Has anyone else had problems opening this web site? Problems with posting?

I can't open it from AOL anymore; have to use Internet Explorer. Also, it won't accept my hotmail address. This all started Feb. 3

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Testing... testing.  Hello?  Anyone there?


huh well i hadn't noticed it but i'm getting the same error as jffree1, also just on member pages.
old school... don't remember modems that slow, i thought my 14.4K was terribad
It's awfully hazy now, but I seem to remember going through the whole sequence.  300, 1200, 2400, 9600, 14.4, 28.8, 56  - each step always seemed like a giant speed increase, considering what had preceded it.  Even if you were using a "faster" modem, the connection speed would often step down due to line noise or whatever.  300 was great for file transfers - if you can imagine.  Bulletin boards were thriving well before AOL started up.



So what's wrong with using aol???   


I'M BACK. I have not been able to post since last Thursday. The site didn't recognize me. One minute I was on and next minute I was gone. Thanks Keith for fixing the problem.


RE: Aol, I like AOL for email. I find it very user friendly. I run a quad processor, so I am computer savy. Just happen to like AOL. Also, I have had same email address since late 1980s and I don't want to change that.

I like AOL too kittycatmama.  Wonder what ShaleGeo meant when he said "Wow someone still uses aol?"  ......  


I think ShaleGeo was referring to the old AOL dial-up service, which no longer exist. You are most likely now accessing AOL through AT&T DSL or Comcast.

Yep, I have Comcast high speed service.  But I have heard other computer experts critize AOL, so I was just wondering if there was something I should be aware of.  

I have computer professional friends and they ALL hate AOL. To each his own. I don't like change, so will probably keep the AOL screen names from now til forever. I have Comcast too
Yet another reason to dislike AOL is they just bought the HuffPo
I wonder how many elder computsters cut their computing teeth on AOL?


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