First XTO (ExxonMobil) Haynesville Units in Natchitoches Parish (8/4/10)

XTO (ExxonMobil) joins other operators in Natchitoches Parish by proposing five (5) new Haynesville Units in the San Miguel Creek Field. This is an additional positive sign for the southern potion of the Haynesville/Bossier Shale play. We will just have to see long before ExxonMobil permits and drills a well.

S4-T9N-R10W, HA RA SUR Unit, XTO, San Miguel Creek Field, Natchitoches Parish
S15-T10N-R10W, HA RA SUN Unit, XTO, San Miguel Creek Field, Natchitoches Parish
S22-T10N-R10W, HA RA SUO Unit, XTO, San Miguel Creek Field, Natchitoches Parish
S28-T10N-R10W, HA RA SUQ Unit, XTO, San Miguel Creek Field, Natchitoches Parish
S29-T10N-R10W, HA RA SUP Unit, XTO, San Miguel Creek Field, Natchitoches Parish

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Do you know if this drilling rig's next location will be Section 32 to drill the Blakenship location?

George, XTO has the following two permitted well locations in Natchitoches Parish so either one could be the next location for the drilling rig.  The Blankenship well will have a surface location in Section 32 but is planned to produce from Section 29. 


XTO, Powell 15 #H1 Well, Serial #243639, S15-T10N-R10W

XTO, Blankenship 29 #H1 Well, Serial #243466, S32(29)-T10N-R10W


George Willey, A bore site has been staked, and pad construction is in progress,  1/4 mile north of Birdwell 22H #1 adjacent to Hwy 487.  Not sure if it's in S15 10-10 or not. But I'm guessing that it is.   

The well was permitted by XTO yesterday.


243639 HA RA SUKK;POWELL 15 H 001 05-AUG-11 X004 015-10N-10W 7870 SAN MIGUEL CREEK 20000
Bob, yes - that surface location is a 1000+ ft north and is in Section 15.
To Les or Skip. I am still trying to determine the amount of acres in Sec 22 T10N R10W for the Birdwell well. I found the formula to calculate my interest based on 25% royalty and 20 acres, but I need to know the overall acreage of the section to complete the formula and estimate my decimal interest. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Pamela, the field order to XTO covering this, and other units in the vicinity, lists "+/- 640 acres" for Section 22.  There will be a more exact acreage total once a survey is done for a Division Order.  I think the eventual total acres will be slightly different but that you are safe for now to use 640 acres in your royalty calculator.  Just try to be conservative with the variables you plug in and keep in mind that the vast majority of royalty calculators do not disclose what decline factor is employed.  That can make for a large variation in the calculation.  You're welcome and Good Luck.

Skip, what is a HA well versus a HK well and how does that effect product rates. The Birdwell well is a HA well. Thanks

 PS Is there an average rate of production for wells in this area?

HK is an abbreviation for Petrohawk, it is their stock symbol.  "HA" is the LA. Office of Conservation approved abbreviation for Haynesville Shale wells and drilling units.  There are no completed HA wells in your area and therefore there is no average.
Skip, technically "HA" is for the Haynesville Zone designation associated with units rather than a specific formation since the zone includes multiple formations. 

Used to be, Les.  Now the LOC uses HAY for Haynesville Sand.  Here is a recent example of the difference from wells drilled in the same parish and permitted less than 30 days apart.


HAY RA SU3;BRALEY 11 001-ALT 19-JUL-10 J101 011-23N-11W 2336 CARTERVILLE



HA RA SUVV;H MONTGOMERY 7 H 001 06-JAN-10 B350 018-17N-10W 8358 SLIGO 17592



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