I keep reading in all these discussions about "The Sweet Spot", does anyone REALLY and Truly know where the sweet spot is or is that a term that is meaning a general area? What is the Sweet Spot and what area is it? Does this mean all the Haynesville Shale play or is it a certain number of several S-T-R?

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The sweet spot, or core area, im my opinion would be from 12-16N and 10-14W, as of now of course.
T15n-R15w ain't bad
There is no Shale play in Lincoln or Claiborne Parishes, do you have to muddy up every thread with this nonsense?
Graysands I don't know crap about no log. I am a leasehound not a rockhound. I for one think that the shale may go into your territory and pray that it does. I also think that it is going to go way more to the South and that the southern wells are going to make todays sweet spots look like small potatoes. I am hoping that the North half of Rapides Parish becomes the biggest sweet spot, just like you are wanting your neck of the woods to be in the play. I only post under Two Dogs.
Bear Dog,

Interesting article, you might want to bring this article to the front page so it does not get lost in the "Sweet Spot" discussion. More people might want to read this that did not see it.
DaddyT, please feel free to move link to the correct place or tell Me exactly where to post it, dont know My way around yet!
I always say to "follow the money" to find the sweet spot. According to Les B's May 15 drilling rig reports, there were 70 active rigs drilling the HS in the following parishes:

Red River-14

Since January 1, 2009, Desoto permits have exceeded the combined total for the other six parishes.Red River is in second place. So, the current and future money is in and headed for Desoto and Red River.

Now if we can contain Gray to the Claibourne Parish discussion group until one single company pulls a permit or drills a HS well, perhaps we can get useful information on this site. I hope Gray gets a well and makes a zillion dollars, but he is adding no information on the HS.
I am going to erase all of my previous post on this discussion just to clean it up.

But I really don't understand your question.
Thanks if you move this to the Claibourne group!
OK, my read from this is that DeSoto Parish and Red River Parish is the main area of the play and if I understand what you people are telling me this is the "sweet spot". I did not mean to get people in Lincoln, Claiborne and Caldwell upset. I only would like my questions answered? Not to have people bickering back and forth. The question is does anyone really know where the sweet spot is, not the outer areas of it. W. R. Frank reported the number wells so it looks as if the sweet spot must be in the middle of Desoto, since it seems to be the place the most wells are being drilled. Or, is it the wells are being drilled to hold leases, and that is the area that is being drilled one well per section to hold the leases?
IMO, there is no question that lease expiration is a part of the decision, but even then, IMO, economics drives the decision. If you had two leases expiring in the same month (say October 2009), one in 14N, 13 W (Desoto), near the XCO 20+ IP wells, and one in 17N, 15W (Caddo), which would YOU drill?

Also, the price of gas doesn't matter in choosing between two drill sites (units), it is the present value of the net cash flow from volumes produced. Each site gets the same price!!!


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