This well, which is located in the Holley field, is in the testing phase. Does anyone know of the nearest producing well(s) in the same field and rate(s) of production? I cannot find a map that shows the numbered Townships to locate adjacent wells.

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L. Brent. Go to SONRIS. Choose wells by section-township-range. On that search page leave the section blank and input your township and range. The search will show you all the wells in that township by section. Scroll down by section watching the total depth. The HA wells will be listed last in the sections where they are located and will stand out as their total depth is so much greater than the other wells. When you find a HA well with a status code of "10", you have found a producing well. You can check a township in short order using this approach.
Thanks, Skip.
LBM, the following are some nearby wells that may be of interest:

Petrohawk, Griffith 11 #H1 Well, Serial #238281, S11-T13N-R14W, DeSoto Parish, 23300 Mcfd, 28/64" Choke, 7550 psi Flowing Pressure

El Paso, Blake 10 #H1 Well, Serial #238976, S10-T13N-R14W, DeSoto Parish, 20300 Mcfd, 20/64" Choke, 6700 psi Flowing Pressure

El Paso, Hamilton 12 #H1 Well, Serial #239460, S12-T14N-R14W, DeSoto Parish, 14246 Mcfd, 18/64" Choke, 5200 psi Flowing Pressure

EnCana, Burford Land 8 #H1 Well, Serial #238820, S8-T14N-R14W, DeSoto Parish, 13446 Mcfd, 20/64" Choke, 7433 psi Flowing Pressure
Thanks, Les - would you say that we have reason to be somewhat optimistic for the Petrohawk well in Section 15 with the success of the wells you mentioned closeby, especially in Sections 10 and 11?

The last post on SONRIS on the well was on &/15/09 reporting perforations. What is a reasonable time to expect information on the potential of the well?
Sorry about the typo - that date on the post should have been July 15th.
LBM, I would definitely be optimistic about any well drilled in your area and especially one drilled by Petrohawk given their past track record.

The timing for release of test information is very unpredictable but sometime during September would seem likely.

Petrohawk is unitizing a section I have an interest in. I'm pretty excited about that. In your opinion, out of all the operators in this play, which one would you rather drill a well?
Petrohawk, Chesapeake, Questar, EXCO, Encana, all seem to be pretty comptetent players, I think a better discussion would be who you WOULD NOT want to drill your well.
I would add EOG and Devon to the list of preferred operators. One of my favorite stats, though it is getting a little old by now, was the operators with over 500 horizontal completions in 2008. Through October 2008: CHK 922, Devon 622 and EOG 549. No other operator had 500 horizontal completions by that date. A reasonable barometer of experience, IMHO.
Questar does not have that many horizontals under their belt, but they have definitely shown some competance. I think Questar is a major horizontal player.
CMK included Questar in his list of competent HA operators. I just added EOG and Devon to his list. I wish the list were longer. The list of those that are less than competent is three times as long.



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