It's been a while since new townships were added to the grid map. The northeast edge of The Play adds 20N - 11W by Diamond Oil & 19N - 11W by Diamond and Petrohawk. Good Luck to the members with mineral interests in those townships.

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Skip, thanks for the update. You know I can't resist posting my grid also.
The more, the merrier, Les. I'm looking forward to getting some well results along the eastern edge of the Play.
Les, what section in 15/11 does not yet have a Haynesville unit?? It will probably have the best well in the play!
SB, the 35 units cover ~ 35 & 1/2 sections with only the west half of Section 6 not covered. The following discussion shows the detail.
Thanks, Skip
We have 120 acres in 13N 7W (Secs. 25 and 36) in Natchitoches Parish for which 3-D seismic results are now available for our review pursuant to a clause we added in our seismic permit. We have been notified that the results will be available for our review in Houston for a period of one year, subject to execution of confidentiality agreements. Would it be worthwhile to hire a consultant geologist to review this data? [Property is already under lease set to expire in Oct. 2010 (to Chesapeake) but with a two year renewal option, all negotiated before news of the Haynesville Shale became public.]
You will probably be shown unprocessed data, but at any rate, unless you are a geophysicist, you will have no clue what you are looking at, is my guess.
Thank you both once again. i will remain reserved with my usual comment here. :0)
Les - Do you have a listing of the specific units on this grid? I was thinking that you had posted one before? Thanks. Bill
Bill, I do have a listing but I was asked to not post that listing. If you have any questions about a specific township-range, I would be glad to provide that information. Sorry for the inconvenience.



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