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XTO and Hunt Petroleum
6 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by old as dirt Jun 23, 2008.

Natchitoches Parish
16 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Gail's Son-in-LawN1/N2 Jan 19, 2011.


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At 20:41 on February 25, 2019, Timothy White said…
Good day,

I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and demand it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very important to disclose to you concerning your surname that's to say your last name .since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on:( for more details.


At 6:17 on February 13, 2009, Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) said…
Just dropping by to say hello. Have one "shale" of a day. Also, there some new profile questions. Check those out by clicking HERE. We are also coming up on our 10,000th member. Be sure to celebrate with me. Click HERE for more about that.
At 4:39 on August 24, 2008, Natch N3 said… need to be checking in on the messenger well these days
At 8:29 on August 5, 2008, Natch N3 said…
Thanks seems to me this is the best kept secret in Nla!...Any news, i'm certain you'll pass along..
At 6:11 on August 4, 2008, Natch N3 said…
Skidmark: what is your take on the Messenger Well and the area surrounding it to the north and north east. I know you've posted on topix as well as Pat, I for one have no idea why the commentators over there have issues when it comes to the status of this well. However, I was hoping if you could lend me your expertise and knowledge on what your thoughts are. My land is to the northeast of the m-well location and there are some productive wells in RRiver to the west of me that is looking favorable however, I do know the importance to our parish as a whole with the Messengers land.

Any updated information you can share would be appreciated as I live out of state.

At 10:50 on August 1, 2008, BigSal said…
Not sure what to think about all of this...
At 5:41 on July 30, 2008, Gail's Son-in-LawN1/N2 said…

I found some interesting clauses at the site below referring to continuous drilling. This may be what he is talking about.
At 5:05 on July 30, 2008, Gail's Son-in-LawN1/N2 said…
Mike is out of town, but I will ask him if he has a sample the next chance I get.
At 4:08 on July 30, 2008, insomniacnla said…
We are South Park fans also. Now when I am on this site, my son stays interested because he noticed your Mr. Hanky photo. Now he always asks if he can see your photo again. LOL
At 14:02 on July 29, 2008, Gail's Son-in-LawN1/N2 said…
Wouldn't a "continuing operations clause" solve the issue of HBP for an entire unit by only one well?


Blog Posts

The Lithium Connection to Shale Drilling

Shale drilling and lithium extraction are seemingly distinct activities, but there is a growing connection between the two as the world moves towards cleaner energy solutions. While shale drilling primarily targets…


Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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