1 year mark since the murder of my brother-in-law


Please bear with me for a moment here

Today marks the 1 year anniversary of my brother-in-law’s murder. As of today, his murderer still roams free. Dennis spent last Father’s Day playing with his kids on a big blow-up water slide in their back yard. Later that night, he went out to deal with some pesky Armadillos. It appears that somebody, who knew his evening routine, was there waiting for him. It is believed that it was someone he knew as they were able to get within feet of him, face to face and with a shot gun, before shooting. The authorities had named a "person of interest," but have had a hard time pinning down details. This has hampered their investigation. They need some help from a witness or somebody in the know.

I believe there is a person who could share information that would break this case wide open. However, I believe the person probably lives in fear knowing of what this individual is capable of doing.

I have spent the last year seeing a family I love mourn the loss of Dennis R. Hall. I have spent the last year watching 3 young kids deal with not a having a daddy to care and love on them. I have spent the last year seeing my wife torn to pieces because over this loss. So many affected. So many at a loss. The killer wanted to destroy Dennis, but he destroyed a family along with him.

If anyone has information about the shooting of Dennis please inform the Criminal Division at Louisiana Attorney General’s office. It’s been a year, but it’s not too late to do the right thing.

Criminal Division
1885 North 3rd St.
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

Views: 1066

Tags: 1, anniversary, brother-in-law’s, murder, my, of, year

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Comment by Linda Whatley on July 15, 2010 at 6:47

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. And, I'll be praying that whoever did this terrible crime will be caught and brought to justice soon.

Your "GHS" friend,
Linda Whatley
Comment by Sarah on June 22, 2010 at 20:07
I didn't see this when it happened. I am so very sorry for the hurt and pain your hearts are feeling. Your brother/bil obviously loved his family immensly and was very much loved himself.

I am adding my prayers with the others, that the person who committed this evil would be brought to justice soon.

I hope knowing that he is in a better place where there is no more pain, no more sorrow, sickness or death helps your family heal and find joy again.

Psalm 16:11

I Thessalonians 4:13-18

Thank you Jesus for being our righteousness.

I read the article you posted Keith about the family forgiving this person. I know that's only possibly thru Christ Jesus and my faith is strengthened by their witness. Praying for your family.
Comment by LN on June 22, 2010 at 7:38
I will pray to The LORD that the murderer who did this evil deed will be brought to justice swiftly!!!
Comment by bryan on June 21, 2010 at 17:28
So sorry for your loss. That's all I can think of to say.

And, thank you for all the helpful information you have provided for us here.
Comment by Rosebud on June 21, 2010 at 9:53
On Friday, June 11, 2010, the 30-year old son-in-law, 5-year old grandson and 2-year old granddaughter of a dear friend were killed in the flash flood that struck the campground in Arkansas. I feel like I'm still in a state of shock even though I wasn't related to this family. The question has gone through my mind what seems like a million times since that morning how do people go on, how do you ever accept unspeakable tragedy that changes the lives of so many loved ones forever? Where does that level of courage come from?

I have so many, many times thought about Dennis' family, his young children, his widow, all the times I know Anna's tender heart aches for her brother, the special family activities when he's no longer there. I doubt that twelve months has done little more than maybe take the raw edge off the grief I know you all still feel.

One of the ministers who spoke at the funeral for the family here made the remark that tragedy effects people in one of two ways - some are hardened by their pain, some are softened. Closure isn't just a word, it's something one has to find before they reach any degree of understanding, and I hope someday whoever took Dennis' life will be brought to justice.
Comment by Two Dogs, Pirate on June 21, 2010 at 9:13
Lethal, where Dennis got killed there doesn't need to be a logical motive. There are people in that neck of the woods that will kill you because they don't like the way you look.
Dennis was a very likable fellow along with his whole family. The first time I talked to his mother, I was on the phone with her for an hour and a half. I met the family at a family reunion on Toledo Bend and the whole family were just as nice as they could be.
Comment by Jack Blake on June 21, 2010 at 8:51
Jack Blake has you and the family in his prayers today.
I really like the picture of him with the dog. He looks like a fun loving man. It is such a shame and waste...
Jack feels so sad for the folks he left behind. Hopefully someone will come forward with some information to solve his murder.
There was another senseless murder of a grandmother in Sabine Parish a couple years ago that remains unsolved.
Sabine Parish seems to have a problem solving any murder unless the culprit confesses to them.
Comment by sesport on June 21, 2010 at 8:41
You know I feel your pain due to a similar family tragedy. Prayers & hope that a Shaler can help ease your pain, most especially the children's.


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