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Sorry you wrong?


Please expand your thoughts!

Are you the same Keith who founded GHS ?

No, I don't have that capability. I've spent time on lots of forums and this one is very user friendly but still very appealing to the eye.


I'm just an oilfield worker that recently signed a lease in the TMS area.

Keith---Hopeful About Natural Gas---got what i was talking about - I did not imply "you were wrong" I was talking about I was wrong and you were not the same Keith-- the owner of this web site--

Ok, good to have you on GHS!  You have the same name as the founder and I think some of us were confused.  Keith (that is our Keith) works a lot and does not post as often as he used to.

BTW, we have separate forums for political postings.  Our usual monitor (Skip?) has not weighed in this one, but my hunch is that it's political.  I know because one of my posts got flagged a couple of months ago. lol!

Just to clarify, this Keith is a different Keith than me. We just share great name!


I don't mind these things being on the main page if the policy or "political" issue is directly connected to the industry and stays on topic. Sometimes, that "IF" is a bit challenging. The Political Group is designed for topics that are off topic and political. The role government plays in our industry makes it terribly difficult to leave out policy discussions.


good job.  pls help keep on topic.


just my $.02(two cents/ or is that (too sense.)

but, me smells politics.

the only politics i like is green, black or gaseous.

lots of stuff goes for us in-land landowners.

ex: canadian pipeline hurts our worth,  gulf off shore drilling hurts tms worth,  pro-coal/nuclear hurts my land's worth.

so, maybe, keep your political opinions on the political board?

Keith Mauck:

Thanks again for doing so much heavy lifting in order to keep GHS up and running.

Yes, indeed.  All us ol' GHS regulars (i.e., those of us who've been posting on here going all the way back to the summer of 2008) -- have the greatest respect for your savvy ability to stay impartial and fair to all sides involved (per the circumstances).

Hope the family's doing well.


Keith Mauck--- Thanks for clarification and happy my little writting pen did not get dinged. Yes I agree oil/gas industry results in government getting involved too too much and very hard to leave politics out of discussion because it is on topic in a lots of threads. Thanks for green light on these type discussions when it is appropriate to talk politics and stay in good taste with wording.

Hopeful, it's all political, my initial question is concerns political, local economic and financial aspects of regulation on our energy decisions.

In many ways I've gained from Obama's past decisions, so the question is can Pro Natural gas folks who probably aren't Pro Obama end up winning due to his EPA's overzealous regulations on coal?

That's personal economics for many and it has massive affects on the natural gas business and that's very political, I can't separate something that dynamic.

Keith-- hopeful about nat gas--- is simply saying this tread should have been posted on the Political and Off topic forum group to begin with and not on front page "Strictly Shale"general forum--- I'll  get my writting pen gently  slap again by our monitor I am sure too--- if we do just transfer it to the Political group and delete it from the front Strictly Shale front page--- They desire to keep front page clean of these type threads. Which I agree with

Adubu, I'm sure they can transfer it at will I'm fine with that.


Does anyone else think that the anti coal agenda will help nat gas prices? If so how much?

That's all I want to get at.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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