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Obama's Energy Bill
102 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Dorcheated A1 Jul 1, 2009.


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At 9:16 on September 8, 2011, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…
I monitor well permits on SONRIS Lite by using the search, Permitted Wells By Date/Parish  Just plug in the dates.  I good way to keep up is to do a weekly search each Friday afternoon.
At 7:43 on September 8, 2011, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…
Like drilling & production unit applications, alternate unit wells are required to go through the same notice and hearing process.  However, the state orders authorizing the alternate unit wells are effective indefinitely and carry no time requirement for the applicant to actually apply for a well permit.  A delay between applying for the alternate unit well order and applying for the well permit(s) is not unusual.  You have to monitor well permits because unlike the alternate well order, there is no requirement to notice land/mineral owners.  I know it is confusing but an "order" authorizing alternate unit wells is not a "well permit".  It merely approves the surface and bottom hole locations for the alternate unit wells.  The unit operator must still apply for a well permit at whatever point they are ready to drill the well(s).
At 5:58 on September 8, 2011, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…
Sure, Lynn.  Ask away.
At 11:17 on August 18, 2009, Landowner said…
Lynn, I think maybe the reason he received an offer is because his previous lease of $100.00 was about to expire. I guess they were just wanting to hold own to his property.
At 6:11 on July 24, 2008, sesport said…
Right now I'm sorting my way through rules link on SONRIS website. Also, I'd like to go look at revised statutes on LA legislature website using that posting referring to 30:10 (I think). It takes some reading & thinking, then more of the same, but it's helpful, especially if an atty. can look at & explain it.
At 17:53 on July 21, 2008, sesport said…
I gave my copy of that letter to my HOA pres. trying to convince her things were heating up & we need to call a meeting. I'm not sure what the date was for that particular meeting, but I saved the letter to my documents so I'll look it up.
I keep checking DrWAVeSport's discussion to see what results he gets from his letters, too.
Les B had an explanation as to why he thinks the companies are making these requests.
No update yet, but I did notice a link to public hearings on the left side of the main page here. (Don't know if its been there all along & I just missed it.)


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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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