Anyone know what the going rates are for a pad site and payments for pipeline and road ?

Looks like I'm about to get all three and not sure if what they are offering is fair or not.

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Is this the well for your place?
Shelby County
Samson Lone Star will drill the Larcie GU 1 Well No. 2 to 11,500 feet in the Tenaha, South (Cotton Valley) Field. The well is 2.5 miles northwest of Tenaha in the Sullins, J Survey, A-636. It may be drilled in the Tenaha, SW (Travis Peak) Field, wildcat field, Davsun (Paluxy) Field, Tenaha (Jurassic) Field, or Tenaha (Glen Rose) Field.
Yep -- that's the one.
There appear to be several unleased mineral owners in that unit. Talked to any of them?
Really?? How do I go about finding out what is leased and what isn't. Maybe If I could get the rights to my little section -- I wouldn't have to worry about Samson drilling on me any more.
If the well number is 419-31393 try this link:;jsessioni...!331723214?fromPublicQuery=Y&name=LARCIE%2BGU%2B1&univDocNo=485357626

Scroll all the way to the bottom and click on the plat and the P-12. The P-12 is the certificate of pooling authority and has the names of the mineral owners in the unit.

It would be interesting to see what they say about the offer they got from Sampson.
And why they aren't leased.
A location very close to that permitted location was also cancelled years ago by Spindle Top.
I've looked at the p-12 before -- but can't figure out if the x's mean unleased or just undivided interests. I can only get 1 page of the p-12 .tif file. I know there must be another since it says 1 0f 2, but can't figure a way to see all the acres in the tract.

I've tried finding the minerals owner on my tract without any success so far. Listed as Stephen Ramsey, et al on the P-12 -- tax office says Anderson Trust. Will need to do more research.

The RRC told me about the old W-1 that was never acted on --but they didn't know why.

If there is any way that you are getting both pages of the P-12 let me know, otherwise I'll call the RRC and see if they will fax me a copy.
The X's mean at least a portion of the undivided interest is unleased, who knows how much or little. But notice that the drillsite tract, #25, is fully leased. That's all that matters really, if there are folks unleased on tracts other than the drillsite, they are not needed to proceed with a well, and won't share in the royalties.
I found both pages on the RRC website.
Is Tenaha Jurassic a bossier shale or cotton valley sand or what formation is it?
Hi Miracle, Just checking on you and how it's going for you. Let us know, if there has been any changes.
I think things may be going better -- but not sure yet. Call the land manager at SLS and he said he would see what he could do. Got a different lawyer working on it this Tuesday also. Told her to do everything she could do to get them to drill somewhere else -- and if they did drill on my place-- wanted to get every penny that I could get.

Then Wednesday noticed a well pad location being staked out that is not on my land and not even in the unit. That location is roughly 1000' or so SSW of the permitted location that was on my place. No W-1 has been sent in yet. Guess I'll need to call the owner to see what he knows about it. It has to be Samson well -- because owner only leased to them. I hope it's the one that was going to get put on top of me.

I figured out the little x's. Also found out that I know the Ramsey that has the minerals. Lawyer knows the Andersons. May look at getting the minerals later -- could be helpful sometime in the future as to keeping the drilling off of me. Wouldn't be much help right now though.



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