We recently received bonus checks for lease agreement in Avoyelles.  Now we are being asked to have the well site located on ~5 ac. of our land.  They are offering an amount per acre to do this. 

Does anyone know the rate typically received/paid for such an agreement and how it is calculated?

Tags: Lease, drilling, for, sites, well

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I would like to know this, also. You know its has to be known...

Nothing has to be known. The price per acre could have been built into the lease and if the Lessee didn't want that price to be of public record then they could have a Memo/Notice of Oil, Gas and Mineral Lease recorded in the courthouse.

I have had Lessors tell me that all they want is a well drilled on their property because grandpaw always said that oil was down there because nothing would grow in the backyard garden because of the oil or gas. Some have told me that they would move their mobile home if that was the place we wanted to drill.

You are governed by the language of the lease and that is pretty much the bottom line but I am not an attorney and can't practice law.

Twenty-eight-and-a-half-percent royalty and they can have a road and pad servitude for free. Just drill, baby, drill. My trailer house needs a new toilet, and I ain't got no money for the lid, much less the part you sit on...


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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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