Anyone know what the going rates are for a pad site and payments for pipeline and road ?

Looks like I'm about to get all three and not sure if what they are offering is fair or not.

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Care to tell us what they are offering and who 'they' are? Not that I could tell you what would be fair but it might provoke more responses if you provide some additional info.
Company is Samson Lone star.

Offer is as follows :

Pad site 2.35 acres @ 2500 = 5875
Road .14 acres (150'X40') @2500 = 350
Frac Pit .70 ac (175' x 175') @2500 = 1750
Pipeline .45 acres (650' x 30') x 2500 = 2954.25
Timber 3.64 acres x 1250/ acre = 4550

Total = 15479.25

Hope this helps some -- seems way low to me. Hopefully someone who knows what is a fair price will respond.
Are you leased to Samson? Do you have minerals in the unit, or do you just own the surface (land.)? If you are not leased to them, then you have a better change of getting paid more.
If you can get the pad @ $5,000.00 an acre $11,750.00
If you get the road into 150' X $75.00= $11,250.00
If you get the pipeline into rods= 39.39 Rods X @200.00 a rod= $ 7,878.00
Timber @ $1,500.00 and acre $ 5,400.00
Frac Pit, (will be giving back to you, so you could take the $1,750.00
Total $38,028.00

Sometimes, you can say, I want to be paid a flat fee, like $50,000.00 Fifty Thousand dollars.
They know where they can pad the offer, better than we do. You know you don't want to sell a road right of way, for $350.00!

If you want to see what your well site will look like, drive over to FM 138, between Garrison and Center. Take the dirt road beside Lil' Goats Liquor Store, drive about 4 miles, and you will see a Devon site on the right, they have been drilling for about 2 months now, and they are still going. See the size up close and personal.
Thanks for the good advice Eat Beef -- I think I'll drive over there tomorrow. I know I can't keep them out -- but without minerals -- about all I can do is try to get them to pay a fair amount.
Did you get over to look at the Devon site today? If you need better directions, I can give them to you.
No didn't get to go today. We decided to go tomorrow after church -- (we go in Timpson). I'm not really sure where 138 is, but I'll ask someone there. I'm sure it won't be pretty.

Right now I feel like getting a lawyer pulling every trick out of his hat just to cost them money. Not the brightest approach even though it would be satisfying.

We moved up here a little over 10 years ago from South La to a pretty inactive oil exploration area ( mainly because I was around that crap my whole life and even retired from an oil company) to a beautiful place on 102 acres where we don't see any other houses and have the peace and quiet of country living.

Guess this is the dark side of the Haynesville shale.
Well Eat Beef -- looked at the Devon site this morning. Man what a beautiful ruined view. What a mess. Definitely brings it home. I don't think any amount of money could compensate for that. Of course it'll look better once they move the rig off and clean up some.

Lining up people to call today and tomorrow to see what if anything can be done about my situation.
So, you found FM 138, and got down to the Devon well site. I didn't tell you, but that well is in my unit. While I hate what they did to our beautiful view, I am excited of the possibility of a good gas producing well. The interesting thing about that site, is that a few months ago, they called on the phone one morning, and said, we are coming out to stake a well on your property. I felt sick, I tried to act cool and get some information about where on my property, were they looking to put a well. The more they talked the worst it was. The point of interest was just behind my house. I said, no that is to close to my home, and they said, well we can move it 50 feet west...BIG Deal! What is 50 feet when your looking at what you saw today...a Big mess, making noise day and night, and the traffic is unreal. Today, they were pretty contained, at it is getting near compleation. But, you may have noticed the big trucks coming and going on the dirt road, bringing in another rig down the road a mile or so. So, when one is finished another one starts up. The rig there is moving just a few tracts over, when it leaves that location...and talking about a beautiful view, the next location, is just beautiful, in the mountains. I call a veiw like the one you saw today, east texas mountains.
As far as your problems. If you have a large tract of land, maybe it wouldn't be so bad, but if it's real close. Then it can change your life, it can take away your privacy. If you like to keep to yourself, then it just opens the doors to your home sweet home. Yes, after the rig moves, it can be cleaned up, and fenced off, but the salt water trucks will come in and out all the time...They never stop. Last week when one left our road, it turned a little sharp and took the mailbox off the post... Really.
That really is a beautiful place. I hope they clean it up really good for you. Knowing Devon --they probably will. Sister-in-law works for them. I was so busy looking at the wellsite and trying to beat a big truck that was coming down the road -- that I didn't even get to see your home. I think it will clean up good and you can really see the beauty of the land once you get right past the location and look down on it. That is one noisy rig though. I'm already looking for some bamboo and maybe some kudzoo.

Would be less painful I guess if I had some minerals -- so I guess I'll just have to use all the tricks I can think of to get them to move somewhere else or pay a lot more. I'll call the new locations manager tomorrow to see if he can do anything and talk it over with the lawyers. It would be so simple for them to make everything more palatable -- but I'll guess I'll just see how it goes.

I'll let you know when I hear something.
Just checking to see what has happened on your pad and pipeline deal.
Haven't heard anything back from them yet. Spoke to landman who was a PITA --so went ahead and lawyered up. Sent them a bunch of conditions to put in the damages agreement. Haven't heard anything back yet. Then will talk money.

I'm sure they'll throw most if not all of it out -- then we'll just file injunctions and let the lawyers fight it out.

Will talk to the new locations manager and explain to him why it is so stupid to put the well there and maybe head all this off-- so we'll see.
Good luck. Please keep us posted.



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