Trinidad Rig #124 is rigging down and on the move. Looks like both VIRGINIA PACKERT 6 H and 7 H have reached TD. 

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I hope it is too. Have a little patch of reserved minerals there too. I would bet it will be good. Look at all the wells coming in out here. Encana seems to be on top of their game. Glad they are our operators
Amen, my sister-in-law has Chesapeake and she has nothing but trouble with them. She's only gotten about 3 checks in almost a year and they have been paying her a 1.99 for her gas. I'm so glad they are not our operator.
I have not had an experience with Chesapeake, but Encana & Petrohawk are WONDERFUL to deal with. We get paid based on market prices without a lot of extra expenses. Our lease allowed expenses, but the expenses being taken out by Encana are minimal. We have dealt with them a year now, and so far we do not have one complaint.
Well you certainly better watch every thing they do. Go over every statement with a fine tooth comb, we'll keep good thoughts for you.
Bob and Lisa,

I just talked to the landman who did our lease, and he said the same thing about Chesapeake that you did. ....... so you bet I'll be checking everything........ Thanks for the warning.

Has anyone had any updates on Sections 6&7? A friend of ours talked to a worker checking the wells & was told they were still flowing at 20m 3 wks. after they were hooked up to the pipeline. Of course the worker could have just been saying that. I am trying to find out if there is anyway to check this for its veracity. Sonris is so far behind.
I wish I had that 200 ac. in south Desoto. Congratulations on that. Well, I don't know how legitimate the worker's info is that he gave to a friend of ours, but supposedly both wells are GREAT & still flowing at 20 mcfd after a month. That just seems unreasonable to me as most wells are pulled back to less than 10 mcfd quickly after they go to pipeline. I was hoping one of the knowlegable people on here might be able to enlighten us.
KCM, it is very possible the wells could still be flowing 20+ MMcfd after 30 days as other operators have reported wells that have averaged 20 to 27 MMcfd for the 1st 30 days of production.

Mr. Ben Johnson (the only other mineral owner in the Section) told me that the Nabors 6h well on the 200 acres came in at 18+MMcfd but Chesapeake has it pulled back to 4MMcfd. I sure hate that cause I was really looking forward to lots of production on that one. The well is located in Section 6 T12N R11W.
Mr. Ben would know for sure.
Two Dogs,

Yes, that's for sure. Mr. Ben has been in the O&G business for a very long time. His wife was Mr. Will Nabors adopted daughter. Did you know Mr. Will? He started Nabors Drilling Company, and from what I've heard from the "ole timers," the Nabors were the forerunners in the oil and gas business in DeSoto Parish.

Linda Laffitte Whatley
ANd I'm banking on Mr. Ben Johnson to keep Chesapeake straight when it comes to royalty payments...... He told me I could call him anytime if I needed help with anything. .....



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