You may or may not completely support the Pickens Plan but he is working hard and a lot of it is very helpful. Please consider contacting your Senators today to ask them to support "moving our national heavy truck fleet from imported diesel to domestic natural gas.
We want the Senate to allow trucking companies – large and small truckers who operate 18-wheelers – to get a tax break for buying trucks that run on natural gas.
If we can get just 350,000 of the 6.5 million 18-wheelers running on natural gas, we can cut our foreign oil dependence by over five percent!
Remember, in December – even with the economy coming to a halt – we still imported almost 380 million barrels of oil. About a quarter of that oil is used for diesel fuel to run 18-wheelers.
That will not only cut down on foreign oil, but it will add jobs as the heavy truck manufacturers hire (or retain) workers to build the new natural gas engines." (copied from the Pickens Plan e-mail).

If the stimulus bill does pass this provision SHOULD be in it. It's a start on something we should all be supporting - increasing the use of CNG as a transportation fuel. This provision could be something you approach your House and Senate members with on a regular basis until it gets approved. Please keep it in mind.

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I really hope people will pick up the phones today and call their Senators in D.C. and express their support for the tax credits for buying 18 wheelers which operate on CNG. The stimulus bill is going to pass in some form soooner or later the sooner we can get tax breaks for CNG vehicles included the better.
I'm glad you called and had a good reception. Thanks for letting everyone know that it does not hurt to call your elected officials. Sometimes we tend to be intimidated about expressing our opinions but they aren't mindreaders. We have to let them know what we want in order for representative governmemt to work.

Right now is the time to strike on this issue. The stimulus bill will pass in some form but it's being worked over as we speak.
The easiest way to jumpstart cng use is for fleets that operate out of a single point, like taxis, busses, and police cruisers. 18 wheelers (at least long haul) will be tough unless their is a movement to install fueling stations at major truckstops on the interstates. And while cng is still a source of carbon emmisions, their are no smog producing byproducts, making cng public transit a good way to help improve air quality in urban areas.
Ok, will do.
A very easy and painless way to let our Louisiana Senators know to support this is to go here:

The email letter is already written and addressed. You can use the form letter or write your own. I used the form letter and added a note asking the Senators to oppose the importing of LNG.
You could also add a note requesting consideration of a tax break on lease bonuses.
Please go there and do this. It doesn't hurt to give it a try.
Great point, LP. Thanks!
There is already a $28,500 tax credit per LNG truck. CNG is not feasable for tractor/trailer fuel.
SLW, why do you say that CNG is not feasable for tractor/trailer fuel?
The tank would have to be very large ( tanker sized) to cary enough CNG. Some waste haulers are able to use it as fuel, but OTR trucks or regional haul trucks have to have the ability to run 450- 500 miles. At this time LNG is the only way to make this work.
Yea I can see where you are coming from and also it would probably take forever to fuel up.
I sat in on a meeting with the rep from Pickens company that supplies the fuel and fuel stations. Very informative!
lets start at the top... the Federal goverment itself
the largest fleet in the country.....would have all night to re-fuel
the U.S. Postal Service



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