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They going to drill this one?

Jay, an application to create a drilling unit, when approved, does not require that any wells be drilled.  The field order creating the unit is effective indefinitely until and if there is an application to dissolve the unit.  At this point it is unclear if this is an initial step for Olihant Energy toward drilling one or more wells or just a step in their effort to market their lease position.  What matters are the leases.  I ran across this application because family in far south Sabine had neighbors in the Caribbean Cove area that received notice letters.  Those land and/or mineral owners are not in this unit but they are within 1000' of the proposed unit boundary which requires that they receive the unit application notice.  Oliphant will have to make a subsequent application for the spacing of one or more horizontal unit wells and then get a permit to drill for each well before they can begin to drill.

Do you mean "offering" O&G leases in Vernon?  I haven't heard anything that would support that but we don't get a lot of intel from Vernon.  I suggest that you visit the court house and check with the Clerk of Court to review any recently filed O&G leases.

I have to get more info but they are in the neighborhood right now outside/north of Leesville walking door to door it appears. I understand they are offering leases...not sure if it it purchasing mineral rights for something called Jackson? I have to wait and get more info.

If they are walking residential neighborhoods, that would be interesting.  And more likely offering leases than offering to purchase minerals.  We appreciate the heads up and look forward to more info.

Landman from Platte Energy Inc Lafayette offering oil and gas and mineral leases north of Leesville, moving rig in or drilling well off Jackson Road (off maybe Hawthorne RD)? 

Don't know they name of the company. Offering $200 acre for small acreage. Terms 3 years with 2 year extension.

Had Public Meeting last week at a hotel in Leesville? I don't know anyone who attended.

Should an O&G Attorney look over the offer if the landowner decides to sign? 

Any O&G attorney in that area? Vernon or Natchitoches area anyone would recommend?

Not making a lot of money here so hate to spend a lot on attorney

What kind of royalty?

I am checking with the person who has the offer. Might not find out til the AM.

If this is the Hawthorne Field, the lessee might be Prize.  See this discussion and unit plat.

Click on the link in the discussion to see the area of this proposed drilling unit.  It is immediately north of Leesville.

There wouldn't be enough work for an O&G attorney in Leesville or Deridder.  You don't need a local attorney as much as you need an experienced O&G attorney.  In the age of the Internet you can do business with an attorney specializing in O&G without going to their office.  You get a copy of the proposed lease.  You email or fax a copy to the attorney.  They create an Exhibit A page that is executed along with the standard lease form and provides the protective and beneficial language that is often omitted from a standard form lease.  If that is all you need, you are talking $250 to $500 depending on how much of their time you take up.  A small price to pay for a binding legal agreement that you, or your heirs, may have to live with for decades.  Those few hundred dollars up front could be worth tens of thousands of dollars over time.

Royalty is 1/5 th. They have about 10-13 acres.

Thanks Skip. I didn't see any discussion at the above link but printed the map.

They are indeed going door to door. A landman contacted me about a lease. During our conversation he told me that he had gone to several of the neighbors houses also.

Bently-Indigo, Section 28, T4N, R5W

He offered $150 per acre lease. I read that that is low. I am not educated in this so I don't know what a fair price is per acre.



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