How has this effected the demand and sales prices for pine and hardwood timber and pulpwood in DeSoto Parish?

One article stated that lumber prices have doubled in Wisconsin.

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How about a link to an article?
SOUTH BEND — If you were planning on working on the house or building a new deck, you might want to add a little bit more to your budget. That's because the price of lumber is up, about 60 percent higher than it was this time last year

According to the National Association of Home Builders, 1,000 board feet cost $208 in April last year. Right now, that price is $342

The price of lumber products has doubled in Wisconsin over the past two months, pushing against builders’ efforts to rein in housing prices.

Great Falls Builders React to Skyrocketing Lumber Prices

The cost of lumber has skyrocketed in the last year. And with the highest prices since 2006, those who buy and sell lumber have noticed the increase, and some are feeling the sting

Nationwide, prices have increased due to a shortage of supply. One year ago, a thousand feet of framing lumber cost about $208. Today, it's $342.
That's pretty interesting but I wonder who is pocketing the profit from the higher prices? It doesn't seem to be going to the growers in my area of E. Tx. but that's nothing new.
I never cease to be amazed. Seems like there is relative data out there for just about any subject. Wonder what the BTU comparison is between wood and NG? Had to tie it to NG somehow. LOL
Lumber Prices Have Crashed On Weak Outlook For Builders

On May 17th and May 25th, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange stopped trading in lumber futures because the contract price had fallen by the maximum allowable amount of $10. On the 25th, lumber was halted at a price of $225/thousand board feet, which is the price that the contract opened at again this morning. The July contract is trading now at $234. Since April 21st, the contract price is down more than $100.

Good post.

It seems the spike in lumber prices was driven, partly ,by the home buyer's tax credit, which has expired.
the earthquake in chile shut down much of their lucrative hardwood production as well. As they recover and exports go back up, the price for lumber will drop again.



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