The AOGC has a new AFE out that shows Pinebelt is no longer active in the Brown Dense play and that T.S. Dudley has taken over. Anyone have any information on T.S. Dudley just in case they call? Are they legit or similar to a Cobra energy type company? Who do they usually lease for? I googled their name and one O&G operator shows up over and over but I want to see if anyone else knows.




North La

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North La, T.S. Dudley has been in business a long time.  They are not speculators in my opinion.


T. S. Dudley Land Company Inc. (TSDI) is an energy service company in the business of providing professional landmen, acquisition agents, and project management to the energy industry.

Since 1980 we have specialized in determining surface and subsurface ownership and negotiating and acquiring contracts, right of way agreements, and easements to provide our clients and customers with the legal right to explore and develop energy resources.

thanks jffree

North LA,

What does that have to do with what you said to Skip?

I just found this thread and am not sure where to jump in but here goes.  The application for well permit is a legal document that is prepared by a law firm.  In this case it was Dunn, Nutter & Morgan.  A highly respected oil and gas law firm with Charles A Morgan of this firm being the author of the 'Arkansas Leasing Manual'  which is the go to manual for all lawyers doing oil and gas work in Arkansas.  All information contained in the application for well permit is supplied by the company making the application, Weiser-Brown.  What you see on this site is just a digital version of the application.  The AOGC has no control over the data that goes into the application other than the application must meet their reporting requirements for an application. 


The tidbits of information in the application are what are important plus this is another test of the brown dense.   If the test turns out good, the operator can make an amendment to the application and do additional drilling/testing. 

Per North LA

"the AOCG has a new AFE out". The AOCG does not issue AFE's. Pure and simple. What is the problem with this post?

There is an AFE in the file.

pg 17 exhibit 5


"Weiser-Brown operating company inc. cost estimate and authority for expenditure"


It was on the AOGC website so I guess they released or "put it out". Maybe we can get our lawyers on it and they can determine if "issue" and "out" are legally the same.



 What are you talking about? I spelled it out for you. I didn't say anything about paying the state for AFEs so don't try to be deceitful. This argument is over and I won with documentation. Link some docs next time and you may do better. I will consider all other posts on this matter as a distraction from my original intent of the thread and I'll ignore them. Page 17 exhibit 5 is the AFE which was put out by AOGC. Call the AOGC and argue with them if you still have any issues. Apparently they didn't know they could release an AFE and have made a terrible mistake.


BTW what do you think TSDI is going to do differently than Pinebelt? Skip said they were much larger outfit so that's interesting. I've googled them and noted that they have leased for CHK and SEECO (aka SWN).  Kirk Rogers has actually worked directly with SEECO so maybe that's a clue.


Man I love the internet and google!

I am glad you have google. Othewise you wouldn't know anything. Iam not arguing with anyone. Can you say for sure that the AFE on the AOGC site is the same one that the working interest owners get? know that for a fact? Have you seen anything firsthand?


LOL! What do you want? Proof I watched someone type up the doc myself? You want a video of it?  Notary with my signature included? Before long we'll be talking about  philosophy. Is what I see real or is it all just some figment of my imagination. Is this the matrix??????


"I am glad you have google. Othewise you wouldn't know anything."

LOL! That's the first thing you've been right about all night.

Don't read between the lines. Surely you can read what I posted. Pure and simple. No matrix. Where did all the bull crap come from?

This is dealing with Forced integration.

In Arkansas you are required to use the most current and most accurate AFE possible. Could things change later, sure, but probally not by much.


YOu have to as accurate as possible, because in forced integration, the unleased and nonconsenting interests have a chance to participate.

No, no connection to Donner.  But I do pay attention to who is posting what here on the site.  I've pointed out previous posts by you that were inaccurate and gave false impressions.  The last I recall was to a new member asking for information in regard to a certain area and you said there were a number of wells that tested the Brown Dense.  I courteously requested that you post the specific on those wells so the other members, including myself, could review the wells.  The reason IMO that you did not do so is that your comment was inaccurate and indefensible.



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