Has there been any gas interest in south Sabine Parish near Toledo bend Dam where there are several existing gas wells? T3N,R12W

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I think you are going to be too far south. From what I have read, the thinking is that if the Hainsville Shale extends that far south, then it is far deeper in the ground and too deep to reach with todays tech. Of course, they could be wrong. Keep your fingers crossed!
Well we already have existing Gas wells in the area so where is that gas coming from and with the donner well close by on ferguson road we will keep are fingers crossed! I am hearing of a pipeline also that will be placed within the next year along 191 from Negreet to the dam they are supposed to put it in ground below the highline, So i will keep my fingers crossed.
What is the status on the well drilled at Kites Landing (Kites Landing RD) - Toledo Bend at Florien - would that be a indication that the southern end of the shale has not been defined - rumor has it that it is a super well - but no info on it.
Second hand knowledge said the security guard boasted it was the best well drilled so far in the shale play again second hand knowledge! but was also told the pipeline is going to run in the powerline easement again this is all second hand knowledge but it sure is funny everybody talking about south toledo bend but yet they refer to noble area ,i would tend to believe that it would be north toledo bend they are talking about since Noble is northern Sabine parish. Still crossing my fingers on south toledo bend maybe something will happen soon!
cncservices, according to SONRIS, township T3N-R12W has only one active producing well (S/N 220123). It's producing from the Austin Chalk, both oil and gas and was completed way back in 1997. The shale is probably down there, but maybe some time before it is drilled that far south, then again you never know what these O&G operators are planning.
The well drilled at Kites was drilled probably close to 2 years ago and it may not be producing but there should be some info somewhere - it seems strange that the people in that neighbor followed the well closely and was told how great it is and now it is hush, hush - either it is a good well not producing or fraced yet or it is a dud - but info is not out there about it. - That would be in either township 5 or 6 not far from the Toledo Bend dam.
They must be keeping it hush hush because but i still here about a pipeline coming to get it online, they probably just put it in inventory until the pipeline gets built!
I dont know but i would say they know what they are doing and where they are headed if you drive any bit of FM255 across the lake on the south end Texas side all you see is gas drilling and wells. I am not sure what Austin chalk is but i would assume the donner well is part of a shale play.
cncservices, what section, township, range are we talking about. SONRIS has the well status, however you'll need to supply the correct S_T_R to be able to locate the information.
Lease offers were made to us about 20 years ago, so there must be something here. I don't know about depth but I thought the shale went all the way to the Gulf.
We leased about 20 years ago it was hot and heavy down south then.I think that is when they put in all these wells around here but they never run pipeline to them they still burn gas off of them all the time (what a waist) i guess it was just the economy at the time!
FXEF - The Kites well is S14 T4N - If you will click on the lowest yellow ballon (move cursor up) on the map at the top of this Sabine section - you will find this well. . .


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