ha ra su82; Hunt Plywood 1 h, 3-alt: 245354. WHERE: Caspiana, S 36. T. 15N R. 13W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 7046 mcf gas on 14/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 50 barrels water. PRESSURE: 1783 lbs. SPE­CIFICS: Haynesville RA; perfora­tions, 12274-16832 feet, depth, 16931 feet.


BHP Billiton Petro (TxLa Operating) Co, ha rb su92; nac royalty 34h, 1: 244588. WHERE: Red River Bull Bayou, S 27. T. 12N R. 10W. DAILY PRODUCTION: 6117 mcf gas on 14/64 choke; 0 barrels n/a gravity condensate; 200 barrels water. PRESSURE: 6664 lbs. SPE­CIFICS: Haynesville RB; perforations, 13615-19397 feet, depth, 19471 feet.

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Replies to This Discussion

Has anyone else noticed that many of these infill wells are at about two thirds to half the pressure of the initial wells in the unit? Recovery for 8 wells in a unit would then be far less than 8 times the initial well production.

I have been noticing that recently myself.  Would that indicate that the Alternate Unit Wells have been partially depleted by the Unit well?  If so, that flies in the face of what "everyone" has been saying about the shale being so tight that there is no communication between wells after the fracs.


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