i am in sec 6 r11wt93 in Sabine. I received a copy of a application today with a map. Can someone let me know what the proposed perforatioin point # 1 means. It looks like the well will be drilled in a section above me Sec 31 and extracting in sec 6.

Also at the bottom of my section there looks like the same thing but it has BHL AND A LINE OUT OF MY SECTION IN SECTION 7.

Is it possible that 2 wells will be extracting from sec 6.

Thanks anyone

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What do the two vertical lines in the top left of the page from the SHL Louisiana minerals 6 well #1 mean? Is the BHL for the well in section 31 directly under the SHL for the well for section 6?
The surface locations are on the same pad with the SWEPI 31-1 (400' from the south line) and 6-1 (388' from the south line) twelve feet apart.
does this mean that no minerals will be taken from sec 6 if they drilled in sec 7 also ?????????
Steve, the surface location of a horizontal Haynesville shale has zero importance when determining royalty. Only the Bottom Hole Location is important as it indicates which unit or section is being produced and will receive royalty. There are two wells to be drilled from the same surface location in S31. One, SWEPI LA MIN 31-1 drilling north and producing from Section 31 and one, SWEPI LA MIN 6-1 drilling south and producing from Section 6.
The bottom hole of the well in section 7 is at least 330' from the edge of section 6. In theory, none of the gas from section 6 will be taken by this well.

In case it's not clear, the line marked 735' is not a well bore, it's simply a dimension indicating that the two bottom holes are 735 feet apart.
Thanks very much for your repley. It just looked like something ws going on at the bottom.
Henry, you could check the original unit order but I would suspect the opposite. The unit was likely formed when there was no well within the unit boundary and a well within reasonable proximity but outside the unit was used to define the depth of the HA formation. Now that a well is drilled within the unit boundary, SWEPI is applying to make it the unit well in preparation for future alternate unit well applications.
mr peel

the map that i sent you in sec 7 where the well is being drilled, the BHL is i sec 6.
Am I correct in understanding the BHL stands fpr bottom hole location?????????
No Steve, the Bottom Hole Location in Section 7 is for the SWEPI Lang 7-1 which is being drilled north. It has no connection to Section 6 whatsoever other than the two bottom holes be 330' or greater from the unit boundary and greater than 660' from each other. In this case the two wells BHL are 735' apart. The solid lines in these plats are distance lines, The dashed lines are the well bores.
i also have the ser# for well in sec#7 241263, maybe this will help
Steve, these are the three Haynesville Shale wells shown on your map. Only one of the wells has been posted on Sonris and has a Serial #.

Shell, LA Minerals 31 #1 Well, Serial #, S31-T10N-R11W
Shell, LA Minerals 6 #1 Well, Serial #, S31(6)-T10(9)N-R11W
Shell, James Lang 7 #1 Well, Serial #241263, S7-T9N-R11W
thanks so much for your info.
not many people woul0d have shown concern that you had.
thanks so much


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