if a well is drill in your sec.  if its deep or shallow  does everyone in the sec get royalty? i was told that if is shallow only people close to well get royalty is this true? help

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It all depends on the Unit size.  Everyone in the Unit is paid royalty. In the case of the Haynesville, the Unit size is typically 640 acres, so everyone in the section is paid royalty.  With a shallower well, the unit size could be 320 acres (or even smaller) so one would have to own minerals in that 320 acres to be paid royalty. 
Its not uncommon to see unit sizes of 40 acres in the wilcox.
JW, many shallow oil & gas wells (ie 3000 ft or less) are drilled on a "lease" basis so only that mineral owner shares in the production.  There are spacing rules that limit how close such a well can be to a lease boundary.

In theory, the spacing rules Les mentions keeps someone from forming a unit next to you, drilling a well, and taking the oil or gas from under your land without paying you. 


Different rock formations need different rules because some formations are more porous than others and you need larger spacing. 


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