which company is the most likely takeover, buyout or merger candidate?

Any opinions?

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I'd rather buy MNLU at ten cents a share.  You know they are going to hit big!!!!!!   LOL!  Chevron or Exxon would be good guesses based on their legacy positions in the area.  Devon wouldn't be a bad guess either I just don't keep with their financial position enough to know if they could swallow SWN without getting a tummy ache.  Their asset sales over the last two years may have put them in a position to do a deal on that order.  I'm sticking to the HA/BO shale where I know my way around a little bit.
Oh come on skip,  don't you want to wander into the mythical world of the Brown Dense? LOL
Only if it becomes less "mythical", as in when one or more economic wells are completed and announced.  Then I might consider a little dabble here but not there.  "Here" meaning the LA. side.  LOL!
I certainly wouldn't rule out Goodrich with their position in the Eagle Ford, Haynesville of both NW Louisiana and the Shelby Trough, and finally their new 70,000+ acre position in the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale.  It wouldn't be as big a bite to swallow and they don't have a JV partner other than with Chesapeake on some of their NW LA Haynesville acreage.

Spring Branch, mineral owner:

Would you please explain the Shelby Trough.....Where (a map would be good and maybe which surveys it is in), and at what depth (what lies above and below it), What counties does it encompass?

The "Shelby Trough" run from around Center,Tx going on a line SW to the south-western part of Nacgodoches County ( just south of the big lake of Sam Rayburn)-- including the southern part of Shelby County northern 4/5 of San Augustine County thru the southern 1/2 of Nacgodoches County--and south of center into the northern upper part Sabine County- look on the presentation charts by HK, XCO, EOG,XTO and you can see what they circle as the "Trough"
Don't rule out BHP when talking acquisitions. 
If you look at past acquisitions of companies in the Eagle Ford Trend of Texas then Pryme would be a prime target because of their position in the North Bayou Jack area.
good candidates other than SWN and GDP also are COG, SD, CHK, and EOG. --Maybe Classic--     XCO was a private take over attempt by CEO ,etc but unable to get the 4.5 b money so failed.

Comstock Resources is likely to be acquired.




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