103bopd at it's best over 24hrs.

Also 1009bowd and 200mcfd.

SWN said they targeted to lower third of the bd with the roberson and the upper third with the Garret. The Garret supposedly had better perm and a better oil show.

Views: 14797

Replies to This Discussion

The transcription is correct.  At the Credit Suisse energy conference on February 9, Mr. Mueller referred to "millidarcies."  Yesterday he said "microdarcies."

Also, there was one other error yesterday.  Mr. Mueller stated that the Garrett well is 30 miles from the Roberson well.  Living in the area, I knew that didn't sound right.  I did an approximate measurement on a map, then a Google Earth measurement, and Garrett is roughly only 14 air miles southeast of Roberson.

Thanks Skip for posting that GREAT article. IMO we have a PLAY!


Not quite yet, treeman.  But I'd say the odds are better.  Keep in mind that the BD fairway encompasses a lot more acres than what SWN has leased.  And until exploration wells are drilled across the fairway we won't know where the BD is economic. 

Skip, as regards speaking extemporaneously, I also suspect the Roberson family would like it if Mr. Mueller would pronounce their name correctly.  It's not hard.  Don't know why he makes the "O" a long "O."  (But then again, the Roberson family may not care.)

Here is a link for Seeking Alpha (a market site).  Some information on the Roberson.


Thank you for the article.  I am in such hope the well in the Ora field will do well.  That is the section my property is in.  I saw seismic crew on the property this weekend too.

No we don't mind, as long as they spell it right on the royalty checks.

A healthy attitude, Steve.  LOL!   Good Luck on "your" well.

I have found that SWN is very good at spelling...

I wouldn't care, either, Steve!  Glad you chimed in!

Right on! Like up here in the fayville, people getting a check dont complain about the bad roads or getting your mail box ran over now and then you just put up a new box before that next check is due! Your neighbor who isnt getting a check though will suddenly not be so neighborly as he has been and when you see him all he will do is gripe and complain about everything,  even if it wasnt because of the oil companies, they now get the blame for everything from bad weather to bad fishing plus the Greek crisis.

This is a link to a piece that aired on Little Rock station KTHV March 2.


When you click on the video, you will get a commerical first and then the brown dense portion will start.  There is not anything new other than there are some good pictures of the brown dense rock.  The audio is in print also.




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