Recent test Information from Sonris shows the Wiley Hunter 29 #H1 Well tested at a rate of 21.5 million cubic feet of gas per day (MMcfd) with a flowing pressure of over 8000 psi. This well is the first super well in T13N-R8W and the second such well in the Martin Field.


EnCana, Wiley Hunter 29 #H1 Well, Serial #241086, S32(29)-T13N-R8W, Red River Parish, 21472 Mcfd, 25/64" Choke, 8347 psi Flowing Pressure

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Okay, happened to come back and sonris is up; two of the three wells bordering the ununitized sections to the west are in, not spectacular but reasonable - one at 13.9 MMcf/d IP, 8144# CP, the other at 10.6 MMcf/d IP, 8250# CP (21 months production data on the 13.9, not bad, on curve but low to start like most compared to IP).  I checked other wells on the boundary of this "void", and interestingly the best are actually to the east and south, not to the west as I supposed - three in at IP 20 MMcf/d or more, a couple in in the teens, one at 7 MMcf/d to the far northeast; did not check northern border.  Just seems strange this area would have gotten left alone, given they knew something was there way back; vagaries of leasing I suppose.

I show all sections in 13N-9W under HA unit order excepting Section 1.  Samson Contour holds the unit order on Section 2.  All the others are Encana.


If you are looking at the GIS map on the DNR website, it will only show units (in blue) that are HA units.  It won't show Jurrassic units like are north of Martin and it won't show CV units like are at Ashland.  Even though they are all obviously targeting the same formation (HA & BO). 


I wish they would correct this.

I agree, Highwayman.  It is confusing.  That's one of the reasons I maintain my own tracking spreadsheets.  I almost never look at the GIS map and would never use it as a part of my research for clients. 


I posted a Blog on the CV/LCV units that included the HA & BO zones a good while  back.  I'll provide a link here for those who would care to review the list.  And I invite those who have found other examples to add to the list.

Yes, Highwayman, you made the concise statement that cleared up my misconception about the GIS resources! Thanks! DNR should really fix it; it is very logically inconsistent.  Oh oops!

Robert, here are the 35 units in T13N-R9W -- all except Section 1.


S2-T13N-R9W, JUR RA SUB Unit, Samson, Martin Field, Red River Parish
S3-T13N-R9W, HA RA SUQ Unit, Encana, Martin Field, Red River Parish
S4-T13N-R9W, HA RA SUP Unit, Encana, Bracky Branch Field, Red River Parish
S5-T13N-R9W, HA RA SUQ Unit, Encana, Bracky Branch Field, Red River Parish
S6-T13N-R9W, HA RA SUR Unit, Encana, Bracky Branch Field, Red River Parish
S7-T13N-R9W, JUR RB SUH Unit, Encana, Bracky Branch Field, Red River Parish
S8-T13N-R9W, JUR RB SUI Unit, Encana, Bracky Branch Field, Red River Parish
S9-T13N-R9W, JUR RB SUJ Unit, Encana, Bracky Branch Field, Red River Parish
S10-T13N-R9W, HA RA SUA Unit, Encana, Martin Field, Red River Parish
S11-T13N-R9W, HA RA SUB Unit, Encana, Martin Field, Red River Parish
S12-T13N-R9W, HA RA SUC Unit, Encana, Martin Field, Red River Parish
S13-T13N-R9W, HA RA SUF Unit, Encana, Martin Field, Red River Parish
S14-T13N-R9W, HA RA SUG Unit, Encana, Martin Field, Red River Parish
S15-T13N-R9W, JUR RA SUA Unit, Encana, Martin Field, Red River Parish
S16-T13N-R9W, JUR RB SUK Unit, Encana, Bracky Branch Field, Red River Parish
S17-T13N-R9W, JUR RB SUL Unit, Encana, Bracky Branch Field, Red River Parish
S18-T13N-R9W, JUR RB SUG Unit, Encana, Bracky Branch Field, Red River Parish
S19-T13N-R9W, JUR RB SUD Unit, Encana, Bracky Branch Field, Red River Parish
S20-T13N-R9W, JUR RB SUE Unit, Encana, Bracky Branch Field, Red River Parish
S21-T13N-R9W, JUR RB SUF Unit, Encana, Bracky Branch Field, Red River Parish
S22-T13N-R9W, HA RA SUH Unit, Encana, Martin Field, Red River Parish
S23-T13N-R9W, HA RA SUI Unit, Encana, Martin Field, Red River Parish
S24-T13N-R9W, HA RA SUJ Unit, Encana, Martin Field, Red River Parish
S25-T13N-R9W, HA RA SUN Unit, Encana, Martin Field, Red River Parish
S26-T13N-R9W, HA RA SUO Unit, Encana, Martin Field, Red River Parish
S27-T13N-R9W, HA RA SUP Unit, Encana, Martin Field, Red River Parish
S28-T13N-R9W, JUR RB SUA Unit, Encana, Bracky Branch Field, Red River Parish
S29-T13N-R9W, JUR RB SUB Unit, Encana, Bracky Branch Field, Red River Parish
S30-T13N-R9W, JUR RB SUC Unit, Encana, Bracky Branch Field, Red River Parish
S31-T13N-R9W, HA RB SUD Unit, Encana, Bracky Branch Field, Red River Parish
S32-T13N-R9W, HA RB SUE Unit, Encana, Bracky Branch Field, Red River Parish
S33-T13N-R9W, HA RA SUP Unit, Encana, Carrol Creek Field, Red River Parish
S34-T13N-R9W, HA RA SUQ Unit, Encana, Carrol Creek Field, Red River Parish
S35-T13N-R9W, HA RA SUA Unit, Encana, Carrol Creek Field, Red River Parish
S36-T13N-R9W, HA RA SUC Unit, Encana, Liberty Field, Red River Parish



Do you have a list of the HA units for T14N-R14W? It would be most appreciated.

FXEF, as requested.


S1-T14N-R14W, HA RA SU138 Unit, Exco, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S3-T14N-R14W, HA RA SU154 Unit, Exco, Caspiana Field, DeSoto Parish
S4-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUQ Unit, EnCana, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S5-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUP Unit, EnCana, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S6-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUO Unit, EnCana, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S7-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUS Unit, EnCana, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S8-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUN Unit, EnCana, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S9-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUR Unit, EnCana, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S10-T14N-R14W, HA RA SU56 Unit, Exco, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S12-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUJ Unit, El Paso, Kingston Field, DeSoto Parish
S13-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUZZ Unit, Chesapeake, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S14-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUE Unit, Exco, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S15-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUD Unit, Exco, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S16-T14N-R14W, HA RA SU55 Unit, Exco, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S17-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUU Unit, EnCana, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S18-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUT Unit, EnCana, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S19-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUV Unit, EnCana, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S20-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUW Unit, EnCana, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S21-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUX Unit, EnCana, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S22-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUY Unit, EnCana, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S23-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUA Unit, Exco, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S24-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUB Unit, Exco, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S25-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUJJ Unit, El Paso, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S26-T14N-R14W, HA RA SU58 Unit, El Paso, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S27-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUPP Unit, El Paso, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S28-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUQQ Unit, El Paso, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S29-T14N-R14W, HA RB SUKK Unit, EnCana, Bethany-Longstreet Field, DeSoto Parish
S30-T14N-R14W, HA RB SULL Unit, EnCana, Bethany-Longstreet Field, DeSoto Parish
S31-T14N-R14W, HA RB SUMM Unit, EnCana, Bethany-Longstreet Field, DeSoto Parish
S32-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUZ Unit, EnCana, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S33-T14N-R14W, HA RA SURR Unit, El Paso, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S34-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUSS Unit, El Paso, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S35-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUL Unit, El Paso, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish
S36-T14N-R14W, HA RA SUTT Unit, El Paso, Holly Field, DeSoto Parish

Oh Wow, I see what you guys mean.  Something has to be HA to show up on the GIS maps.  Well, that sort of messes up being able to use the mapping services to get a real overview of what is going on.  Geez.  Is there anybody with a bit of weight that can get them to fix this?  It is a huge hole in the data, and while the sonris database is cool, combining it with visuals is such a better way to keep track of what is going on.  So sorry for being off base on the GIS interpretation, but I bet there are lots of folks that don't realize it; NW LA is closer to being covered solid with wells than it looks ;-)  Okay, I could determine this additional info, but asking the question here gets it noted.  These Cotton Valley and Jurassic formations are shallower I believe, but companies must be holding them leased to deeper depths (ie., there is no Pugh clause, if I remember right?), and there are actually wells there listed in CV and JUR units, that are targetting the HA?  So this would be just great - there are areas on the maps that are "clear" that are actually the areas over time that have produced the most oil and gas!



Go here for a GIS map of ALL wells in Louisiana.


Looks a bit harder to use, but also looks like it tracks just about everything imaginable.  Thanks much!  I will have to start playing with this.  Is it useful for the existence of this to be wider known, or was I just exceptionally ignorant?  I noted that either Skip or Les said they don't bother with GIS services due to incompleteness, but even though I am not a graphics guy, I really recognize the value in information presentation.  Overall, I am pretty impressed with the compute resources DNR does support, I have to say; there may be some problems, but somebody in state govt did the right thing in creating all this stuff.

Robert, I use the interactive mapping function of Sonris quite extensively. 



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