experts--tell us about stacked laterals---I assume they are mutiple lateral legs at slightly different depths in same formation like bossier shale upper vs lower vs haynesville---but are they from same vertical hole or do they require drilling another well vertical bore and then lateral horizontal leg off into same formation one on top of the other. I looking at well that was permitted by GoodRich Petroleum in NNE Shelby county the R Dean Hays (SL) #1H and #2H. The plat look like drilled off same pad site but can not tell if same vertical hole or what---I assume this is good sign they found something good is 1st well that was spud about 5-6 weeks ago and #2H (SL) permitted today--look forward to reading knowledgeable reply to this discussion

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Les B----so does 15% porosity imply possible higher clay content then which would be negative as compared a formation that is tighter with lower porosity? I think shale formation depth in the Joaquin area is similar to the Desoto area just east across river from NE Shelby County Joaquin area.
Higher porosity would definitely be considered better, IMHO. Clay has low permeability and porosity. The more brittle the better in shale.
Adubu, 15% porosity would be better if other parameters remain the same. The clay content is independent of the porosity.
SB----you saying clay porosity is lower that the shales porosity since shale is more brittle. So the R dean hays with 15% porosity then has lower clay content than the typical La. Haynesville/Bossier wells that have good production rates as Les B is saying so that's a good positive for this well. I understand higher the porosity the better flow of gas from formation occurs with the frac--yes-----thanks please continue with the education
Easy on the porosity there guys. LOL! Without a seal too much porosity means all or much of the hydrocarbons are long gone to shallower formations. The value of "tight" formations is that limited porosity has allowed the hydrocarbons to remain in place.
Skip---thanks so 15% is not a good finding as you say lots of gas maybe gone since the sands above and lime below also tend to have higher porosities which has allowed hydrocarbons to have leaked out during last millions of years.
Skip, sorry but porosity is not a measure of flow capability - that is permeability. High permeability and porosity are always good things for a formation.

15% porosity is a positive assuming the clay content is not too high.
Hi Harold and welcome to GHS. It's nice to meet you! Thanks for chiming in and generously sharing your notes from the OK NARO annual conference. Not sure if you'll even see this reply, but I really really appreciate you posting here. Most of the minerals I own are in OK and a few are in KS. I don't know that much about the laws there or even what a reasonable bonus is. In fact, you're the first person I've met whose a mineral owner in those two states.

I've had a few offers from landmen in OK and don't know how to negotiate really. One of them called and I wasn't aware I inherited any minerals at that time, that's how I found out about them. They were not transfered in to my name at the time and I unfortunately lost that guys number. In Texas, they can jerrimander right around you, and in fact that's what they did to my dad with minerals he owned in Shelby county. At least that's what I think happened. My aunts receiving royalties, I'm not.

Once again, thanks so much for being willing to share with us the knowledge you've learned from thes seminars, presentations and workshops you've atended. I would be interested in attending some too. I sure need to. It sounds like you've put a lot of time and effort in to educating yourself. Can you tell me if the speakers at a OK NARO are representatives from the oil/gas companies or more on royalty owners side? One last question. Could you refer me to a good O&G attorney in OK?

I just recently started recieving paperwork from some of these companies so they can start sending royalties from existing leases to me instead of the estate where they've been getting sent to. If any of those previous leases ever lead to future Woodville shale drilling..., that would be suhweet!!

adubu, I apologize for straying off topic. I'm just so happy to see someone from OK here! Thanks for starting this thread. :)
Hi Sarah. I mostly just read this site to try to learn a bit more, so do not check it very often. I will be happy to share information with you.

Rather than staying off topic here, you may email me at . Look forward to hearing from you.
Sarah, NARO brings in speakes sometimes;however, it is an organization ow owners who have educated themselves. I have enjoyed the conventions, converences (whatever), met interesting, knowledgable individuals and families. In addition, one can learn about the business by attending, collecting the printed materials, talking and sharing, etc. I find it to be a great organization. Also, in Nacogdoches, there is a group for East Texans; I have not had the time available to attend, but do hope to in the future.
Absolutely Les. Thanks for the correction.
Les B --Skip--So now we are back to thinking that 15% porosity in this area around Joaquin is good and maybe better thing --yes-- as comparsion to the 8-12% porosity in the good La. shale wells. We just do not know what Goodrich has to say about permeability in this well. Can you obtain this info from logs or only by core anaylsis. So knowing porosity and shale thicking of 126' haynesville shale in formation that is 5-8 miles west of good wells in La. can you project that this should be a well that will give profitable ROI for Goodrich and with time drill more in area or is it you never know until it is frac and flows to sales.



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