Vine and GEP are having excellent success with recent mid Bossier drilling in 8N-12W  The most southern wells drilled in the Haynesville Bossier in Sabine Parish are fantastic. The Southern extent of the play is wide open and not well defined or understood yet

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Ken,  I'm struggling with a prolonged Internet outage which may last all week.  I have to leave home for a connection.  Please remind me to look Friday or shortly thereafter.

Why are you splitting hairs Skip? Nothing Mark says isn't true and supported by data. He only points out that the southern Bossier wells in Sabine are good and there is not yet a defined limit to the south. The well data is clear: dip in Natchitoches is east-southeast and increasing; dip in northern Sabine is relatively flat and varies from east to south. Clearly, the "Sabine Island" is effecting the structure. The structure across the south and east flank of the "Sabine Island" is not yet known. the Shell Sibley well in Sabine 24-7N-12W is the deepest well I know of for control of the Jurassic on the east edge of "Sabine Island". The Haynesville shale is missing and the CV Lime equivalent is at 13,750 MD. The mid-Bossier is at 13,200 MD. Sonris shows 2000 ft difference between MD and TVD at bottom hole, but this is inconsistent with the XY information. If significantly deviated the mid-Bossier could be much less. The mid-Bossier in this well shows some thin sand development similar to the Shell Olympia Minerals (1708522089), which could enhance productivity.

Doob, I guess what is for me being cautious appears to be splitting hairs to you.  I await enough well results to have confidence in anything south of San Patricio Creek.  I will be happy to agree in the future when there are sufficient well results to make me feel confident to express an opinion to my clients.  Regardless of the very limited well control and opinions by yourself and Mark, I will reserve judgement. 

I call splitting hairs things like counting the linear lateral feet of wells north and south of a line when the statement was simply that results are encouraging. There are more than 20 wells with solid mid-Bossier production south of T9N; as good as most Haynesville.
I call splitting hairs things like counting the linear lateral feet of wells north and south of a line when the statement was simply that results are encouraging. There are more than 20 wells with solid mid-Bossier production south of T9N; as good as most Haynesville.

I commented on the wells provided.  For the members following this thread, a little perspective.  The DeSoto/Sabine parish line runs east to west through the middle of 10N - 13,12 & 11W.  Although Sabine Parish has a few early wells to review, the current interest is in new version, long lateral, high intensity completion wells.  The south half of the 10N townships and the north half of the 9N townships have some completed new version wells and more planned, permitted and drilling.  I'm optimistic that these are economic wells which will result in continued development.

Opinions based on seismic and well logs are above my pay grade so I stick to well results and think of location by section-township-range as that is how the SONRIS database is organized.  What is not clear but hopefully will become more clear is the southern half of 9N.  I'm optimistic personally however professionally I must be a little skeptical until I can review well results:  IP data and some production history.  My clients do not pay me to rely on the posts of unknown persons on the Internet.  No disrespect intended to the other members posting in this thread.

I always try to throw in some location information that I think locals may find helpful.  The townships I mention in 10N go down to the approximate northern limits of Converse.    From there south are the 9N townships.  The southern end of the 9N townships are near the San Patricio Church and the San Patricio Bayou bridge.  Townships 8N begins immediately north of Noble.  Somewhere in the 8N Township may be the southern extent of economic Haynesville/Bossier formations.  I hope that well results will help define that limit in the very near future.

I hope the results show the economic formations to be at least through southern 9N.

The early Haynesville Shale Play lost momentum due to the extreme drop in price and the desire of major Haynesville operating companies to drill oily basins.  It has taken ten years to get back to discussing the prospects of the far southern portions of the LA Haynesville/Bossier fairway.  It is encouraging that we will now get a read on the economics in the northern portion of Sabine Parish.  New version Haynesville wells will be quite helpful in determining the extent of the economic limits.

Skip --

  I own several leases in Sabine Parish, T 9n.  Yesterday  I received an offer for my mineral interest for one lease, T 9n, S30, R 12W.

Several other  of my leases are in  T 9N.  But this was the only one referenced in the offer. 


Martin, buyers are looking for particular sections/units that they think have a better than average chance of getting new wells in the not too distant future.  Not all minerals/units are valued the same even if they are immediately adjacent to new wells.  The question for investors is the Return On Investment time line.  They all want to acquire minerals that will return their investment in 12 to 18 months, minimum.  Then they have a reasonable profit going forward with the existing wells and some unknowable longer term potential for additional wells at some point in the future.

There are a lot of wells getting permitted for 9N 12W in north sabine parish. What is the process after they get permitted? Is there a certain order of wells to be drilled first?  I have a few acres there and would like to keep up with whats going on but I am not sure where to look on Sonris. This is a very interesting discussion by the way.

TK, the periodic drilling updates on SONRIS well files generally have a good bit of lag time.  A rig is often finished and gone from a well site for weeks before you will see a report that the well has reached Total Depth (TD).  The only way to keep up with drilling on a more timely basis is a weekly rig report.  Those reports are subscription services.  I use RigData.



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