I'll try and keep these posted in one spot. This is from the Tyler Morning Telegraph.

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East Texas Drilling Report
Posted on Monday, August 25, 2008

Operators Set To Drill 15,000 Feet Crowley, 10,200 Feet Staton Timber


Cherokee County

Chesapeake Operating will drill Crowley 1, 8.1 miles south of Forrest in a Wildcat to 15,000 feet in Borsoley MJ Survey A-6. It may be in Decker Switch (Pettit) Field.

Parten Operating will drill Staton Timber 1 to 10,200 feet 3.33 miles west of Jacksonville in Ricappy (Pettit) Field, Merrill J Survey A-564. It may be in a Wildcat.

Freestone County

XTO Energy will drill five wells. Teague (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated) Field will see Irvin GU Well 13 and Dunlap GU 2 Well 10 drilled to 13,200 feet. Dunlap GU 2 Well 5 will be drilled to 13,300 feet. No. 13 will be in Jessup I Survey A-335, 2.9 miles east of Teague. No. 10 will be in Cabler FP Survey A-114, 2.2 miles southwest of Fairfield. No. 5 will be in same, 2.7 miles southwest of Fairfield. Freestone (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated) Field will be site of J.A. Gilliam II Gas Unit Well No. 23 and Fails Gas Unit Well No. 22. No. 23 will hit 13,400 feet in Chavert JL Survey A-10, seven miles southwest of Teague. No. 22 will hit 13,500 feet in Rowe AW Survey A-885, 5.9 miles southwest of Teague.

Teague (Cotton Valley- Bossier Consolidated) Field will see Henderson Gas Unit Well 30 drilled by XTO Energy five miles southeast of Teague at 12,900 feet. It will be in Lawrence J Survey A-364.

XTO will drill Tony Miller GU 1 Well 1 to 11,300 feet in a Wildcat 4.3 miles northeast of Wortham in Sweet SA Survey A-37.

Gregg County

GW Richey Well 14 will be drilled in Glenwood (Cotton Valley) Field to 11,300 feet. Exco Operating will drill in Edwards HH Survey A-1 in Gladewater.

Samson Lone Star will drill Judge Daniels GU 1 Well 16 and Flannagan Well 20 in Danville (Travis Peak-Cotton Valley Consolidated) Field. No. 16 well will be 3 miles east of Kilgore in Wells H Survey A-222 to 13,000 feet. No. 20 will be 3.5 miles east of Kilgore in Walker P Survey A-210.

White Oak (Cotton Valley Sand) Field will see Maud Smith GU Well 15 drilled to 11,300 feet by Exco Operating. This will be in Longview in Castleberry WH Survey A-38.

Harrison County

In a lease 16.5 miles east of Marshall in Woodlawn (Cotton Valley) Field, McCowan Well 1 will be drilled by Valence Operating. It will hit 13,000 feet in George Johnson Survey A-359. It may be drilled in Woodlawn (Travis Peak), Woodlawn (Pettit 6500), Carthage, North (Bossier Shale) or Woodlawn (Pettit-Page) fields.

Holcombe Unit Well 1 will be drilled 7.1 miles southwest of Elysian Fields in Carthage, North (Cotton Valley) Field. Craton Energy will drill to 11,000 feet in Timmins FG Survey A-702.

Berry Oil will drill Jenkins A Unit Wells 17 and 18 in Darco, Southeast (Cotton Valley) Field. The wells will be 9.2 miles south of Marshall in Carrol E Survey A-135 drilled to 10,350 feet. The wells may be drilled in a Wildcat, Blocker (Rodessa), Blocker (Travis Peak) or Blocker (Page) fields.

A Wildcat will see Jones 3A drilled by Rivertsone Energy to 10,600 feet, 4.5 miles southeast of Scottsville in Walling JC Survey A-737. It may be drilled in Bethany (Travis Peak Oil), Bethany (Cotton Valley) or Bethany, East (Cotton Valley) fields.

Bo Furrh GU Well 2H will be drilled to 15,000 feet 2.8 miles north of Elysian Field in a Wildcat in Hooper BF Survey A-296 by Penn Virginia Oil & Gas. It may be drilled in Carthage North (Cotton Valley), Bethany (Travis Peak Consolidated) Field or Carthage, North (Bossier Shale) fields.

In a lease 6 miles southeast of Hallsville in Oak Hill (Cotton Valley) Field, Bell Carolynn Unit 1 Well 8 will be drilled by Sandridge Exploration and Production to 14,000 feet in Watson W Survey A-748.

Vincent Well 12 will be drilled by Shelby Operating in Waskom (Cotton Valley) Field. It will hit 9,800 feet 3.5 miles southwest of Waskom in Bedford RW Survey A-69. It may be drilled in Waskom (Gloyde), Waskom (Travis Peak 5), Waskom (Travis Peak 6385 Sand), Waskom (Travis Peak 6150), Waskom (Hill), Waskom (Travis Peak 1), and Waskom (Travis Peak 7) fields.

Hill County
In a lease 3.7 miles northwest of Covington, Range Production will drill Ellig Well 1H to 9,000 feet. It will be in Savage WF Survey A-804 in Newark East (Barnett Shale) Field.

Leon County

Spicer Oil will drill Ward Heirs Well 1 in Centerville South (Woodbine W-1) Field 4.5 miles southeast of Centerville in Skinner M Survey A-27 to 7,400 feet.

In Jewett (Travis Peak) Field, Foest Oil will drill A.G. Hill GU 1 Wells Nos. 4 and 5 to 12,000 feet. They will be 2.49 miles northeast of Jewett in Willingham J Survey A-955.

Limestone County

Morton 1 GU Well 25 and Morton 1 GUt Well 27 will be drilled in Freestone (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated) Field by XTO. No. 25 will be 14.5 miles southeast of Groesbeck at 13,500 feet. No. 27 will be 14.2 miles southeast of Groesbeck at 13,400 feet. Both will be in Chavert JL Survey A-4.

In a lease 13 miles northwest of Jewett, in Freestone (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated) Field, Bobby Reed GU Well 28 will be drilled by Berry Oil. It will be 13 miles northwest of Jewett in Chavert, J L Survey A-4 at 13,700 feet. It may be drilled in Freestone (Travis Peak), Navasota (Pettit) or Wildcat fields.

Rickard GU Well 18 will be drilled 15.3 miles northwest of Jewett and Bobby Reed will be drilled 13.1 miles northwest of Jewett. Both will be in Chavert JL Survey A-4. Berry will drill to 13,700 feet in Freestone (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated) Field. They may also be drilled in a Wildcat, Freestone (Travis Peak) or Navasota (Pettit) fields.

Berry will drill Bobby Reed GUt Well 30 in Freestone (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated) Field. It will hit 13,700 feet in Chavert JL Survey A-4. It will be 13.6 miles northwest of Jewett and may be drilled in Navasota (Pettit), Wildcat or a Freestone (Travis Peak) fields.

Nacogdoches County

In a lease 10 miles northwest of Nacogdoches in Douglass West (Travis Peak) Field, H.G.T. Middlebrook GU 1 Well 9 will be drilled by Samson Lone Star. It will hit 12,000 feet in De Los Santos Coy, M & Bros. Survey A-21. It may also be drilled in a Wildcat, Miyagi (Pettit), Nacogdoches, East (James Lime) or Little Ears (Pettit Lime) fields.

Samson Lone Star will drill James Lewis GU 1 Well 7 and Ruth GU 1 Well 7 in Douglass West (Travis Peak) Field. Lewis 7 will be 10 miles northwest of Nacogdoches in Ashley W Survey A-67 at 12,000 feet. Ruth 7 will be 7 miles northwest of Nacogdoches in Hyde JH Survey A-249 to 12,000 feet. They may also be drilled in Wildcat, Miyagi (Pettit), Little Ears (Pettit Lime) or Nacogdoches, East (James Lime) fields.

Troy Well 1 will be drilled by Sonerra Resources in a Wildcat. It will be 10 miles east of Nacogdoches in Chirino JA Survey A-17 at 11,000 feet. It may also be drilled in Kendrick (Travis Peak) Field.

In a lease 19 miles northeast of Lufkin, Lowery GU Well 1 is being prepared by Goodrich Petroleum for 13,000 feet in a Wildcat. It will be in Cole J Survey A-137 and may also be drilled in Gates (Travis Peak) Field.

A Wildcat will see Will Forester GU 1 Well 1 drilled by Samson Lone Star to 11,000 feet. The well will be 3.5 miles southwest of Cushing in Aguilera C Survey A-3. It may also be drilled in Little Ears (Pettit Lime), Trawick (Travis Peak), Miyagi (Pettit) or Nacogdoches, East (James Lime) fields.

Panola County

Carter, KF WH A2 GU Well A4 will be drilled 7.2 miles southwest of Tatum in a Wildcat. Goodrich Petroleum will drill to 13,000 feet in Bowers S Survey A-101. It may be drilled in Beckville (Cotton Valley) Field.

Anadarko will drill Marshall Homer Well 3 in Carthage (Cotton Valley) Field, 9.1 miles southwest of Carthage in Bradley JM Survey,A-49 to12,000 feet.

In a lease 15.5 miles northeast of Carthage, in Bethany East (Cotton Valley) Field, Roberson Well 11 will be drilled by Devon Energy to 13,000 feet in Booker LR Survey A-55. It may also be drilled in a Wildcat.

Panola (Goodland Lime) Field will see Deadwood JV SWD Well 3 drilled by Chevron. It will hit 3,050 feet in Husband J Survey A-266.

AC Exploration will drill Brady Estate 2 in a Wildcat. It will hit 12,000 feet in McAdams J Survey A-422. Location will be 15.1 miles southwest of Carthage. It may also be drilled in Pinehill Southeast (Pettit, Lower), Carthage, South (Cotton Valley), Minden (Cotton Valley Consolidated), Minden (Travis Peak Consolidated) or Brachfield, Southeast (Cotton Valley) fields.

Glovier Hamilton 14 will be drilled by Texas American Resources in Beckville (Cotton Valley) Field. It will be 3.3 miles northwest of Beckville in Gooden W Survey A-221 to 11,600-feet.

In a lease 4.7 miles northeast of Carthage, in Carthage (Cotton Valley) Field, Allison Unit Well 25 will be drilled by Devon. This well will hit 13,000 feet in Lindsey C Survey A-393 and may also be drilled in a Wildcat.

Beckville (Cotton Valley) Field will see Williams Tommy Gene Well 1 and Wagstaff Well 1 drilled by Texas American Resources. Williams will be drilled 12.5 miles northwest of Carthage in Koher EM Survey A-378 and may also be drilled in a Wildcat. Wagstaff will be drilled 5.4 miles west of Beckville in Bowles A Survey A-69. Depth of both will be 11,650 feet.

Anadarko will drill Lashley M. GU Well 13 in Carthage (Cotton Valley) Field. The well will be drilled to 12,000 feet 2.9 miles southeast of Carthage. It will lie in Vaughn W Survey A-694.

In a lease 7 miles northeast of Beckville in Carthage (Cotton Valley) Field, Longino, Et Al Unit 13 will be drilled by Lacy Operations to 13,000 feet in Antonio Dubose Sr. Survey A-159. It may be drilled in Wildcat or Carthage, North fields.

Robertson County

Milstead GU Well 10 and Hill GU 2 will be drilled in Bald Prairie (Cotton Valley Consoli-dated) Field by XTO. No. 10 will be 12 miles northeast of Franklin in Owens W Survey A-297 to 14,000 feet. No. 2 will be 4.5 miles northwest of Franklin in McMillan A Survey A-224.
Eagle Oil & Gas will drill TXU North 3 in Bald Prairie (Cotton Valley Consolidated) Field. This will be 9 miles southeast of Kosse in Rice CA Survey A-316 and will hit 13,000 feet. It may also be drilled in a Wildcat.

Rusk County

Oak Hill (Cotton Valley) Field will see Sheppard Baily Et Al Well 27 drilled by Anadarko. It will be 22.6 miles northeast of Henderson in Williamson R Survey A-46. It will hit 12,000 feet.

Terrell GU Well 9 will be drilled by Samson Lone Star in Oak Hill (Cotton Valley) Field. It will hit 13,000 feet 6.5 miles northwest of Tatum in Lee I Survey A-17. This well may be drilled in a Wildcat.

El Paso E&P will drill Stingray Gas Unit Well 4 in Minden (Cotton Valley Consolidated) Field. It will be 6.7 miles southeast of Henderson in Horton AC Survey A-363. It will bottom at 11,200 feet and may be drilled in Minden (Travis Peak Consolidated) Field.

Shelby County

Southwestern Energy will drill Acheron 1H in Angie (James Lime) Field. It will be 8.4 miles northeast of Attoyac in Donatill H Survey A-151. Depth will be 7,400 feet.

Brooks Et Al Well 6 will be drilled by Classic Operating in Joaquin (Travis Peak) Field to 10,000 feet in Laird DJ Survey A-869. Location will be 1.75 miles north of Joaquin. It may also be drilled in a Wildcat.

A Wildcat will see Red River 877 Well 1 drilled by Common Resources 2.2 miles southeast of Aiken in Buckley T Survey A-877 to 15,000 feet.

Smith County
In a lease 8.7 miles northeast of Tyler, in a Wildcat, Tyler State Park Unit B Well 1 will be drilled by Carrizo Oil & Gas. It will hit 10,300 feet in Flores F Survey A-9.

Tarrant County

Devon Energy will drill R.M. Alliston GU Well 13H in Newark East (Barnett Shale) Field. It will be 7 miles northwest of Saginaw in MEP&P RR Co. Survey A-1137. Total depth will be 9,000 feet.

Knapp Sisters Well 2H will be drilled .1-mile west of Mansfield in Newark East (Barnett Shale) Field by Sullivan, Hollis R. to 8,900 feet in Kizziar M E Survey A-1971.

Big Bend Wells 1H and 2H will be in Fort Worth in Newark East (Barnett Shale) Field. They will be drilled by Chesapeake in Crowley B F Survey A-307 and hit 9,000 feet.

There will be three wells drilled by Chesapeake in Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field. Phoenix Wells 2H and 5H will be drilled in Fort Worth in Little H Survey A-930. LA Well 1H will be drilled 3.41 miles west of Everman in Jennings J Survey A-873. Total depth will be 9,000 feet.

In a lease 1.7 miles northeast of Peden in Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field, Liberty School Unit Well 1H will be drilled by XTO. This well will hit 11,000 feet in MEP&P RR Co. Survey A-1141.

Upshur County
A Wildcat will see Rebel Mountain Well 1 drilled by Atoka Operating to 12,000 feet in Nacogdoches CSL Survey A-375, 8.7 miles southwest of Gilmer.

Wood County
In a lease 1.28 miles southwest of Hawkins, in Hawkins Field, Hawkins Field Unit Well 9725 will be drilled by Exxon Mobil. This well will hit 6,000 feet in Moseley JP Survey,A-384.


Anderson County

Temple Eastex Well 16 was completed 4.6 miles northeast of Elkhart in Camp Hill Field to 445 feet by Carrizon Oil & Gas. It flowed with one barrel of crude; choke size not recorded.

Angelina County
On 22/64-inch choke, Sessions, Bob Well 6 potentialed 2.100 million cubic feet of gas. It was completed 1.4 miles northeast of Wells in Raintree Field by Goodrich Petroleum. Depth is 12,512 feet. Production is in Travis Peak Consolidated.

Cherokee County

Timberstar Well 1 is 5.8 miles northwest of Alto in Reklaw East Field. Chesapeake drilled to 10,600 feet. On 18/64-inch choke, it potentialed 994,000 cubic feet of natural gas. Production is in Travis Peak.

Cordillera drilled Sourn Pine GU 3 Well 2 in Southern Pine Field. This well is 15.6 miles west of Rusk and 11,490 feet. On 15/64-inch choke, it potentialed 928,000 cubic feet of natural gas. Production is in Travis Peak.

Ellis County

In a lease 13 miles northwest of Waxahachie in Newark East Field, Ash Grove B Well 1HR was completed by Metroplex Barnett Shale to 13,324 feet and potentialed 1.894 million cubic feet of gas on 1-inch choke. Production is in Barnett Shale.

EOG Resources drilled Eagle Ford A Well Nos. 6H-8H in Newark East Field, 5.6 miles northwest of Midlothian. 6H bottoms at 10,600 feet and potentialed 3.703 million cubic feet of gas on 64/64-inch choke. 7H bottoms at 10,596 feet and potentialed 4.572 million cubic feet of gas on 64/64-inch choke. 8H bottoms at 10,915-feet and potentialed 4.995 million cubic feet of gas on 64/64-inch choke. Production is in Barnett Shale.

Freestone County

On 48/64-inch choke, Black A Well 4 potentialed 1,000 cubic feet of natural gas. This well is 6 miles south of Fairfield in Bear Grass Field. Anadarko drilled to 12,900 feet. Production is in Cotton Valley Consolidated.

McElroy, Jenny 1 GU Well 5 is 5.9 miles northwest of Fairfield in Stewards Mill Field. It was drilled 12,000 feet by Neumin Production. On 36/64-inch choke, it potentialed 1.500 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley Consolidated.

Gregg County

Samson Lone Star completed Flannagan Well 8 in Danville Field. It is at 10,783 feet, 4 miles east of Kilgore. On 12/64-inch choke it potentialed 1.425 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in Travis Peak-Cotton Valley Consolidated.

Buford & Blow GU 3 Wells 11 and 18 have been completed by Anadarko in Oak Hill Field. No. 11 is 11.1 miles southeast of Longview at 10,710 feet and potentialed 1.099 million cubic feet of gas on adjustable choke. No. 18 is 11.3 miles southeast of Longview at 10,748-feet and potentialed 1.002 million cubic feet of gas on adjustable choke. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Samson Lone Star completed Flannagan Wells 11 and 12 in Danville Field 3 miles east of Kilgore. No. 11 bottoms at 10,914 feet and potentialed 2.461 million cubic feet of gas on a 21/64-inch choke. No. 12 bottoms at 10,878 feet and potentialed 2.116 million cubic feet of gas on 20/64-inch choke. Production is in Travis Peak-Cotton Valley Consolidated.

Danville Field has seen Griffin Ranch GU 1 Well 9 drilled by Geo-Vest. This well bottoms at 10,770 feet 5 miles east northeast of Kilgore. It potentialed 1.450 million cubic feet of gas (choke not recorded). Production is in Travis Peak-Cotton Valley Consolidated.

Harrison County

On 20/64-inch choke, Loftis 5 potentialed 833,000 cubic feet of gas. This well was completed 5.1 miles northwest of Easton in Oak Hill Field by Valence Operating. Depth is 12,706-feet. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Waskom Field has seen Keeth Well 1 drilled by Samson Lone Star to 11,910 feet. This well is 8.5 miles east of Marshall. On 60/64-inch choke, it potentialed 422,000 cubic feet of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Forest Oil completed Osborne Heirs Well 3 in Hardwood Field. This well is 11 miles southeast of Marshall at 10,525 feet. On 26/64-inch choke, it potentialed 762,000 cubic feet of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.
On open choke, Callison Well 8D potentialed 883,000 cubic feet of natural gas. It was drilled to 10,194 feet by GM Resources in Carthage North Field. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Hazel Byrne GU Well 7 was completed by Berry Oil in Darco Southeast Field. It bottoms at 10,350 feet, 9.8 miles southeast of Marshall. On 20/64-inch choke it potentialed 1.158 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Devon completed Williams Ireland GUt Well 7 in Waskom Field to 9,717 feet, 6.2 miles southwest of Waskom. On adjustable choke it potentialed 815,000 cubic feet of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Sandridge completed Bonner GU Well 5 and Bell, Carolynn GU 1 Well 10 in Oak Hill Field. No. 5 is 3.9 miles southeast of Hallsville at 10,630 feet. It potentialed 1.418 million cubic feet of gas on 48/64-inch choke. No. 10 is 6.5 miles southeast of Hallsville at 10,630 feet. This well potentialed 1.829 million cubic feet of gas on 31/64-inch choke. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Strange Well 1 bottoms at 9,900 feet. No location was recorded. This was completed by Rivertsone Energy in Oak Hill Field. On 16/64-inch choke it potentialed 1.378 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Thompson Wells 2 and 4 are completed 3.9 miles northeast of Crossroads in Carthage North Field by Penn Virginia Oil & Gas. No. 2 is 10,035 feet deep and No. 4 is 10,078 feet. On 32/64-inch choke, No. 2 potentialed 917,000 cubic feet of natural gas. On 30/64-inch choke, 4 potentialed 1.385 million cubic feet of natural gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.

EnerVest Operating completed Loftis GU Well 4D and Loftis GU Well 13 in Oak Hill Field. Both are 4.5 miles southwest of Hallsville. No. 4-D bottoms at 10,950 feet and potentialed 1.932 million cubic feet of gas on 28/64-inch choke. No.13 bottoms at 10,700 feet and potentialed 1.867 million cubic feet of gas on 26/64-inch choke.

Henderson County

Turlington Field has seen Simmons Well 2 completed by Ellis Exploration to 9,013 feet. This well is 5¾ miles southeast of Malakoff. On 20/64-inch choke, it potentialed 1.038 million cubic feet of natural gas.

Hill County

In a lease 5.9 miles northeast of Itasca in Newark East Field, Boswell Well 1H has been completed by Cornerstone E&P. This well bottoms at 12,210 feet and potentialed 824,000 cubic feet of gas on 1.125-inch choke. Production is in Barnett Shale.

Brooks Well 1H and Sandra Sue Well 1H are completed in ewark, East Field by EOG Resources. Brooks is 6.8 miles northwest of Hillsboro at 13,150 feet. On a 64/64-inch choke it potentialed 2.996 million cubic feet of natural gas. Sandra is 6 miles southwest of Hillsboro at 13,180 feet. On 64/64-inch choke, it potentialed 1.288 million cubic feet of natural gas. Production is in Barnett Shale.

Johnson County

Chesapeake Operating completed wells in Newark East Field.

Sawiki 1H is 3.1 miles southwest of Cleburne at 9,916 feet and potentialed 1.870 million cubic feet of gas on a 64/64-inch choke.

Haynie 3H is 12.9 miles north of Cleburne at 12,452-feet and potentialed 5.601 million cubic feet of gas on a 1-inch choke.

Creed 2H is 13.10 miles north of Cleburne at 11,886-feet and potentialed 4.070 million cubic feet of gas on a 1-inch choke.

Sawiki 5H bottoms at 9,900 feet and potentialed 1.753 million cubic feet of gas on a 64/64-inch choke. No location was recorded.

Doty Wells 1H and 2H are 3 miles west of Cleburne. 1H bottoms at 12,002-feet and potentialed 3.059 million cubic feet of gas on 64/64-inch choke. 2H bottoms at 11,888 feet and potentialed 3.601 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in Barnett Shale.

Russell 1H is 1.5 miles northwest of Alvarado in Newark, East Field. Citrus Energy completed it to 8,892-feet. On a 30/64-inch choke it potentialed 522,000 cubic feet of natural gas. Production is in Barnett Shale.

XTO completed Harper Cattle G Well C5H in Newark East Field. This well is 2 miles southwest of Venus with a depth of 11,105 feet. No test data was recorded. Production is in Barnett Shale.

There has been wells completed in Newark East Field by Devon

L.P. Thomas Joseph 1 is 9.23 miles northwest of Cleburne at 7,175 feet and potentialed 1.647 million cubic feet of gas on a 24/64-inch choke.

Gatlin Winston 4 is 8.14 miles southeast of Cleburne at 11,000 feet and potentialed 1.635 million cubic feet of gas on a 30/64-inch choke.

Howell Charles 5 is 6.27 miles southwest of Cleburne at 6,487 feet and potentialed 2.286 million cubic feet of gas on a 27/64-inch choke.

Sue Mahaffey 10 is 10.55 miles northwest of Cleburne at 9,840-feet and potentialed 2.364 million cubic feet of gas on a 24/64-inch choke.

Production is in Barnett Shale.

Newark East Field has seen wells drilled by Chesapeake.

Hess 6H bottoms at 9,488 feet and potentialed 1.874 million cubic feet of gas on a 64/64-inch choke. No location recorded.

Hess 4H bottoms at 10,247 feet and potentialed 3.350 million cubic feet of gas on a 64/64-inch choke. Location is 13.5 miles north of Cleburne.

Hess 5H bottoms at 9,495 feet and potentialed 2.162 million cubic feet of gas on a 64/64-inch choke. Location is 13.5 miles north of Cleburne.

CEDF 3H is 4 miles northwest of Cleburne at 10,545 feet and potentialed 2.608 million cubic feet of gas on a 1-inch choke.

CEDF 7H is 4 miles northwest of Cleburne at 10,720-feet and potentialed 1.975 million cubic feet of gas on a 1-inch choke. Production is in Barnett Shale.

EOG completed wells in Newark East Field. All were gauged on a 64/64-inch choke.

Geren 18H bottoms at 9,580 feet 5.5 miles northwest of Bono and potentialed 2.511 million cubic feet of natural gas.

Carolyn Teich 6H bottoms at 10,105 feet and potentialed 2.617 million cubic feet of natural gas.

Fleet 7H bottoms at 11,650 feet 2.8 miles southwest of Lillian and potentialed 2.667 million cubic feet of natural gas.

Fricks 5H bottoms at 9,890 feet 2.2 miles south of Godley and potentialed 2.900 million cubic feet of natural gas.

Fleet 1H bottoms at 11,280 feet 2.5 miles southwest of Lillina and potentialed 4.788 million cubic feet of natural gas.

Fleet 8H bottoms at 11,924 feet 2.8 miles southwest of Lillian and potentialed 3.335 million cubic feet of natural gas.

Flores 2H bottoms at 12,908 feet 4.5 miles northeast of Keene and potentialed 6.101 million cubic feet of natural gas.

Brice 4H bottoms at 11,015 feet 4.1 miles southwest of Godley and potentialed 3.324 million cubic feet of natural gas.

Brice 3H bottoms at 10,750 feet 4.1 miles southwest of Godley and potentialed 3.524 million cubic feet of natural gas.

Heffner 4H bottoms at 9,790 feet 2.2 miles northeast of Joshua and potentialed 3.292 million cubic feet of natural gas.

J.C. Bell Estate 2H bottoms at 10,220 feet 6.4 miles northwest of Joshua and potentialed 3.973 million cubic feet of natural gas.

Berry 1H bottoms at 8,750-feet 1.3 miles northwest of Godley and potentialed 793,000 cubic feet of natural gas.

Barron 10H bottoms at 9,610 feet 1.8 miles northeast of Keene and potentialed 6.783 million cubic feet of natural gas.

Schell 2H bottoms at 9,940 feet 0.7 miles northeast of Godley and potentialed 2.658 million cubic feet of natural gas.

Carolyn Teich 5H bottoms at 10,910 feet 7.5 miles northwest of Godley and potentialed 2.988 million cubic feet of natural gas.

Stewart 8H bottoms at 9,930 feet 1.7 miles south of Briaroaks and potentialed 3.740 million cubic feet of natural gas. Production is in Barnett Shale.

Leon County
Jeter 1 is located 3.1 miles east-southeast of Buffalo in Red Oak Field. This well was drilled to 6,685 feet by Roberts & Hammack and flowed with 15 barrels of crude on a 32/64-inch choke. Production is in Dexter.

Nacogdoches County

Exxon Mobil completed Trawick GU 17 Well 11, Trawick GU 7 Well 11 and Trawick GU 7 Well 11C in Trawick Field. Trawick GU 17 No. 11 is 3.3 miles east of Cushing at 8,895 feet. On a 0.75-inch choke, it potentialed 3.315 million cubic feet of natural gas. Trawick GU 7 No. 11 is 5.18 miles east of Cushing at 8,900 feet. On a 0.344-inch choke, it potentialed 4.511 million cubic feet of natural gas. Production is in Travis Peak. Trawick GU 7 No. 11C is 5.18 miles east of Cushing at 8,900 feet. On a 1-inch choke, it potentialed 1.003 million cubic feet of natural gas. Production is in Pettit.

Ramos 1H is 12.4 miles west of Lufkin in Loco Bayou Field. St. Mary Land & Exploration completed it to 14,868 feet. On 30/64-inch choke, it potentialed 5.170 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in James Lime.

In a lease 11.3 miles southeast of Nacogdoches in Gates Field, Seelco 1 was completed by Goodrich Petroleum. This well bottoms at 11,800 feet and potentialed 481,000 cubic feet of gas on a 27/64-inch choke. Production is in Travis Peak.

Trawick Field has seen Trawick GU 18 Well 9C completed by Exxon Mobil at 8,897 feet 5.14 miles southeast of Cushing. On a 1-inch choke, it potentialed 1.872 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in Pettit.

Fincher Well 1 and Winston GU Well 8 are completed by Southwestern Energy. No. 1 potentialed 4.711 million cubic feet of gas on 16/64-inch choke. This was completed 8.94 miles southwest of Nacogdoches in Black Bayou Field at 9,781 feet. No. 8 potentialed 914,000 cubic feet of gas on 12/64-inch choke. This is 10.3 miles north of Lufkin at 10,130 feet. Production is in Pettit.

Panola County

Davis, A.L. Well 16 is 3.3 miles south of Carthage in Carthage Field. It was drilled to 9,737 feet by Chesapeake. On adjustable choke, it potentialed 1.443 million cubic feet of natural gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.

In a lease 10.4 miles southwest of Carthage in Carthage Field, Dudley Williams Heirs 1H has been completed by Devon. This well bottoms at 13,799 feet and potentialed 1.356 million cubic feet of gas on adjustable choke. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Preston Exploration completed two wells. Pitts No. 3 is 7.2 miles northeast of Gary in Carthage Field. At 9,650 feet it potentialed 396,000 cubic feet of gas on a 17/64-inch choke. Beckville 2 bottoms at 11,780 feet in Beckville Field. This well potentialed 1.286 million cubic feet of gas on a 20/64-inch choke. No location was recorded. Production is in Cotton Valley.

There has been five wells completed by Anadarko.

L.T. Poss GU Well 12 is 4.5 miles southeast of Carthage at 9,545 feet and potentialed 1.670 million cubic feet of natural gas on an adjustable choke.

CGU 15 Well 19 is 3.4 miles northwest of Carthage at 9,950 feet and potentialed 853,000 cubic feet of natural gas on an adjustable choke.

CGU 28 Well 15 is 7.1 miles southwest of Carthage at10,052 feet and potentialed 878,000 cubic feet of natural gas on adjustable choke.

Fred Kyle “A” Unit Well 6 is 5.1 miles southeast of Carthage at 9,600 feet and potentialed 467,000 cubic feet of natural gas on adjustable choke. The wells were drilled in Carthage Field.

Searcy Gas Unit Well 17 is 8.5 miles northwest of Carthage at 10,039 feet and potentialed 1.323 million cubic feet of natural gas on an adjustable choke. This well was drilled in Beckville Field. Production for all is in Cotton Valley.

Carthage, South Field has seen Dwain Brady GU Well 1 completed by Classic Operating 3.5 miles west of Clayton at 10,253 feet. On an adjustable choke, it potentialed 2.498 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Texas American completed LaGrone 1 in Beckville Field. This well is 4.5 miles northeast of Beckville at 10,525-feet. On a 16/64-inch choke, it potentialed 780,000 cubic feet of natural gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.

On 22/64-inch choke, Box GU Well 6 potentialed 583,000 cubic feet of gas 3 miles west of Clayton in Carthage South Field. Jack L. Phillips drilled to 10,100 feet for production in Cotton Valley.

Chesapeake completed H.D. Browning GU 1 Well 14 in Beckville West Field 2.8 miles of Fair Play at 10,150-feet. On an adjustable choke, it potentialed 261,000 cubic feet of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Edens 19 is located 9.3 miles of Carthage in Beckville Field. This well bottoms at 10,220 feet drilled by Chinn Exploration. On 14/64-inch choke, it potentialed 587,000 cubic feet of natural gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.

St. Mary Land & Exploration completed Headrick Well 1 in Centennial Field to 9,900 feet 4.9 miles southeast of DeBerry. On an adjustable choke, it potentialed 540,000 cubic feet of natural gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Robertson County
EnCana completed Glynda McBeth Unit Well 13, 4.7 miles northwest of Franklin in Bald Prairie Fieldto 12,850 feet. On adjustable choke, it potentialed 2.479 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley Consolidated.

Rusk County

Childers GU Well 1 is 4.8 miles northwest of Long Branch in Brachfield Southeast Field. It was drilled to 10,720 feet by Enduring Resources. On a 14/64-inch choke, it potentialed 748,000 cubic feet of natural gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.
In a lease 20.6 miles northeast of Henderson in Oak Hill Field, Buford & Blow GU 2 Well 7 has been completed to 10,633 feet by Anadarko. This well potentialed 951,000 cubic feet of gas on adjustable choke. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Chinn completed Oak Hill GU 1 Well 4 in Oak Hill Field 20.5 miles east of Henderson at 10,604 feet. On a 14/64-inch choke, it potentialed 479,000 cubic feet of natural gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Michael Kangerga GU Well 3 is 6.1 miles southwest of Tatum in Oak Hill Field. BP America completed it to 13,126 feet. On adjustable choke, it potentialed 3.217 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.
Exco Operating completed J.W. Turner Well 1 in Oak Hill Field. This well is 2 miles east of New London with a depth of 11,050 feet. On adjustable choke, the well potentialed 657,000 cubic feet of natural gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Oak Hill Field has seen Finis Rogers GU Well 4 completed by Anadarko. This well drilled to 11,010 feet 3.3 miles northwest of Henderson. On adjustable choke it potentialed 2.467 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.

In a lease 6 miles east of Henderson in Henderson East Field, RAS Redwine Well 4 was completed by Chinn. This well bottoms at 11,030 feet and potentialed 503,000 cubic feet of gas on a 11/64-inch choke. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Goodrich completed Robert Youngblood GU Well 5 in Minden Field. This well bottoms at 10,965 feet and potentialed 509,000 cubic feet of natural gas on adjustable choke. Location is 4.3 miles south of Henderson. Production is in Travis Peak Consolidated.

On a 20/64-inch choke, Poovey GU Well 2 potentialed 1.211 million cubic feet of natural gas. This well was completed in Brachfield, Southeast Field by Fidelity Exploration & Production to 10,903 feet. It is 3.8 miles northeast of Minden. Production is in Cotton Valley.

San Augustine County
Timberstar-Hodges GU 1 Well 1H is 15.53 miles northwest of San Augustine in Martinsville Southeast Field. This well was drilled to 11,617 feet by Southwestern. The well was gauged on open choke and potentialed 4.237 million cubic feet of natural gas. Production is in James.

Shelby County

KCS Resources completed Joaquin GU W Well 2 and Pridgen GU Well 2 in Carthage Field. Joaquin is 1.60 miles southwest of Joaquin at 9,880 feet. It was gauged on 22/64-inch choke and potentialed 109,000 cubic feet of natural gas. Pridgen is located 2 miles southwest of Joaquin at 9,915-feet. On a 30/64-inch choke it potentialed 300,000 cubic feet of natural gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Grant Well 5 is 9.8 miles southwest of Center in Stockman Field. It was completed to 8,820 feet by Encore Operating. Gauged on a 36/64-inch choke, it potentialed 1.863 million cubic feet of natural gas. Production is in Travis Peak.

Ellora completed Bickham Unit Well 2H and Inez Davis Unit Well 2H in Huxley Field. Bickham is 2.5 miles east of Shelbyville at 13,715 feet. On a 20/64-inch choke, it potentialed 1.397 million cubic feet of gas. Inez is .24-mile west of Dreka at 14,363 feet. On a 20/64-inch choke, it potentialed 2.158 million cubic feet of gas.

Tarrant County

On a 64/64-inch choke, Rocky Creek Ranch Well 10H potentialed 1.827 million cubic feet of gas. EnCana completed it to 8,785 feet 6.3 miles west of Crowley in Newark East Field. Production is in Barnett Shale.

XTO completed Sid Richardson Well C4H, Fincher Rambo Well A1H and Mira Lagos Unit Well 3H in Newark, East Field. C4H is within city limits of Fort Worth at 10,656-feet. A1H is located 4.3 miles northwest of Mansfield at 10,341 feet. 3H is 3.1 miles northeast of Britton with at 12,844-feet. No test data was recorded. Production is in Barnett Shale.

Chesapeake completed DFW Well No. B11HY to 11,990 feet in Newark, East Field. The well is in Grapevine. It potentialed 355,000 cubic feet of gas. Choke size not recorded. Production is in Barnett Shale.

Bonds Ranch Well 4010R is in Fort Worth in Newark East Field. EnCana completed it to 7,400 feet. No test data or depth was recorded. Production is in Barnett Shale.

Carrizo completed Mahaffey Unit Well 2H in Newark East Field to 10,015-feet, 2 miles northwest of Lakeside. On a 64/64-inch choke, it potentialed 400,000 cubic feet of gas. Production is in Barnett Shale .

Newark East Field has seen Dulaney 1H drilled by Hollis R. Sullivan to 9,388 feet. This well is 2.5 miles west of Westland. On an open choke it potentialed 1.639 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in Barnett Shale.

Stevenson Unit Well 5H is 1 mile northwest of Everman in Newark East Field. Range Production drilled to 11,281 feet and it potentialed 775,000 cubic feet of gas on a 48/64-inch choke. Production is in Barnett Shale.

Chesapeake completed wells in Newark East Field. DFW C6HL, C3HL, C5HE and DFW North Well A3HL are 22 miles northeast of Fort Worth. C6HL bottoms at 11,914-feet and potentialed 3.170 million cubic feet of natural gas (choke not recorded). C3HL bottoms at 10,424 feet and potentialed 1.809 million cubic feet of natural gas (choke not recorded). C5HE bottoms at 12,315 feet and potentialed 1.466 million cubic feet of natural gas on a 1-inch choke. A3HL bottoms at 13,580 feet and potentialed 4.521 million cubic feet of natural gas on a 1-inch choke. Production is in Barnett Shale.

In a lease 7 miles northwest of Saginaw in Newark, East Field, Chapel Hill Well C5 was completed by Devon. This well bottoms at 7,067 feet and potentialed 2.381 million cubic feet of gas on a 24/64-inch choke. Production is in Barnett Shale.

Titus County
Hargrove Fee Well 14 was completed to 4,450 feet, 1 mile east of Talco. Arcadia completed it in Talco Field. This well flowed with 21 barrels of crude.

Updated Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2008 at 9:20 a.m. CDT
East Texas Drilling Report
Posted on Sunday, August 31, 2008

Suemaur E&P Set To Drill 12,000 Feet Near Palestine


Anderson County

In a lease 10.2 miles northeast of Palestine in a Wildcat, Suemaur E&P will drill to 12,000 feet. Greve Well 1 will lie in Davis S Survey A-232.

SDG Operating will drill Puzzlewood Ranch Well 1 in a Wildcat 7.5 miles southwest of Elkhart in Box SC Survey A-12 that will hit 6,200 feet.

Angelina County

Encan Oil & Gas is preparing two wells for 12,300 feet in Raintree (Travis Peak Consolidated) Field. The E.M. Ryan Unit Wells 7 and 11 will lie in Durst J Survey A-703. No. 7 will be 4.05 miles northeast of Wells. No. 11 will be 3.93 mile southeast of Wells.

Angelina Lumber Well 4 is being prepared by Encan for 12,300 feet, 5.49 miles southeast of Wells in Raintree (Travis Peak Consolidated) Field. The well will lie in the Durst, J Survey A-201.

Cherokee County

XTO Energy will drill eight wells in Doyle Creek (Travis Peak) Field. Frank Heirs Well 1 will be 6.3 miles northwest of Wells in I&GN RR Co. Survey, A-436 and bottom at 13,000 feet. Chronister Heirs Well 45 will be 6 miles southeast of Alto. Chronister Heirs 46 will be 5.9 miles southeast of Alto. Chronister 47 will be 6.36 miles southeast of Alto. Chronister 48 will be 6.1 miles southeast of Alto. Chronister 49 and 50 will be 6.6 miles southeast of Alto. Chronister 51 will be 6.2 miles southeast of Alto. These wells will hit 13,000 feet in Durst J Survey A-15. All may be drilled in Doyle Creek (Pettit) Field.

Chesapeake Operating is preparing Davis Well 1 to 12,000 feet in a Wildcat 4.9 miles northwest of Wells that will lie in the Cherry WH Survey A-208. This well may also be drilled in the Doyle Creek (Travis Peak) Field.

XTO is preparing wells at 13,000 feet in Doyle Creek (Travis Peak) Field. All will be 5.9 miles northwest of Wells in I&GN RR CO Survey A-439. Frank Heirs Wells Nos. 2-4 may also be drilled in the Doyle Creek (Pettit) Field.

Freestone County

M.T. Peyton GU 1 Well 16H is being prepared for 13,000 feet in Nan-Su-Gail (Cotton Valley Consolidated) Field by Devon Energy. The well will be 5.3 miles northeast of Fairfield in Palacios M R Survey A-20.

Limestone County

Rickard GU 17 is being prepared by Berry Oil to 13,700 feet 15.3 miles northwest of Jewett in Freestone (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated) Field, Chavert JL Survey A-4. This well may be drilled in Navasota (Pettit), Freestone (Travis Peak) fields or a Wildcat.

XTO is preparing to drill N.E. Shorter GU 1 Wells 6 and 7 to 13,800 feet in Farrar (Cotton Valley Lime) Field. No. 6 will be 17 miles northeast of Thornton; No. 7 will be 17.9 miles northeast of Thornton and lie in Rejon MC Survey A-26. Both may be drilled in the Farrar (Travis Peak) and Farrarm Southeast (Pettit) fields.

In a lease 13.2 miles northwest of Jewett in Freestone (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated) Field, Doss GU Well 26 will be drilled to 13,200 feet by Berry in Chavert JL Survey A-4. It may also be drilled in a Wildcat.

C&W GU 1 Well 11H will be drilled 14.4 miles southeast of Groesbeck in Farrar (Cotton Valley Lime) Field by XTO. The well will bottom at 17,500 feet in Rejon MC Survey A-26. This well may be drilled in Farrar, Southeast (Pettit) or Farrar (Travis Peak) fields.

Berry will drill the Sims, Alton Well 23 in the Freestone (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated) Field. The well will bottom at 13,900 feet in Chavert J L Survey A-4. This well may also be drilled in a Wildcat.

Nacogdoches County

Trawick GU Well 17 will be drilled in Trawick (Travis Peak) Field by Exxon Mobil. This well will be 2.4 miles east of Cushing in Weekes J Survey A-58 at 9,800 feet. The well may be drilled in Trawick (James) and Trawick (Pettit) fields or a Wildcat.

In a lease six miles southeast of Cushing, Grafton Well is being prepared by Samon Lone Star. The well will bottom at 11,000 feet in Trawick (Travis Peak) Field, the Strodes S Survey A-502. This well may be drilled in the Trawick (James) Field and a Wildcat.

EOG Resources is preparing to drill Middlebrook Mineral Partnership 1 at 8,260-feet in Kendrick (James) Field. The well will be 3.3 miles northeast of Nacogdoches in Flores V Survey A-31.

Panola County

Devon will drill Fite Unit Well 21, 4.1 miles northwest of Carthage in Carthage (Cotton Valley) Field. This will bottom at 13,000 feet in Duncan S Survey A-158 and may also be drilled in a Wildcat.

Richardson Unit 1 Well 14 will be drilled 6.8 miles north of Carthage in Carthage (Cotton Valley) Field. Lacy Operations will drill to 13,000 feet in Lagrone WA Survey A-390. This well may also be drilled in Carthage, North (Bossier Shale) Field or a Wildcat.

Beckville (Cotton Valley) Field will see the North Blue GU 1 drilled by Preston Exploration. This well will be one mile east of Tatum in Reel J Survey A-564.

XTO will drill New Horizons 1H in Carthage, North (Bossier Shale) Field, eight miles northwest of Beckville in Dabling JC Survey A-185. Depth will be 12,500 feet. It may also be drilled in a Wildcat.

In a lease 4.4 miles west of Beckville in Beckville (Cotton Valley) Field, Cunningham 4 will be drilled by Craton Energy Holdings at 12,500 feet in Staton E Survey A-628. The well may be drilled in Carthage, North (Bossier Shale) Field or a Wildcat.

Mason 24 will be drilled 5.1 miles southwest of Carthage in Carthage (Cotton Valley) Field. Devon will drill to 12,500 feet in Hanks I Survey A-271.

Lacy Operations will drill Burnett Unit 9 Well 16 in Carthage (Cotton Valley) Field. It will bottom at 13,000 feet in Duncan WV Survey A-181. Location will be 8.1 miles north of Carthage. The well may be drilled in Carthage North (Bossier Shale) Field or a Wildcat Field.

Robertson County

Red Willow Production is preparing the Neyland 1 in Bear Grass (Cotton Valley Consolidated) Field. The well will be 5.4 miles northeast of Easterly and bottom 14,500 feet. It will lie in De La Concepcion Marquez M Survey A25. This well may be drilled in a Wildcat.

A Wildcat will see the Blair John 30 drilled by Coronado Energy to 13,500 feet. The well will be 12.1 miles northeast of Fanklin in Owens W Survey A-297. This well may be drilled in Bald Prairie (Cotton Valley Consolidated), Bald Prairie (Travis Peak) or Bald Prairie (Pettit) fields.

In a lease 8.9 miles southeast of Franklin, Encan is preparing to drill the S. Mclean Wells Nos. C3, G3 and G4. The wells will bottom at 18,300 feet in John Amoruso (Bossier) Field. C3 will be l8.9 miles southeast of Franklin. G3 will be 8.8 miles southeast of Franklin. G4 will be 9.4 miles southeast of Franklin. All will lie in the Viesca J M Survey A-46.

XTO is preparing to drill Mitchell GU 1 Well 15 to 14,025 feet in Bald Prairie (Cotton Valley Consolidated) Field. The well will be 11.3 miles northeast of Franklin and lie in Denson O Survey A-126.

Rusk County

In a lease five miles east of Overton in Oak Hill (Cotton Valley) Field, Wolf GU Well 1 is being prepared for 11,200 feet by Maxima Energy. The well will lie in Martin TJ Survey A-519. This well may also be drilled in a Wildcat.

Energen Resources is preparing to drill the Hutchings J. Unit Well 14 to 11,000 feet in Oak Hill (Cotton Valley) Field. The well will be 5.3 miles northwest of Tatum and lie in the Walling J Survey A-42.

There will be three wells drilled in Danville (Travis Peak-Cotton Valley Consolidated) Field by Samson Lone Star. Lee GU Wells Nos. 3 and 4 will be drilled three miles southeast of Kilgore in Wells, H Survey A-953 to 13,000 feet. No. 3 well may also be drilled in a Wildcat. Lone Star Well 4 will be drilled 2.5 miles southeast of Kilgore in Wells H Survey A-953. The well may be drilled in a Wildcat.

NFR Energy will drill McFarland 1 GU Well 1 in Minden (Cotton Valley Consolidated) Field to 13,000 feet. The well will be eight miles southeast of Henderson in Mora JA Survey A-516. This well may be drilled in Minden (Travis Peak Consolidated), Wildcat or Minden (Cotton Valley Lime) fields.

Green GU 1 Well 101 will be three miles west of Minden in Brachfield, Southeast (Cotton Valley) Field. The well will be drilled to 13,500 feet by Enduring Resources in Reel J Survey A-33. This may be drilled in Wildcat and Minden (Travis Peak Consolidated) fields.


Anderson County

Anwac Field has seen Temple Eastex 50 and 52 completed by Wilson Don H. 4.3 miles east of Elkhart. No. 50 bottoms at 1,503 feet. No production recorded. No. 52 bottoms at 1,503 feet. No production recorded. Production is in the 1400 Wilcox.

Cherokee County

Chronister Heirs 16 is completed in Doyle Creek by XTO five miles northwest of Wells at 12,245 feet. On a 14/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 1.534 million cf of gas. Production is in Travis Peak.

In a lease 4.6 miles north of Wells, in Doyle Creek Field, XTO filed production for Chronister Heirs 18 Well 18. This well bottoms at a 12,320 feet. On a 16/64-inch choke, it potentialed 394,000 cf of natural gas. Production is in the Travis Peak.

On a 16/64-inch choke, McKnight 1 potentialed 3.134 million cf of gas. The well is 10.2 miles southwest of Alto in Doyle Creek. This well bottoms at 12,250 feet and was drilled by Chesapeake. Production is in Travis Peak.

Freestone County

Freestone has seen McSwane GU Well 13 completed by XTO 6.20 miles southeast of Teague. On a 16/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 1.742 million cf of natural gas. Production is in Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated.

On adjustable choke, the Crenshaw, F.H. Unit Well 19H potentialed 10.168 million cf of gas. This well was completed to 15,867 feet by Devon in the Nan-Su-Gail Field. Production is in Cotton Valley Consolidated.

Henderson GU 15 has been completed by XTO to 12,180 feet.

The well is five miles east of Teague in Teague Field. It potentialed 2.903 million cf of natural gas, on a 48/64-inch choke. Production is in Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated.

In a lease five miles southeast of Teague in Teague Field, XTO completed the Rogers GU 9. This well bottoms at 12,255 feet. On a 17/64-inch choke it 2.973 million cf of natural gas. Production is in Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated.

Teague Field has seen production as XTO completed two wells. Curry GU 14 bottoms at 12,651 feet 6.50 miles southwest of Fairfield. On a 14/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 2.455 million cf of natural gas. Clarke GU 17 bottoms at 12,154 feet 5.70 miles east of Teague. On a 48/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 4.273 million cf of natural gas. Production is in Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated.

Apache Corp. completed the Folk GU 06H in Nan-Su-Gail Field 5.70 miles northeast of Fairfield. It bottoms at 16,360 feet. On a 19/64-inch choke it potentialed 10.133 million cf of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley Consolidated.

On 16/64-inch choke, Bonner J Survey A-10 potentialed 2.821 million cf of gas. This well is 5.40 miles southwest of Fairfield in Teague Field. Hunt Petroleum completed the well to 12,250 feet. Production is in Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated.

Henderson County

In a lease four miles southeast of Malakoff, in Tri-Cities Field, XTO drilled the J.R. Black GU 6. On a 20/64-inch choke it potentialed 3.923 million cf of natural gas bottoming at 11,649-feet. Production is in Cotton Valley.

C.L. Leopard GU 7 was completed to 11,605 feet in Tri-Cities Field by XTO. The location is 4.80 miles southeast of Malakoff. The well potentialed 2.432 million cf of natural gas on a 18/64-inch choke. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Nacogdoches County

Loco Bayou Field has seen the Henderson 1H completed by Goodrich Petroleum six miles southwest of Nacogdoches to 13,318 feet. On a 29/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 2.152 million cf of gas. Production is in the James Lime.

On a 27/64-inch choke, the H.G.T. Middlebrook GU 1 Well 8 potentialed 3.313 million cf of gas 9.5 miles northwest of Nacogdoches, It was drilled 10,355 feet by Samson Lone Star. This well is in the Douglass, West Field. Production is in Travis Peak.

In a lease 11.1 miles southeast of Nacogdoches in Gates Field, Haskins Trust 1 was completed by Goodrich Petroleum. It bottoms at 11,921 feet and potentialed 850,000 cf of gas on a 22/64-inch choke. Production is in Travis Peak.

Samson Lone Star completed Diane Jones GU 1 Well 1 in Trawick Field to 10,269 feet. On a 48/64-inch choke, it potentialed 457,000 of gas. Production is in Travis Peak.

Panola County

Williamson Well 22 was completed by Devon in Carthage Field 3.98 miles southwest of Carthage to 9,611 feet. On adjustable choke, the well potentialed 999,000 cf of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley.


Anadarko E&P completed the CGU 18 Well 16 in Carthage Field 4.3 miles northwest of Carthage to 9,744 feet. On an adjustable choke, it potentialed 976,000 cf of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

Gauged on an adjustable choke, Neal 16 potentialed 1.147 million cf of gas. Devon completed the well to 9,740 feet 2.4 miles northeast of Carthage in Carthage Field. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

Moore, C.E. Unit Well 9 is 4.1 miles southeast of Carthage in Carthage Field. Anadarko E&P completed it to 9,394 feet. On an adjustable choke, the well potentialed 346,000 cf of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Rusk County

On a 34/64-inch choke, W.C. Lee 3 potentialed 1.351 million cf of gas. It was drilled 3.7 miles southeast of Kilgore in Danville Field by Encore Operating to 9,768 feet with production in the Travis Peak Consolidated.

Oak Hill Field has seen Henderson E9 completed by XTO to 10,935 feet 7.90 miles northwest of Henderson. On a 28/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 48,000 cf of natural gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Chinn Exploration completed Oak Hill GU 1 Well 6 in Oak Hill Field 20.6 miles east of Henderson to 10,640 feet. On a 14/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 750,000 cf of natural gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.

On a 26/64-inch choke, Alexander Heirs GU 13 potentialed 348,000 cf of natural gas. This well was completed to 11,258 feet 5.6 miles southwest of Henderson.

Forest Oil completed the well in Henderson East Field.
Freestone County has permitted wells to the Haynesville Shale (Wildcat). Sorry for posting this information here, as the East Texas discussion board has mystically vanished.

LOL, that's OK! I stole the idea from you to post it here. Seems like a good place to post them as they come in...easy to find it this way.
East Texas Drilling Report
Posted on Sunday, September 07, 2008

Branta Production Will Drill Northeast Of Rusk


Anderson County

McClinton 15 and 16 will be drilled one mile south of Slocum in Slocum Field by Lockout Corp. to 600 feet in Wilson WR Survey A-66.

Cherokee County

Branta Production will drill the Goldman 2 in a Wildcat 20.4 miles northeast of Rusk in Reese P Survey A-727 to 8,600 feet. The well may also be drilled in Big Barnett (Travis Peak), Good Springs (Pettit), Scoober Creek (Pettit), Scoober Creek (Travis Peak), Gum Springs (Woodbine), Good Springs (Travis Peak), Big Barnett (Woodbine), Gum Springs, North (Woodbine) or Big Barnett (Pettit) fields.

Staton Timber 1R will be 3.33 miles southwest of Jacksonville in a Wildcat. The well will be drilled to 10,200 feet by Parten Operating in Merrill J Survey A-564. This well may be drilled in Ricappy (Pettit) Field.

In a lease 6.5 miles northeast of New Summerfield in a Wildcat, Jarvis East GU 1 will be drilled by Exco Operating 13,000 feet in Parker D C Survey A-669.

Chesapeake Operating will drill Blackstone Minerals 2 in a Wildcat 6.7 miles south of Forest to 18,000 feet in Smith J Survey A-770. It may be drilled in Decker Switch (Pettit), Decker Switch (Sub Clarksville), Decker Switch (Glen Rose), Decker Switch (Travis Peak), Decker Switch, Southeast (James Lime) Field or Decker Switch (Woodbine) fields.

Dallas County

In a lease in Cedar Hill in Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field, Isaminger 1H is being prepared by North Texas Llano Operations. It will hit 9,000 feet in Ogsbury JJ Survey A-1111.

Ellis County

Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field will see Miskimon 1H drilled by Endeavor Energy. It will be nine miles southwest of Midlothian at 13,000 feet in Kelsey L Survey A-594.

Falls County

In a lease 6.53 miles southwest of Reagan, Mullinax 1 is being prepared by Texas Royalty. The well bottoms at 12,000 feet in a Wildcat in the Fisher W Survey A-19.

Freestone County

XTO Energy will drill Boyde-Pickett GU 10 and Wells 12 and 13 to 13,000 feet in Teague (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated) Field. All will lie in Kelly RP Survey A-351. Well 10 will be 6.7 miles southwest of Fairfield, No. 12 will be 5.7 miles southwest of Fairfield and 13 will be 6.5 miles southwest of Fairfield.

Owens C 4 is being prepared by XTO for 13,250 feet 2.2 miles northwest of Teague in Teague (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated) Field. The well will lie in Lawrence, J Survey, A-365.

XTO will drill Boyd-Pickett Gas Unit 15 to 13,000 feet in Teague (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated) Field. This well will be 6.3 miles southwest of Fairfield in Kelly RP Survey A-351.

Harrison County

In a lease 1.4 miles west of Elysian Field, Penn Virginia Oil & Gas is preparing to drill to 12,000 feet in a Wildcat. The Furrh Alice 1 will lie in Findley J Survey A-247. It may also be drilled in Bethany (Travis Peak Consolidated) or Carthage, North (Cotton Valley) fields.

NFR Energy will drill Flying LL Trust 1 to 13,000 feet in a Wildcat. The well will be in Longview and lie in Jordan A Survey A-360. It may also be drilled in Oak Hill (Cotton Valley) or Carthage, North (Bossier, Shale) fields.

In Oak Hill (Cotton Valley) Field, Sandridge E&P will drill to 14,000 feet. The well will be 6.6 miles southeast of Hallsville and lie in the Pace J Survey A-541. This well may also be drilled in a Wildcat.

NFR Energy will drill Harris-Munden GU 8H to 13,000 feet in Carthage, North (Bossier Shale) Field. The well will be seven miles southwest of Marshall and lie in the Lindsey P Survey A-391.

Enervest Operating will drill Bailey GU 16H to 11,500 feet in a Wildcat five miles southwest of Hallsville. The well will lie in Hill J Survey A-300. It may also be drilled in Oak Hill (Cotton Valley) Field.

Bogue A No. 6H will be drilled 0.6-mile northeast of Crossroads in Carthage, North (Bossier Shale) Field. Comstock Oil & Gas will drill to 12,000 feet in Wallace L Survey A-744.

Henderson County

Decker Operating will drill to 13,000 feet in La Rue (Pettit) Field. The Wilbanks 1 will be 3.2 miles northeast of Athens and lie in Walters BC Survey A-797. This well may be drilled in Thomas Lake (Cotton Valley or (Rodessa B) Field.

Hill County

Edens 1H will be drilled 3.8 miles northeast of Hillsboro in Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field by Cornerstone E&P. This well will bottom at 10,050 feet in Fletcher W Survey A-292.

Johnson County

In a lease 10.07 miles northeast of Cleburne in the Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field, Atlas J.J. 3R is being prepared for 9,000 feet in Jones B Survey A-449 by Devon Energy.

Hudgins Unit Wells 1H and 2H are being prepared to 10,000 feet by EOG Resources. They will be 4.4 miles southwest of Bono and lie in the Walker RN Survey A-881 in Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field.

EOG Resources is preparing two wells for 10,000 feet 3.7 miles southwest of Burleson in Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field. The wells will lie in Catlett HG Survey A-180. They are the Bransom 3H and 4H.

Chesapeake Operating will drill Una Hyral 2H to 9,000 feet in Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field. The well will be 4.5 miles northeast of Cleburne and lie in the David Mize Field.

Kenah 2H and 4H are being prepared by Chesapeake Operating for 9,000 feet in Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field. The wells will be 5.8 miles northeast of Cleburne in the Moore MJ Survey A-604.

In a lease 5.4 miles west of Cleburne, Chesapeake will drill to 9,000 feet in Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field. The Serena Beth 3H will lie in Jackson CSL Survey A-435.

Chesapeake will drill West Lake 9H to 9,000 feet in Newark, East Barnett Shale Field. The well will be 4.1 southwest of Cleburne in the O'Neal W Survey A-664.

Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field will see Chesapeake drill two wells to 9,000 feet. The Smith Lowell Jr 2H and 4H will be 8.2 miles south of Cleburne in Sevier C Survey A-752.

In a lease 4.5 miles northeast of Cleburne, Chesapeake will drill Una Hyral 4H to 9,000 feet in Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field. The well will lie in Mize D Survey A-567.

EOG Resources will drill Hudgins 3H to 10,000 feet 4.4 miles southwest of Bono in Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field. The well will lie in Walker RN Survey A-881.

Barabas 2H and 4H are being prepared for 9,000 feet by Chesapeake in Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field. Both will be 12.9 miles northeast of Cleburne in Wallace J Survey A-862.

Leon County

Barron-Hartman GU 1 Well 7 is being prepared by Forest Oil for 11,000 feet in Jewett (Travis Peak) Field. The well will be 0.34-mile northeast of Jewett in Mc Grew J Survey A-591.

Limestone County

Berry Oil will drill Doss GU 27 and Bobby Reed GU 31 in Freestone (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated) Field. The Doss will bottom at 13,200 feet 13.5 miles northwest of Jewett. Bobby Reed will bottom at 13,700 feet 13.1 miles northwest of Jewett. Both will lie in Chavert JL Survey A-4. The wells may be drilled in a Wildcat.

In a lease 15.7 miles southeast of Groesbeck, XTO is preparing Robert Shaw GU 1 Well 2H for 18,000 feet in Farrar (Cotton Valley Lime) Field. The well will lie in the Rejon MC Survey A-26. This well may be drilled in Farrar, SE (Pettit) or Farrar (Travis Peak) fields.

Marion County

In a lease five miles north of Karnack, in Woodlawn (Cotton Valley) Field, the Walker Heirs 1H will be drilled by Wagner & Brown to 13,500 feet in Hawkins, B Survey, A-183.

Nacogdoches County

Fossil Resources will drill Red Sox Unit Well 1 to 11,500-feet in a Wildcat 1.8 miles southwest of Martinsville. The well will lie in Flores HRS V Survey A-30. It may also be drilled in Martinsville (Travis Peak) Field.

Trawick GU 19 Well 8 is being prepared by Exxon Mobil for 9,800 feet 5.77 miles southwest of Cushing in Trawick (Travis Peak) Field. The well will lie in Sanchez L Survey A-50. This well may be drilled in Trawick (Pettit), Trawick (James) or Wildcat fields

Samson Lone Star will drill Black Stone-Lock GU 1 Well 4 to 12,000 feet 11.5 miles northwest of Nacogdoches in the Douglass W. (Travis Peak) Field. The well will lie in De Los Santos Coy M&Bros Survey A-21. This well may be drilled in Trawick (Pettit) Field.

In a lease 10.4 miles northwest of Nacogdoches in Douglass West (Travis Peak) Field, Helen Glass 2-4 will be drilled by Ark-La-Tex Energy to 11,000 feet. Nos. 2 and 3 will lie in De Los Santos Coy M&Bros. Survey A-21. No. 4 will lie in Tobar J Survey A-54. The wells may be in the Douglass, Northwest (Travis Peak) Field.

Weaver GU 1 Well 11 and James Lewis GU 1 Well 5 will be drilled by Samson Lone Star in Douglass, West (Travis Peak) Field. No. 11 will be eight miles northwest of Nacogdoches at 12,000 feet in De Los Santos Coy M&Bros. Survey A-21. No. 5 will be 10.5 miles northwest of Nacogdoches at 12,000 feet. The well may also be drilled in Little Ears (Pettit Lime), Miyagi (Pettit, a Wildcat or Nacogdoches East (James Lime) fields.

Goodrich Petroleum will drill Sutton Jerry 2 in Gates (Travis Peak) Field to 12,500 feet 13.1 miles southeast of Nacogdoches in Stanley, E Survey, A-508. It may also be drilled in a Wildcat Field.

Navarro County

Lancelot Exploration is preparing the Galahad PG MSL 2 to 1,800 feet. The well will be one mile south of Powell in the Corsicana (Shallow) Field and lie in the Lane, W P Survey A-483.

Panola County

Black Unit 21 will be drilled 4.6 miles northeast of Carthage in Carthage (Cotton Valley) Field by Devon Energy to 13,000 feet in McDonald D Survey A-499. This well may also be drilled in a Wildcat.

Rusk County

Enduring Resources is preparing Wilder GU 101 for 13,500 feet 2.7 miles northwest of Minden in Brachfield S.E. (Cotton Valley) Field. The well will lie in Reel H Survey A-32. This well may also be drilled in Wildcat or Minden (Travis Peak Consolidated) fields.

Jarrell GU 101 is being prepared by Enduring Resources for 13,500 feet 3.3 miles northwest of Minden in Brachfield S.E. (Cotton Valley) Field. The well will lie in Birdwell G Survey A-108. The well may also be drilled in Minden (Travis Peak Consolidated) or Wildcat fields.

In a lease 4.8 miles east of Minden, Eneduring Resources will drill in Brachfield S.E. (Cotton Valley) Field. The Hughes GU 101 will bottom at 13,500 feet and lie in Reid P Survey A-664. This well may be drilled in a Wildcat or Minden (Travis Peak Consolidated) fields.

Shelby County

Cabot Oil & Gas will drill Weaver 2 to 14,000 feet 11.2 miles southwest of Center in a Wildcat. The well will lie in McRae JP Survey A-1208. This well may also be drilled in Angie (James Lime) Field.

Devon Energy will drill Rudd Unit 2 to 15,000 feet in Stockman (Cotton Valley) Field. The well will be 7.8 miles southwest of Center and lie in the Sanford HL Survey A-845. The well may be drilled in Wildcat or Stockman South (Travis Peak) fields.

Smith County

3-T Exploration will drill Rainey Unit 1 to 7,100-feet six miles east of Tyler in the Lane Chapel (Paluxy A Sand) Field in the Renfro I Survey A-800. This well may also be drilled in a Wildcat.

Van Zandt County

Jamez will drill Dewey Cox 1 to 9,000 feet in Fruitvale Field 3.5 miles north of Canton. The well will lie in Nugent, QC Survey A-618. This well may be drilled in a Wildcat, Fruitvale, East (James Lime) Field or Fruitvale, East (Rodessa) fields.

Wood County

Exxon Mobil will drill Laforce, H.C. 7 to 7,600 feet in Hawkins (Paluxy, South) Field 0.11-mile north of Hawkins. The well will lie in Parker W Survey A-451 and may be drilled in a Wildcat Field.


Cherokee County

On 25/64-inch choke, Afton Thrash Unit 1 No. 16 potentialed 3.264 million cf of gas. The well was completed to 12,480 feet by Southwestern Energy 3.1 miles northeast of Minden in Overton Field. Production is in Cotton Valley Sand.

Rube Sessions 10H is 3.6 miles northeast of Wells in Loco Bayou Field. Southwestern Energy completed it to 13,189 feet. On 33/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 496,000 cf of natural gas. Production is in James Lime.

Freestone County

Devon Energy completed Hill F.R. (Crenshaw) 12-H, 5.2 miles northeast of Field Field in Nan-Su-Gail Field. On adjustable choke, the well potentialed 7.718 million cf of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley Consolidated.

XTO Energy completed Mary Jane Schill 4 in Freestone Field to 13,206 feet three miles northwest of Donie. On a 22/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 1.556 million cf of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated.

Harrison County

SandRidge E&P completed three in Oak Hill Field. Bonner GU 3 is 4.2 miles southeast of Hallsville at 10,585 feet and potentialed 1.178 million cf of gas on a 34/64-inch choke. Mattie Dixon GU 12 is five miles south of Hallsville at 10,620 feet and potentialed 1.762 million cf of gas on 45/64-inch choke. Carolyn Bell GU 14 is 6.5 miles southeast of Hallsville at 10,541 feet and potentialed 1.389 million cf of gas on a 28/64-inch choke. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Henderson County

Jackson A Well is 3.7 miles northwest of Crossroad in Malakoff South Field. David M. Munson completed the well, no depth was recorded. On a 48/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 153,000 cf of gas. Production is in Travis Peak.

Johnson County

EOG Resources completed five in Newark East Field.

- Rayburn 4H is 3.3 miles northwest of Venus at 11,778 feet and potentialed 2.749 million cf of natural gas on 64/64-inch choke.

- US Lime 12H is 6.8 miles southwest of Bono at 9,820 feet and potentialed 2.547 million cf of gas on 64/64-inch choke.

- Martin 5H is 2.6 miles southeast of Briaroaks at 12,229-feet and potentialed 8.356 million cf of gas on 64/64-inch choke.

- Pallmeyer 5H is 6.3 miles southeast of Burleson at 9,807 feet and potentialed 5.158 million cf of gas on a 64/64-inch choke.

- US Lime 13H is 6.8 miles southwest of Bono at 9,530 feet and potentialed 3.057 million cf of gas when on a 64/64-inch choke.

Production is in Barnett Shale.

Harper NEJ East 3AH potentialed 2.060 million cf of gas on a 64/64-inch choke. This well is 4.3 miles northwest of Venus at 12,397 feet. The CCW Pasture 1H is 3.8 miles northeast of Rio Vista at 10,820 feet. No test data was recorded. XTO completed both in Newark East Field with production in Barnett Shale.

Rimrock Energy completed Sullivan Hickman 2H in Newark East Field to 11,164 feet. On open choke, the well potentialed 1.357 million cf of natural gas. Production is in Barnett Shale.

Chesapeake completed six in Newark East Field.

- McNeil 1H is 2.9 miles northwest of Cleburne at 10,342-feet and potentialed 2.404 million cf of natural gas on a 64/64-inch choke.

- Sutton 1H is 13.4 miles northwest of Cleburne at 11,362 feet and potentialed 1.085 million cf of natural gas on 1-inch choke.

- City of Cleburne 10H is 4.3 miles north of Cleburne at 10,132 feet and potentialed 3.893 million cf of natural gas on a 1-inch choke.

-Bracken 1H is 12.3 miles north of Cleburne at 8,751 feet and potentialed 623,000 cf on a 1-inch choke.

- White Wing Coachman A 4H is 7.4 miles west of Cleburne at 9,468 feet and potentialed 2.480 million cf of gas on a 1-inch choke.

- Fritts 2H is 13.9 miles north of Cleburne at 10,923 feet and potentialed 2.491 million cf of gas. Production is in Barnett Shale formation.

- Lawrence 1H is 1.85 miles southeast of Alvarado in Newark, East Field. This well was completed to 11,820-feet by Wynn-Crosby and potentialed 3.927 million cf of natural gas. Choke size not recorded.

Production is in Barnett Shale.

Newark East Field has seen two wells by Chesapeake. Damsel Fly Nymph 6H is l6.4 miles west of Cleburne at 8,697 feet. On a 64/64-inch choke, it potentialed 2.347 million cf of natural gas. The Allen Well 2H is 8.3 miles north of Cleburne at 11,006-feet. On 64/64-inch choke, this well potentialed 1.818 million cf of natural gas. Production is in Barnett Shale.

Burlington Resources O&G Co, completed Dear Ranch 7H to 10.560 feet and Dear Ranch 8H to 10,478 feet in Newark East Field. The wells are 10.9 miles southwest of Cleburne. On a 64/64-inch choke, 7H potentialed 1.838 million cf of gas and 8H potentialed 1.226 million cf. Production is in Barnett Shale.

The Newark, East Field has seen three wells by XTO Energy.

- Owen 5H is six miles southeast of Cleburne at 9,665-feet. On a 64/64-inch choke, it potentialed 2.082 million cf of natural gas.

- Owen 7H is six miles southwest of Cleburne at 9,920 feet. On a 64/64-inch choke it potentialed 1.944 million cf of natural gas.

- SAU Unit Well 1H is 5.1 miles northeast of Cleburne at 10,994 feet. On 23/64-inch choke it potentialed 4.503 million cf of natural gas. Production is in the Barnett Shale.

Limestone County

Rickard GU 11 has been completed in Freestone Field to 13,480 feet by Berry Oil. The location is 14.7 miles northwest of Jewett. The well potentialed 776,000 cf of natural gas on 18/64-inch choke. Production is in Cotton Valley Bossier Consolidated.

XTO completed Pat Oakes GU II Well 2 in Bear Grass Field 18.20 miles southeast of Groesbeck to 14,950 feet. On a 48/64-inch choke it potentialed 2.633 million cf. Production is in Cotton Valley Consolidated.

On a 16/64-inch choke, Alton Sims 18 potentialed 226,000 cf of gas 13.6 miles northwest of Jewett in Freestone Field. Berry Oil completed it to 9,000 feet. Production is in Travis Peak.

In a lease 4.2 miles southwest of Donie in Farrar Field, Tweener 3 was completed by Valence Operating. The well potentialed 2.227 million cf of gas on a 32/64-inch choke. No depth was recorded. Production is in Travis Peak.

Valence Operating completed Tweener 4 in Farrar Field 4.2 miles southwest of Donie. On 32/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 2.744 million cf of gas. No depth was recorded. Production is in Cotton Valley Lime.

Nacogdoches County

Samson Lone Star completed the Jenny Beth GU 1 Well 7 in Douglass West Field 10 miles northwest of Nacogdoches at 10,605 feet. On a 21/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 2.629 million cf of gas. Production is in Travis Peak.

In a lease 5.14 miles northeast of Cushing, in Trawick Field, the Trawick GU 21 Well 9 was completed by Exxon Mobil to 8,920 feet. It potentialed 2.665 million cf of natural gas on a 0.75-inch choke. Production is in Travis Peak.

HGT 2H is 5.6 miles northeast of Wells in Loco Bayou. Southwestern Energy completed the well to 14,868 feet. This well potentialed 4.583 million cf of natural gas on a 40/64-inch choke. Production is in James Lime formation.

Goodrich Petroleum completed Bethune A 2H in Gates Field. The well bottoms at 13,520 feet and potentialed 100,000 cf of gas on an adjustable choke. Location is 10.8 southeast of Nacogdoches. Production is in Travis Peak.

Panola County

Ruby Dodd Unit Well 11 was completed in Carthage, Field to 9,856 feet by Lacy Operations six miles east of Beckville. The well potentialed 838,000 cf of natural gas, on adjustable choke. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

Hudson Nell Well 18 was completed to 9,550 feet by Devon Energy 4.9 miles southwest of Carthage. On an adjustable choke, the well potentialed 1.812 million cf of natural gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.

XTO completed Floyd Gas Unit Well 23U in Bethany Field four miles east of DeBerry to 9,410 feet. On a 30/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 278,000 cf of natural gas. Production is in Travis Peak.

On an adjustable choke, CGU 18 Well 19 potentialed 1.126 million cf natural gas. This well was completed four miles southwest of Carthage in Carthage Field. Anadarko E&P completed the well to 9,815 feet. Production is in Cotton Valley.

Rusk County

Wilma Well 1 located nine miles east of Henderson in Minden Field was drilled by Reserve Management to 7,700 feet. On 18/64-inch choke, the well flowed with 196 barrels of crude. Production is in Travis Peak Consolidated.

Verado Energy completed Williamson 11 in Oak Hill Field 5.9 miles southwest of Tatum to 10,530 feet. On 20/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 1.721 million cf of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley formation.

In a lease 2.39 miles northeast of Minden in Brachfield Southeast Field, Harrell GU No.1 Well 11 was completed by Fidelity E&P. This well bottoms at 10,915 feet and potentialed 1.486 million cf of natural gas on a 24/64-inch choke. Production is in Cotton Valley.

SandRidge Onshore, LLC completed Spikes GU 13 and Wilkerson GU 10 in Minden Field. On a 26/64-inch choke, the 13 potentialed 2.956 million cf of natural gas. The well was completed 4.7 miles south of Henderson to 10,875 feet. On a 28/64-inch choke, 10 potentialed 3.817 million cf of natural gas. The well was completed six miles southeast of Henderson to 10,887 feet with production in Cotton Valley Consolidated.

Shelby County

Samson Lone Star completed the Barney 1H in Huxley Field to 3,262-feet. This well was gauged on a 64/64-inch choke and flowed with 22 barrels of crude. Location is 2.5 miles southwest of Huxley. Production is in Fredricksburg.

Smith County

Southwestern Energy completed Sallie M. Warren Heirs GUs 14 and 15 in Overton Field. No.14 is 1.5 miles northwest of Troup at 12,055 feet. On 26/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 2.102 million cf of gas. The 15 is 1.9 miles northwest of Troup at 12,137 feet. On 26/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 2.039 million cf of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley Sand.

Tyler County

Mary Louise 1 is 6.5 miles southeast of Woodville in Brookeland Field. Range Production completed the well 19,020 feet. On 14/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 2.399 million cf of natural gas. Production is in Austin Chalk 8800.

Upshur County

Rosewood Field has seen the Barber GU 1 Well 2 completed by McBee Operating 3.7 miles northwest of Gilmer to 11,315 feet. On a 48/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 766,000 cf. Production is in Cotton Valley.
Thanks so much Charmine for keeping us informed! And did you notice Les B started a new group called drilling rig locations? It will help out a lot. Here is the description:

Group formed to track rig locations in HS play. Provides useful information on number of rigs working for each company & in each parish. Posting should include rig name, HS well name & as much location data as possible (parish, S-T-R, closest road)
Hi stranger! No I did not know this, I will go check it out. Hopefully it includes Texas!
East Texas Drilling Report for 9/14/08


Sorry folks, I can't seem to get the whole report in here, so I've gone to just posting the link for your convenience!
East Texas Drilling Report
Posted on Sunday, September 21, 2008

Chesapeake Operating To Drill Northwest Of Wells


Cherokee County

A Wildcat will see Glover 1 drilled by Chesapeake Operating four miles northwest of Wells in Williams R Survey A-921 to 14,000 feet. It may also be drilled in Raintree (Hosston), Doyle Creek (Rodessa, Travis Peak, Pettit) or Sessions, S (Woodbine A) fields.

Durham 1 will be drilled 6.7 miles northwest of Wells in a Wildcat. Chesapeake will drill to 12,000 feet in the Wood GW Survey A-894. This well may also be drilled in the Doyle Creek (Travis Peak, Pettit, Rodessa) fields.

Dallas County

The Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field will see the DFW D 3HE drilled by Chesapeake 22 miles northeast of Fort Worth in BBB&C RR Co. Survey A-193, to 9,000 feet.

Freestone County
Hunt Petroleum will drill the J. Bonner 11-15 wells five in Teague (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated) Field to 13,100 feet in McGraw D Survey A-407. Nos 11-12 will be 5.5 miles southwest of Fairfield, 13 will be 5.6 miles southwest of Fairfield, 14 will be 5.9 miles southwest of Fairfield, and 15 will be six miles southwest of Fairfield.

Boyd-Pickett Gas Unit 17 will be drilled 5.4 miles southwest of Fairfield in the Teague (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated) Field by XTO Energy to 12,800 feet in Kelly, RP Survey A-351.

The Dew (Rodessa) Field will see the Dew SWD 1 drilled by Anadarko Petroleum 1.5 miles south of Dew in Porter RH Survey A-495 to 6,200 feet.

XTO Energy will drill the Marion Levels 4 and Pickett 1 Gas Unit 7 in Teague (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated) Field. No. 4 will be 1.9 miles southwest of Teague in Brennan TH Survey A-58 at 13,300 feet. The No. 7 will be 5.8 miles southwest of Fairfield in McGraw, D Survey A-407. Depth will be 13,000 feet.

Harrison County

In a lease 8.5 miles southeast of Marshall in Carthage, North (Bossier Shale) Field, Bosh 11H will be drilled by GMX Resources to 13,000 feet in the Borden TH Survey A-124 and may be drilled in a Wildcat Field.

GMX will also drill the K 5H to 14,000 feet in Carthage, North (Bossier Shale) Field eight miles southeast of Marshall in the Maximillian J Survey A-444. This well may also be drilled in a Wildcat.

Penn Virginia Oil & Gas will drill Sealy Gas Unit 1H in a Wildcat 12.1 miles southeast of Marshall in Woodley W Survey A-763 to 14,000 feet. This well may also be drilled in Carthage North (Bossier Shale) Field.

Cannon Gas Unit 3 will be drilled in Oak Hill (Cotton Valley) Field by Craton Energy to 13,000 feet in Hooper R Survey A-304 2.4 miles southwest of Hallsville. This well may also be drilled in Carthage, North (Bossier Shale) Field or a Wildcat.

In a lease 6.1 miles east of Harleton in a Wildcat, Brown L.D. 3A will be drilled by Howell Oil & Gas to a 8,500 feet in Denton JT Survey A-199. This well may also be drilled in Woodlawn (Rodessa), Hallsville, East (Pettit) Field, Hallsville, South (Page) or Gooch-Gant (Travis Peak) fields.

Waskom (Cotton Valley) Field will see Clark 8H drilled by Comstock Oil & Gas to 10,000 feet 4.8 miles southeast of Crossroads in the Hooper BF Survey A-296.

SandRidge E&P will drill Rollie C. Sims Gas Unit 14 in Oak Hill (Cotton Valley) Field to 14,000 feet in the Davis JR Survey A-224, 7.4 miles southeast of Hallsville.

Dudeck Heirs 5H will be drilled 5.8 miles southwest of Marshall in Blocker (Cotton Valley) Field to 13,000 feet by BP America Production in the Young BF Survey A-817.

In a lease 15 miles southwest of Marshall in Oak Hill (Cotton Valley) Field, Letourneau GU 1 Well 10 will be drilled by Anadarko E&P to 12,000 feet in the Watson SC Survey A-785.

Blocker (Cotton Valley) Field will see the W.N. Dorsett 6H drilled by BP America to 13,000 feet in the Lindsey P Survey A-391.

Comstock Oil & will drill Clark 9H and Green F.C. 13H. No. 9H will be 4.4 miles east of Crossroads in Waskom (Cotton Valley) Field. This well will lie in Hooper BF Survey, A-296 at 10,000 feet. No. 13H will be 3.8 miles north of Marshall in Carthage, North (Bossier Shale) Field. This well will lie in the Field JE Survey A-266 at 12,000 feet.

Oak Hill (Cotton Valley) Field will see Letourneau Gas Unit 2 Well 15 drilled by Anadarko 16.1 miles southwest of Marshall in Pettus W Survey A-578 to 12,000 feet.

Henderson County

Tri-Cities (Cotton Valley) Field will see Hinton Gas Unit 8 and 10 drilled by XTO to 12,000 feet in Sylvester S Survey A-694. No .8 will be 4.6 miles southeast of Malakoff and 10 will be 4.4 miles southeast of Malakoff. The wells may be drilled in a Wildcat.

EP/Hinton Gas Unit 9 will be drilled by XTO 4.1 miles southeast of Malakoff in Tri-Cities (Cotton Valley) Field to 12,000-feet in the Slyvester, S Survey A-694. It may also be drilled in a Wildcat.

XTO will drill Hinton Gas Unit 11-12 and 14 in Tri-Cities (Cotton Valley) Field. They will bottom at 12,000 feet in Sylvester S Survey A-694. The No. 11 will be four miles southeast of Malakoff, No. 12 will be 4.1 miles southeast of Malakoff and No. 14 will be 4.9 miles southeast of Malakoff. These wells may also be drilled in a Wildcat.

Hinton 13 will be drilled 4.7 miles southeast of Malakoff in Tri-Cities (Cotton Valley) Field by XTO to 12,000 feet in Sylvester S Survey A-694. It may be drilled in a Wildcat.

Hill County

EOG Resources will drill West Collins 1H and Collins 1H in the Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field. West Collins will be 5.8 miles northwest of Whitney in the Urrutia MR Survey A-921. Collins 1H will be 1.8 miles east of Huron in McDonald J Survey A-641. Depth will be 10,000 feet.

In a lease 3.6 miles northeast of Huron in Newark, East (Bar-nett Shale) Field, the Lasater 1H will be drilled to 7,547 feet in the BBB&C RR Co. Survey A-105.

Johnson County

Jones, T.L. 6-8 will be drilled by Devon Energy in Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field to 9,000 feet. No. 6 will lie in Ray, EB Survey A-717, 9.3 miles northeast of Cleburne. Nos. 7 and 8 will lie in Moore MJ Survey A-605, 9.1 miles northeast of Cleburne.

Chesapeake Operating will drill Forsberg 3H, Barabas 3H and Hyder 10H in Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field. Forsgberg will be 10.2 miles northeast of Cleburne in Bell D Survey A-35. Barabas will be 12.9 miles northeast of Cleburne in the Wallace J Survey A-862. Hyder will be one mile west of Burleson in Catlett HG Survey A-380. All will be at 9,000 feet.

In a lease 0.5-mile northeast of Cresson in the Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field, John J. Miles 5H will be drilled by Quicksilver Resources to 9,000 feet in Nancy Smith Survey A-755.

Burlington Resources will drill B.G.M.T. 2H in Newark, East Field to 9,000 feet 4.5 miles northwest of Joshua in the Watson J Survey A-886.

Bransom 4H will be drilled 13 miles northeast of Cleburne in Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field. This well will bottom at 7,710 feet in Wallace J Survey A-862.

In a lease 3.7 miles northeast of Lillian in Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field, Brindley 6H-9H will be drilled by EOG Resources to 10,000 feet in the BBB&C RR Co. Survey A-83.

Chesapeake will drill Rich-burg 2H in Newark, East (Barnett Shale) Field to 9,000 feet in the H&TC RR Co./Doggett JW Survey, A-1238. Location will be 13.6 miles northwest of Cle-burne.

Leon County

In a lease 2.5 miles southwest of Marquez in Bear Grass (Cotton Valley Consolidated) Field, Haynie 2 will be drilled to 18,500 feet by XTO in Copeland J Survey A-166. It may also be drilled in the Bear Grass (Travis Peak, Pettit) fields.

Roberts & Hammack will drill Jeter 2 in Red Oak (Dexter) Field. This well will bottom at 6,800 feet in Harrington, A Survey A-389, 3.2 miles east of Buffalo.

Limestone County

Berry Oil will drill Rickard 19 in the Freestone (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated) Field 15.2 miles northwest of Jewett to 13,700 feet in Chavert JL Survey A-4.

Nacogdoches County

Red Arrow 1 will be drilled 16 miles southeast of Nacogdoches in a Wildcat. This well by Sonerra Resources will bottom at 11,800 feet in the Mora JM Survey A-827. The well may also be drilled in the Gates (Travis Peak) Field.

Ark-La-Tex Energy will drill Hayter Estate 4 in Douglass, West (Travis Peak) Field to 10,600 feet in the De Los Santos Coy, M & Bros. Survey, A-21. Location will be 9.3 miles northwest of Nacogdoches.

In a lease six miles northwest of Nacogdoches, in Douglass, West (Travis Peak) Field, Paige GU 1 Well 10 will be drilled by Samson Lone Star to 12,000 feet in the Lee LG Survey A-347 and may be drilled in Little Ears (Pettit Lime), Nacogdoches, East (James Lime), a Wildcat or Miyagi (Pettit) fields.

Lilly 1 will be drilled 8.3 miles northwest of Nacogdoches in a Wildcat to 13,500 feet by Goodrich Petroleum in Yancy J Survey A-35. The well may also be drilled in the Gates (Travis Peak) Field.

Navarro County

Trinidad, South (Rodessa) Field will see Howell, Mildred 1 drilled by Brammer Engineering to 7,600 feet. This well will be 8.7 miles northwest of Cayuga in Richardson J Survey A-692. The well may be drilled in a Wildcat.

Panola County

In a lease 3.5 miles northwest of DeBerry, in Panola Field, Clifford 1 will be drilled by Hopewell Operating to 3,280 feet in the Mitchusson EF Survey A-437 and may also be drilled in a Wildcat, Bethany (Blossomor Bethany Glen Rose 3550) fields.

Crenshaw D1 will be drilled 3.5 miles northwest of DeBerry in Panola Field to 2,440 feet by Hopewell Operating in Mitchus-son EF Survey A-437. This well may also be drilled in the Beth-any (Blossom) Field or a Wildcat.

Goodrich Petroleum will drill Sealey, Taylor GU 4 and Kyle GU 4 in Beckville (Cotton Valley) Field. Sealey, Taylor will be 2.5 miles southwest of Fairplay Biggs H Survey A-65 to 13,000 feet. Kyle will be 0.8-mile southwest of Fairplay in Williams JW Survey A-744 to 11,000 feet. The wells may also be drilled in a Wildcat or Beckville (Travis Peak) fields.

Sharp, Belle 16 will be drilled in Beckville (Cotton Valley) Field by Texas American Resources 1.7 miles northwest of Beckville in Beck MW Survey A-99 to 10,500 feet.

In a lease 3.7 miles northwest of DeBerry, in Panola Field, Cren-shaw D2 will be drilled by Hope-well Operating to 2,440 feet in the Mitchusson EF Survey A-437.

Hopewell Operating, Inc. will drill the Brumble, H.L. Well No.5 in the Panola Field. This well will be located 3.5 miles northwest of DeBerry in the Mitchusson, EF Survey, A-437 and will bottom at 2,440-feet.

Robertson County

Burlington Resources O&G Co. will drill the BR Stegall Nos. 5-6 in Savell (Bossier Sand) Field. The wells will be drilled to 16,600 feet in Slauter F Survey A-335. No. 5 will be .9-mile west of Franklin. No. 6 will be .5-mile west of Franklin.

Reeves Gas Unit 1 will be .8-mile northwest of Franklin in Bald Prairie (Cotton Valley Consoli-dated) Field. This well will be drilled to 20,000 feet in the Slauter F Survey A-335 by EnCana Oil & Gas.

Rusk County

Hergesheimer 4 is being prepared by Forest Oil for four miles southeast of Henderson in Minden (Cotton Valley Consoli-dated) Field. It will hit 12,500 feet in Gill W Survey A-328 and may also be drilled in a Wildcat.

In a lease 2.15 miles west of Minden in Brachfield, Southeast (Cotton Valley) Field, Sparkman Gas Unit 2 will be drilled by Enervest. This well will bottom at 11,500 feet in McKay GC Survey A-582.

Forest Oil will drill Galan White11-12 and Alexander Heirs 8 in Henderson, East (Cotton Valley) Field. The Nos. 11-12 will bottom at 13,500 feet in Pena, MV Survey, A-27 six miles northwest of Henderson. No. 8 will bottom at 11,500 feet in Pena MV Survey A-27, six miles west of Henderson.

Grissom Heirs 2 will be 10.6 miles southwest of Henderson in a Wildcat Field. Davis Oil & Gas will drill to 12,200 feet in the Roan WJ Survey A-680.

In a lease 6.2 miles northwest of Tatum, in Oak Hill (Cotton Valley) Field, Cherokee Water 15-16 will be drilled by Sandridge E&P to 14,000 feet in the Lee I Survey A-17.


Franklin County

Bagwell 02 has been completed by SDG Operating in Bagwell, South Field. This well bottoms at 5,070 feet and flowed with 30 barrels of crude. The choke size was not recorded. Production is in the Paluxy.

Freestone County

Capps 01 is 3.60 miles northwest of Fairfield in Teague Field. This well was completed to 12,352 feet by Apache Corp. On a 48/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 108,000 cf of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated.

In a lease 2.9 miles southeast of Donie, in Bear Grass Field, Worth A Unit Well 2U was completed by Anadarko Petro-leum to 14,555 feet. It potentialed 836,000 cf of gas on a 48/64-inch choke. Production is in the Travis Peak.

Harrison County

Samson Lone Star completed Woodley GU 2 Well 1 in a Wildcat to 11,745 feet 3.5 miles northwest of Elysian Field. On a 16/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 2.366 million cf of gas.

Agnor 2 potentialed 863,000 cf of gas on a 24/64-inch choke. This well is 4.6 miles southeast of Jefferson in Woodlawn Field. Penn Virginia Oil & Gas completed the well to 10,215 feet. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

In a lease .50-mile northeast of Longview in Willow Springs Field, Smitherman 1 Gas Unit Well 1 was completed by Neumin Production to 11,100-feet. It potentialed 1.496 million cf of gas on a 22/64-inch choke. Produc-tion is in the Cotton Valley.

Craton Energy completed Summers Gas Unit 3 and Cannon Gas Unit 2 in Oak Hill Field. No. 3 is 4.2 miles southwest of Hallsville to 10,980 feet. On a 12/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 1.675 million cf of gas. No. 2 is two miles southwest of Hallsville at 10,920 feet. On a 16/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 1.244 million cf of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

Thompson 3 has been completed 3.9 miles northeast of Crossroads in Carthage, North Field. Penn Virginia Oil & Gas drilled to 10,055 feet. On a 30/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 47,000 cf of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

There have been four wells completed by Forest Oil. Gracie Bell CV Gas Unit 2H is 9.5 miles southeast of Marshall in Hardwood Field. The well bottoms at 13,350 feet and potentialed 3.030 million cf of gas on a 48/64-inch choke. Beatrice Key Gas Unit 4 bottoms at 9,800 feet. No location was recorded. On a 24/64-inch choke, it potentialed 938,000 cf of gas. Beatrice Gas Unit 8H is four miles northwest of Newark at 12,549 feet. On a 128/64-inch choke, it potentialed 2.450 million cf of gas. Beatrice Gas Unit 9 is four miles northwest of Newark at 9,831 feet. On a 24/64-inch choke, it potentialed 955,000 cf of gas. These were completed in Carthage, North Field. Production for all is in Cotton Valley.

Gulley Gas Unit 1 Well 11 was completed in Carthage, North Field by Penn Virginia Oil & Gas, L.P. This well bottoms at 9,982-feet and potentialed 102,000 cf of gas on a 26/64-inch choke. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

Hill County

Blanche Ward Well 4H and 5H are 4.3 miles northeast of Blum in Newark, East Field. Quicksilver Resources completed 4H to 9,548 feet and 5H to 9,423 feet. On a 3/4-inch choke, the 4H potentialed 1.164 million cf of gas. On a 3/4-inch choke, 5H potentialed 1.266 million cf of gas. Production is in Barnett Shale.

On a 48/64-inch choke, Underwood, R.B. Trust 1H potentialed 1.446 million cf of gas. This well is four miles northwest of Hillsboro. Range Production drilled to 12,213 feet in the Newark, East Field. Production is in Barnett Shale.

Houston County

LaRue Heirs 1H is 12.5 miles southeast of Crockett in Sand Branch Creek Field. This well was completed to 9,115 feet by PetroQuest Energy. On a 21/64-inch choke, it flowed with 273 barrels of crude. Production is in the Buda.

Johnson County

Silken 4H-6H are two miles east of Alvarado in Newark, East Field. J-W Operating drilled 4H to 10,718 feet. On a 34/64-inch choke, it potentialed 1.022 million cf of gas. 5H was completed to 10,750 feet and on a 34/64-inch choke potentialing 1.530 million cf of gas. 6H was completed to 10,640 feet and on a 34/64-inch choke, potentialed 2.016 million cf of gas. Production is in the Barnett Shale.

Chesapeake Operating completed Little Hoss 7 Well No. B2H, Mackey 5H and Little Hoss 7 B4H in Newark, East Field. B2H is 14.3 miles northwest of Cleburne at 10,406 feet. On open choke, it potentialed 2.502 million cf of gas. 5H is 3.8 miles north of Cleburne at 10,660 feet. On a 1-inch choke it potentialed 4.832 million cf of gas. No. B 4H is 14.3 miles northwest of Cle-burne at 10,734 feet. This well on open choke potentialed 2.531 million cf of gas. Production is in the Barnett Shale.

Newark, East Field is the site of Colonel Spencer 1H-3H completed by Williams Production Gulf Coast. The wells are 9.8 miles northeast of Cleburne. 1H bottoms at 10,350 feet and po-tentialed 1.715 million cf of gas on open choke. 2H bottoms at 11,965 feet and potentialed 1.936 million cf of gas on open choke. 3H bottoms at 11,560 feet and potentialed 1.709 million cf of gas on a 3/4-inch choke. Pro-duction is in the Barnett Shale.

Bransom 1H was completed in Newark, East Field, by Williams Production 13 miles northeast of Cleburne at 10,330 feet. This well potentialed 5.591 million cf of gas. Choke size was not recorded. Production is in Barnett Shale.

In a lease 9.28 miles northwest of Cleburne, in Newark, East Field, Rive Enterprises 6 was completed by Devon Energy. This well bottoms at 10,624 feet and potentialed 3.705 million cf of gas on a 24/64-inch choke. Production is in the Barnett Shale.

Bosque Disposal Systems completed Rose 1 in the Newark, East Field, three miles northwest of Alvarado. No depth or test data were recorded. Production is in the Barnett Shale.

Shipman A 1H was completed by XTO in Newark, East Field, 1.5 miles east of Alvarado to 10,707 feet. On a 21/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 3.304 million cf of gas. Production is in the Barnett Shale.

Devon Energy completed Sue Mahaffey 13 in Newark, East Field, 9.05 miles northwest of Cleburne to 8,762 feet. On a 24/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 1.647 million cf of gas. Production is in the Barnett Shale.

In a lease 2.1 miles northwest of Alvarado in Newark, East Field, Cactus Jack 1H was completed by Hollis R. Sullivan to 9,204 feet. It potentialed 1.337 million cf of gas on a 40/64-inch choke. Production is in Barnett Shale.

The Highway 67 SWD 1 is four miles east of Alvarado in the Newark, East Field. Pinnergy completed the well to 11,876 feet. No test data was recorded. Production is in the Barnett Shale.

Limestone County

Rickard Gas Unit 10 is 14.5 miles northwest of Jewett in the Freestone Field. Berry Oil drilled to 13,130 feet. On a 12/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 1.600 million cf of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley-Bossier Consoli-dated.

Samson Lone Star completed Tom Reynolds Gas Unit 1 in Personville, North Field, 4.5 miles southeast of Thornton to 10,980 feet. On a 48/64-inch choke, it potentialed 353,000 cf of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley Consolidated.

Trawick Field is site of Trawick GU 14 Well 7C and Trawick GU 18 Well 7C completed by Exxon Mobil. Trawick 14 is 5.91 miles east of Cushing at 8,950 feet. On a 0.75-inch choke, it potentialed 1.061 million cf of gas. The 18 is 4.67 miles southeast of Cushing at 8,820 feet. On a 0.25-inch choke, the well potentialed 157,000 cf of gas. Production is in the Pettit.

Exxon Mobil completed Trawick GU 21 Well 8 in Trawick Field, 5.64 miles northeast of Cushing at 8,896 feet. On a 0.75-inch choke, the well potentialed 4.062 million cf of gas. Produc-tion is in the Travis Peak.

Douglass, West Field is the site of wells by Samson Lone Star. Black Stone-Lock GU 1 Well 2 is 11 miles northwest of Nacogdoches at 10,190 feet. On a 48/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 2.808 million cf of gas. Caleb GU 1 Well 2 is 8.5 miles north of Nacogdoches at 10,020 feet. On a 24/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 2.150 million cf of gas. The Weaver GU 1 Well 10 is eight miles northwest of Nacogdoches at 10,560 feet. On a 30/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 3.205 million cf of gas. Production is in the Travis Peak.

Lacy Hunt 3C was completed in Trawick, North Field, by Neumin Production to 10,200 feet, 14.2 miles northwest of Nacogdoches. On a 16/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 1.450 million cf of gas. Production is in the Pettit.

Panola County

Carthage Field is site of Mauritzen J.C. Well 3L completed by Devon Energy 9.5 miles southwest of Carthage to 9,750 feet. This well potentialed 769,000 cf of gas on adjustable choke. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

Penn Virginia Oil & Gas completed A. Williams Gas Unit 1 Well 15 in Carthage, North Field. This well is 5.6 miles southwest of Elysian Fields at 10,195 feet. On 18/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 1.608 million cf of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley.

On a 36/64-inch choke, E.O. Rushing 5 potentialed 3.744 million cf of gas. This well is 1.3 miles north of Joaquin in the Joaquin Field. Classic Operating drilled to 8,270 feet. Production is in the Travis Peak.

Shivers 3 is one mile south of Beckville in Beckville Field. The well was completed to 10,104 feet by Kabco Oil & Gas. On a 22/64-inch choke, it potentialed 1.419 million cf of gas. Produc-tion is in the Cotton Valley.

Carthage Field is site of Collins Unit Well 13U completed by Devon three miles northeast of Carthage to 9,400 feet. On an adjustable choke, the well potentialed 283,000 cf of gas. Production is in the Pettit, Lower Gas.

Boise Southern 2H is 10.30 miles southeast of Carthage in Carthage Field. St. Mary Land & Exploration drilled to 11,540 feet. On a 64/64-inch choke it potentialed 2.744 million cf of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

On an adjustable choke, Moore, Lloyd Gas Unit 9 potentialed 281,000 cf of gas. Ana-darko E&P drilled to 9,562 feet, 5.4 miles southeast of Carthage. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

Robertson County

EnCana Oil & Gas completed McLean D1 in John Amoruso to 15,821 feet. This well is 10.6 miles east of Franklin and potentialed 10,000 cf of gas on an adjustable choke. Production is in the Bossier.

Rusk County

In a lease 2.5 miles northwest of Henderson in Oak Hill Field, Maddox Estate Gas Unit 6 was completed by Anadarko at 10,940 feet. It potentialed 1.085 million cf of gas on an adjustable choke. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

Chinn Exploration completed Whitehead 1 in Henderson, East Field, 5.7 miles west of Henderson to 11,258 feet. On a 12/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 794,000 cf of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

Shelby County

Stockman Field is site of Nobles 6 completed by Encore Operating 10 miles southwest of Carthage to 8,730 feet. It potentialed 2.304 million cf of gas on a 28/64-inch choke. Production is in the Travis Peak.

On a 20/64-inch choke, Covington 1 potentialed 211,000 cf of gas. Burk Royalty drilled to 10,530 feet in Stockman Field nine miles west of Center. Production is in the Cotton Valley.
East Texas Drilling Report
Posted on Sunday, September 28, 2008

Carrizo To Drill Northeast Of Elkhart In Anderson


Anderson County

Five wells will be drilled in Camp Hill Field to 600 feet by Carrizo Oil & Gas. Rosson C 17I, C 26I and 89-91 will be drilled 4.6 miles northeast of Elkhart in Davis, W T Survey, A-254.

Carrizo will drill Temple Eastex 30I-32I and 44-48 in the Camp Hill Field. These eight wells will bottom at 600-feet 4.6 miles northeast of Elkhart in the Rosson, JC Survey, A-913.

Freestone County

XTO Energy will drill Pickett 1 Gas Unit Well 8 to 13,000 feet in Teague (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated) Field 4.6 miles northeast of Teague. The well will lie in the McGraw, D Survey, A-407.

In a lease 4.6 miles southwest of Teague, XTO will drill the Peen-Senter Gas Unit Well to 13,200-feet in Teague (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated) Field. The well will lie in Lee, R Survey, A-384.

Nan-Su-Gail (Cotton Valley Consolidated) Field will see the S Nan-Su-Gail GU Well 16H drilled to 13,500 feet by Devon Energy 6.2 miles southeast of Fairfield in the Nye, W Survey, A-472.

XTO will drill Gilliam C No. 2 Gas Unit Well 29 to 13,500 feet in the Freestone (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated) Field 7.5 miles south of Teague. The well will lie in the Chavert, JL Survey, A-10.

In the Freestone (Cotton Valley-Bossier Consoldiated) Field, the J.A. Gilliam Gas Unit wells 21 and 22 are being prepared for 13,200 feet. No. 21 will be 6.7 miles southwest of Teague and lie in the Rowe, AW Survey, A-885. No. 22 will be 6.8 miles southwest of Teague and lie in the Chavert, JL Survey, A-10.

Harrison County

NFR Energy will drill the Cook 2H to 12,000 feet. The well will be seven miles southwest of Crossroads in the Carthage, North (Bossier Shale) Field. The well will lie in the Monday, S Survey, A-14.

In a lease 3.1 miles south of Woodlawn, BP America will drill to 13,000 feet in Woodlawn (Cotton Valley) Field. The well will be Patricia Pope Whaley Gas Unit Well 3H and lie in the Martin, H Survey, A-431.

Mattie Dixon Gas Unit Well 16 will be 4.7 miles south of Hallsville in the Oak Hill (Cotton Valley) Field. This well will be drilled to 14,000 feet in the Pinson, JD Survey, A-544 by Sandridge E&P.

Leon County

The Lewis B 6 will be drilled 6.7 miles northwest of Jewett in the Farrar (Cotton Valley Lime) Field to 15,500 feet in Rejon, MC Survey, A-19 by Valence Operating. This well may also be drilled in the Farrar, Southeast (Pettit) or Farrar (Travis Peak) fields.

Limestone County

In a lease 3.8 miles west of Donie, XTO will drill the Reed P Gas Unit 1 Well 23 to 13,800 feet in the Freestone (Cotton Valley Bossier Consolidated) Field. The well will lie in the Chavert, JL Survey, A-4.

XTO will drill Heaton 1 Gas Unit Well 13 to 13,200 feet in the Freestone (Cotton Valley Bossier Consolidated) Field. The well will be 12.8 miles southeast of Groesbeck and lie in the Chavert, JL Survey, A-4.

Nacogdoches County

Golden Eagle 1 will be drilled by Sonerra Resources to 11,000 feet in a Wildcat Field. The well will be 10 miles southeast of Nacogdoches in Mora, JM Survey, A-827. This well may also be drilled in the Oakridge (Travis Peak) Field.

In a lease 3.84 miles east of Cushing, Exxon Mobil will drill Trawick Gas Unit Well 13 to 9,800 feet in Trawick (Travis Peak) Field. The well will lie in Cervantes, D Survey, A-15. This well may also be drilled in a Trawick (Pettit), Wildcat, or Trawick (James) fields.

Christian Unit 1 is being prepared by Enerquest Corp. to 11,000 feet. The well will be 3.1 miles west of Nacogdoches in the Douglass, W (Travis Peak) Field. The well will lie in the Sanchez, M P Survey, A-561.

Samson Lone Star will drill the Grolsch 2H to 10,500 feet and Jenny Beth GU 1 Well 9 to 12,000 feet. No. 2H will be five miles south of Nacogdoches in the La Nana Bayou (James Lime) Field and lie in the Esparaza, PJ Survey, A-28. No. 9 well will be 11 miles northwest of Nacogdoches in the Douglass, West (Travis Peak) Field and lie in the De Los Santos Coy, M&Bros. Survey, A-21. This well may also be drilled in the Nacogdoches, East (James Lime), Miyagi (Pettit) Field, a Wildcat or Little Ears (Pettit Lime) fields.

The Lee E1 7 will be drilled 3.1 miles southwest of Garrison in the Appleby, North (Travis Peak) Field. This well will bottom at 10,200 feet in the Castro, MD Survey, A-133 drilled by EOG Resources. The well may also be drilled in the Appleby, North (Pettit) Field.

Navarro County

In a lease 8.1 miles south of Kerens in the Cheneyboro (Cotton Valley) Field, the Jackson Gas Unit 1 will be drilled by XTO Energy to 12,000 feet in the Caradine, R Survey, A-139 and may also be drilled in a Wildcat Field.

Panola County

Longbranch Energy will drill the Weiner 3 in the Carthage (Glen Rose) Field to 3,500 feet. This well will be 10.5 miles southeast of Carthage in the Applewhite, T Survey, A-34 at 3,500 feet.

Mangham 1 will be drilled 4.5 miles northeast of Beckville in Beckville (Cotton Valley) Field to 10,500 feet by Texas American Resources in the Lagrone, A Survey, A-391.

In a lease 3.6 miles southeast of Carthage, in a Wildcat Field, the Hull Unit A No. A119H will be drilled by Devon Energy to 13,000 feet in the Wallace, BR Survey, A-773.

Basa Resources will drill the Keeling 2 to 10,000 feet in a Wildcat Field. This well will be 11 miles southwest of Carthage in the Hawkins, WJ Survey, A-336. This well may also be drilled in the Carthage, South (Cotton Valley), Carthage (Barbara), Carthage, Southwest (Pettit), Carthage (Rodessa), Carthge, South (Travis Peak), Carthage, South (Pettit, Upper) or Carthage (Inez) fields.

In a lease 11.1 miles southwest of Tatum, Shaw, RM GU Well 4 is being prepared by Goodrich Petroleum to 11,500 feet in a Wildcat Field. The well will lie in the Johnson, FW Survey, A-351. This well may also be drilled in the Beckville (Cotton Valley) Field.

Danmark Energy will drill the Vice-Shivers 7 to 11,000 feet in a Wildcat Field. The well will be 3.25 miles south of Tatum and lie in the Gooden, W Survey, A-221. This well may also be drilled in the Carthage (Cotton Valley) Field.

First State Bank of Tenaha 3 is being prepared by Classic Operating 2.7 miles west of Joaquin to bottom at 10,000 feet. The well will lie in the MK&TE RR CO Survey, A-913.

Preston Exploration will drill the H.W. Briggs Unit Well 3 to 13,000 feet, 6.5 miles east of Tatum in Beckville, North (Cotton Valley) Field. The well will lie in the Sadler, J Survey, A-623. This well may also be drilled in a Wildcat Field.

In a lease 3.6 miles southeast of De Berry, XTO will drill the Floyd Gas Unit Well 26H to 12,500 feet in the Carthage, North (Bossier Shale) Field. The well will lie in the Jordan, B C Survey, A-348.

Hull Unit A Well A118H will be drilled 4.7 miles southeast of Carthage in a Wildcat Field by Devon. The well will bottom at 14,000 feet in the Applewhite, T Survey, A-37.

Jones Disposal will drill the Jones Disposal 999 Nos. 2 and 3 in the Carthage, South (Cotton Valley) Field. Both will bottom at 3,400 feet, 15.2 miles southwest of Carthage in the Taylor, W Survey, A-667.

Robertson County

O'Benco will drill the Devon Fee 3 Gas Unit 2 and Tullos Gas Unit 2 in the Bald Prairie (Cotton Valley Consolidated) Field. The Devon will be drilled 10 miles northwest of Franklin in the Smith, WJ Survey, A-336 to 12,800 feet. The Tullos will be drilled 11.2 miles northwest of Franklin in the Thompson, E Survey, A-347 to 12,800 feet. These wells may also be drilled in a Wildcat Field.

XTO will drill the Reistino Gas Unit 2 to 16,200 feet in a Wildcat Field, the H.M. Jones Gas Unit 14 to 13,760 feet and the Reagan Heirs Gas Unit 1 Well 6 in the Bald Prairie (Cotton Valley Cosolidated) Field. No. 2 well will be 3.4 miles southwest of Hearne in the Nixon, GA Survey, A-31. No. 14 well will be 15.7 miles northeast of Franklin in the De La Concepcion Marquez, M Survey, A-25. The No. 6 will be 15.2 miles northeast of Franklin in De La Concepcion Marquez, M Survey, A-25.

McLean,S. Well D1 will be drilled 8.2 miles southeast of Franklin in John Amoruso (Bossier) Field. EnCana Oil & Gas will to 20,000 feet in the Viesca, J M Survey, A-46.

There will be two wells drilled in the Bald Prairie (Cotton Valley Consolidated) Field by XTO. The Elvin Barnett Unit Well 2 will be drilled to 15,600 feet in the Hill, HJA Survey, A-173, 1.8 miles north of Franklin. The Carleen Garwood Gas Unit Well 3 will be drilled to 16,500 feet in William S. Rice Survey, A-324 three miles west of Franklin.

XTO will drill four wells in the Bald Prairie (Cotton Valley Consolidated) Field. Hicks Gas Unit 1 will be 4.7 miles northwest of Franklin in the Hill, HJA Survey, A-173 to 13,800 feet. This well may also be drilled in a Wildcat Field. Duncan Gas Unit 2 Well 10 will be drilled 10.4 miles north of Franklin in the Denson, O Survey, A-126, to 13,900 feet. Floyd Turner Gas Unit 1 Well 10 will be drilled 14.5 miles northeast of Franklin in the Corry, E Survey, A-102 to 13,700 feet. Merryman Gas Unit 1 Well 9 will be drilled 8.8 miles northeast of Franklin in the Patterson, J Survey, A-300 to 15,100-feet.

Rusk County

Gladney Gas Unit Well 13 will be drilled by Sandridge E&P 6.3 miles west of Tatum in the Oak Hill (Cotton Valley) Field. Total depth will be 14,000 feet in the Lee, I Survey, A-17.

In a lease 8.3 miles southwest of Henderson, in Henderson (Cotton Valley) Field, Nicholas 2 will be drilled by Stroud Petroleum to 12,000 feet in the Clark, W Survey, A-6. The well may also be drilled in a Wildcat or County Lake (Travis Peak) fields.

Brachfield, Southeast (Cotton Valley) Field will see the Polve 3 and 4 drilled by Fidelity E&P. The No. 3 will be 2.32 miles northwest of Minden in the Daniels, JM Survey, A-247. No. 4 will be 2.45 miles northwest of Minden in the Roberts, J Survey, A-682. These wells will bottom at 12,000 feet.

Enduring Resources will drill the Green Gas Unit 1 Well 107 to 13,500 feet in the Brachfield, Southeast (Cotton Valley) Field. This well will be 2.3 miles west of Minden in Reel, J Survey, A-33. The well may also be drilled in the Minden (Travis Peak Consolidated) Field or a Wildcat Field.

There will be four wells drilled by NFR Energy in a Wildcat Field. The Katherine Welch Unit Well 2 will be four miles southwest of Pinehill in the Smith, J Survey, A-733 to 12,000 feet. The Katherine Welch Unit Well 3 will be 4.5 miles southwest of Pinehill in Gilkerson, R Survey, A-336 to 12,000 feet. The Chapman-Kelly Unit Well 2 will be drilled 1.5 miles west of Church Hill in Buffington, J Survey, A-79 to 13,000 feet. The Mullins Unit Well 2 will be drilled 2.2 miles southwest of Church Hill in the Jackson, J Survey, A-443 to 13,000 feet. These wells may also be drilled in the Minden (Travis Peak Consolidated), Minden (Cotton Valley Lime) or Minden (Cotton Valley Consoli-dated fields.

XTO Energy will drill the Northeast Trawick Gas Unit 3 Well 3 and Northeast Trawick Gas Unit 1 Well 4 to 13,000 feet. The No. 3 will be 4.8 miles southwest of Mt. Enterprise in Trawick (Travis Peak) Field and lie in the Durst, J Survey, A-8. This well may also be drilled in a Wildcat Field. The No. 4 will be 5.3 miles southwest of Mt. Enterprise in Trawick (Pettit) Field and lie in the Huejas, MF Survey, A-14. This well may also be drilled in the Trawick (Travis Peak) or Wildcat fields.

In a lease 5.3 miles northwest of Tatum, in Oak Hill (Cotton Valley) Field, the Hutchings, J. Unit Well 22 will be drilled by Energen Resources to 11,000 feet in the Walling, J Survey, A-42.

Jarrell A2 will be drilled three miles northwest of Minden in Brachfield, Southeast (Cotton Valley) Field by Envervest Operating to 11,500 feet in Birdwell, G Survey, A-108.

San Augustine County

Cowboys Gas Unit Well 1 will be drilled in a Wildcat Field by Fossil Resources 22 miles south of Center in the Hennis, J J Survey, A-139 to 14,000 feet.

Upshur County

There will be six wells drilled in a Wildcat Field to 12,300 feet by XTO. The JSMJ Investments Gas Unit 2 Well 1 will be 4.8 miles southeast of Big Sandy. The JSMJ Gas Unit 2 Well 2 will be 5.1 miles southeast of Big Sandy. JSMJ Gas Unit Well 2 will be 5.6 miles southeast of Big Sandy. These wells will lie in SA&MG RR Co. Survey, A-476. The JSMJ Gas Unit 3 will be 5.4 miles southeast of Big Sandy and lie in the SA&NG RR Co./Casey, LA Survey, A-656. The JSMJ Gas Unit 4 will be drilled 5.3 miles southeast of Big Sandy. JSMJ Investments Gas Unit Well 5 will be five miles southeast of Big Sandy. These two wells will lie in SA&MG RR Co. Survey, A-476.


Cherokee County

Jarvis 1 and McKinney 1 were completed in Overton Field by JW Operating. Jarvis is 4.6 miles northwest of New Summerfield at 11,900 feet. This well potentialed 350,000 cf of gas on a 30/64-inch choke. McKinney is 4.6 miles northwest of New Summerfield at 12,475 feet. This well potentialed 150,000 cf of gas on a 26/64-inch choke. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

XTO completed five wells. Chronister Heirs 28 is 3.7 miles northwest of Wells at 12,315 feet in Doyle Creek Field. On a 16/64-inch choke, it potentialed 2.101 million cf of gas. Production is in the Travis Peak. Pickett 1 Gas Unit Well 10 was completed 5.70 miles southwest of Fairfield to 12,770 feet in Teague Field. On a 16/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 2.947 million cf of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated. The Ham Gas Unit 25 is 3.70 miles east of Teague at 12,520 feet in the Teague Field. On a 20/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 5.149 million cf of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated. The Kirsch Gas Unit Well 15 is 5.20 miles northeast of Teague in the Teague Field at 12,134 feet. On a 15/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 3.589 million cf of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated. Clarke Gas Unit Well 19 is 5.5 miles east of Teague in Teague Field at 12,415 feet. On a 14/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 2.900 million cf of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated.

Freestone County

The Letha M. Richardson 6 is 1.4 miles north of Kirvin in Mann, North Field. The well was completed by Lacy Operations to 9,781feet. On an adjustable choke, the well potentialed 3.264 million cf of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley Sand.

Gregg County

Harris, T.B. wells 11, 12 and 14 were by EXCO Operating in the White Oak Field. The wells are in White Oak. No. 11 bottoms at 10,668 feet and on a 20/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 305,000 cf of gas. No.12 bottoms at 10,750 feet and on a 20/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 632,000 cf of gas. No. 14 bottoms at 10,760 feet and on a 20/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 608,000 cf of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley Sand.

JW Operating completed the Williams 4 in the Willow Springs Field. This well is 3.4 miles northeast of Longview at 10,932-feet. On a 7/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 246,000 cf of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

Harrison County

On a 18/64-inch choke, the W.L. Rudd Gas Unit Well 1 potentialed 30,000 cf of gas. This well is one mile south of Waskom at 6,142 feet. Hopewell Operating, completed it in the Waskom Field. Production is in the Hill.

Berry Oil completed the Jenkins A Unit Well 13 in the Darco, Southeast Field. This well bottoms at 10,350 feet, 9.2 miles south of Marshall. On a 64/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 626,000 cf of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

Sangster Gas Unit Well 1 and Foster Gas Unit Well 6 were completed by Penn Virginia Oil & Gas in the Carthage, North Field. The No. 1 is three miles northwest of Crossroads at 10,140 feet. On a 22/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 584,000 cf of gas. No. 6 well is 7.3 miles west of Elysian Fields at 10,303 feet. On a 24/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 1.373 million cf of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

Hardwood Field has seen the Fogle Gas Unit wells 2 and 3 completed by Penn Virginia Oil & Gas. No. 2 was completed to 10,647 feet and potentialed 827,000 cf of gas. On a 24/64-inch choke. This well is 12.8 miles southeast of Marshall. The No. 3 was completed to 10,292 feet and potentialed 2.601 million cf of gas on a 18/64-inch choke. This well is 12.5 miles southeast of Marshall. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

Penn Virginia Oil & Gas completed the Devon Gas Unit wells 9 and 10 in the Woodlawn, Southwest Field. The wells are 6.7 miles west of Marshall. The No. 9 bottoms at 10,555 feet and potentialed 480,000 cf of gas on a 21/64-inch choke. No. 10 bottoms at 10,530 feet and potentialed 585,000 cf of gas on a 48/64-inch choke. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

Houston County

In a lease 6.25 miles southwest of Kennard, in the Laura La Velle, East Field, the English Oil Unit Well 14 has been completed by Basa Resources to 1,812 feet. No test data was recorded. Production is in the Carrizo.

Leon County

Farrar Field has seen the Black Well 11 completed by Valence Operating 8.5 miles north of Jewett to 14,450 feet. On a 48/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 841,000 cf of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley Lime.

In a lease 2.5 miles west of Marquez, in the Bald Prairie Field, Marquez 1 SWD Well 1 was completed by GSI Oil & Gas. This well bottoms at 3,521 feet. No test data was recorded. Production is in the Travis Peak.

Limestone County

On a 18/64-inch choke, the Bobby Reed Gas Unit 21 potentialed 838,000 cf of gas. This well was completed 13.6 miles northwest of Jewett in the Freestone Field by Berry Oil Co. Total depth is 9,000 feet with production in the Travis Peak

Wilson 14 is 4.20 miles southeast of Groesbeck at 9,414 feet. St. Mary Land & Exploration completed the well in the Box Church Field. On a 36/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 622,000 cf of gas. Production is in the Travis Peak

Berry Oil completed the Alton Sims 10, Bobby Reed Gas Unit 23 and Doss Gas Unit 16 in the Freestone Field. The No. 10 well is 13.8 miles northwest of Jewett at 13,170 feet. On a 18/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 3.393 million cf of gas. No. 23 is 13.4 miles northwest of Jewett at 12,831 feet. On a 18/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 1.560 million cf of gas. No. 16 is 14.2 miles northwest of Jewett at 13,250 feet. On a 16/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 1.075 million cf of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley-Bossier Consolidated.

On a 48/64-inch choke, the Livingston Gas Unit Well 4 potentialed 364,000 cf of gas 6.5 miles southeast of Mexia in the Personville, North Field. Samson Lone Star drilled to 11,180 feet. Production is in Cotton Valley Consolidated.

Nacogdoches County

Jacob Alexander GU 1 Well 1 is 11 miles northwest of Nacogdoches in Trawick Field. Samson Lone Star completed the well to 9,535 feet. On a 34/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 1.549 million cf of gas. Production is in the Travis Peak.

Samson Lone Star completed the Blacks Tone-Pruitt GU 1 Well 3 and North Hayter Trust 6 in Douglass, West Field. No. 3 is 10.5 miles northwest of Nacogdoches at 10,238 feet. On a 48/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 2.736 million cf of gas. The 65 well is 10 miles northwest of Nacogdoches at 10,558 feet. On a 38/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 1.997 million cf of gas. Production is in the Travis Peak.

Panola County

The A. Williams Gas Unit 1 Well 14 and J.F. Roberts Gas Unit Well 4 were completed in Carthage, North Field by Penn Virginia Oil & Gas. No. 14 is 5.6 miles southwest of Elysian Field at 10,150 feet. This well on a 18/64-inch choke potentialed 1.758 million cf of gas. No. 4 is 3.4 miles southwest of Elysian Field at 10,160 feet. This well potentialed 452,000 cf of gas on a 24/64-inch choke. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

On an adjustable choke, Roquemore Unit 1 Well 17 potentialed 1.381 million cf of gas. Lacy Operations completed the well to 10,040 feet in Carthage Field 0.8-mile southeast of Beckville. Production is in the Cotton Valley.

Robertson County

There have been five wells completed by XTO in the Bald Prairie Field. The Hancock Gas Unit Well 3 is 1.6 miles west of Franklin at 15,683 feet and potentialed 6.233 million cf of gas on a 20/64-inch choke. The Mitchell I Well 21 is 11.30 miles northeast of Franklin at 13,210 feet and potentialed 989,000 cf of gas On a 16/64-inch choke. The Stegall Gas Unit 1 Well 1 is 5.2 miles southwest of Franklin at 13,750 feet and potentialed 1.398 million cf of gas on a 14/64-inch choke. Stegall Gas Unit 2 Well 1 is 6.3 miles southwest of Franklin a 13,100 feet and potentialed 308,000 cf on a 28/64-inch choke. The Hawkins Gas Unit Well 1 is 2.60 miles southwest of Franklin at 15,945 feet and potentialed 946,000 cf of gas on a 20/64-inch choke. Production is in the Cotton Valley Consolidated.

Coronado Energy E&P completed the John Blair Well 11 in Bald Prairie Field 11.5 miles northeast of Franklin at 12,660 feet. On a 26/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 2.375 million cf of gas. Production is in Cotton Valley Consolidated

Rusk County

Woolley Well 1 is 10.8 miles northwester of Henderson in Overton Field. This well bottoms at 11,650 feet by Greystone Oil & Gas. On a 12/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 322,000 cf of gas. Production is in the Cotton Valley Sand.

In a lease 13.5 miles southwest of Henderson, in the Pleasant Grove Field, the KCR Timberland Well 2 was completed by Machin & Associates at 4,150-feet. It flowed with 85 barrels of crude on a 16/64-inch choke.

Shelby County

Ellora Operating completed three wells. Locke Well 2H is 3.69 miles southwest of Huxley in the Huxley Field at 11,924 feet. This well potentialed 1.284 million cf of gas on a 18/64-inch choke. Production is in the 6100. The Dunn Well 1H is 16.7 miles southeast of Center in the Bridges, East Field at 11,109 feet. This potentialed 918,000 cf of gas on a 16/64-inch choke. Production is in the James Lime. Dunn Well 2H is 16.7 miles southeast of Center in the Bridges, East Field at 10,680 feet. It potentialed 1.621 million cf of gas on a 14/64-inch choke. Production is in the James Lime.

On a 48/64-inch choke, the Greer Well 1H potentialed 657,000 cf of gas. Silver Oak Operating completed the well to 11,100 feet in the Huxley Field four miles southeast of Center. Production is in the 6100.
So are the 4 new wells in Shelby gushers or not? I don't have much knowledge on production numbers. We don't have any leasing to talk about, so let's talk about production. We need to try and keep these posts active, so they stay at the top of the lists so newbies can find us better. More information the better I say! Learn while we are waiting out the slump.
Maybe some of you that know how to find wells on the "East Texas Drilling Report", or

TRRC site, please help me find the new well that Nabors is now drilling. It's a Devon well, Name Powdrill #2, Wesley Hill Survey, Shelby County Texas.


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