Dorcheated's Guide For Shale Terminology

Just recently my newest buddy, or the master of this sight Haynesville, asked if I would be interested in writing a blog. Haynesville never forgetting any of the small details reminded me of the fact that my farther (who was journalist and cartoonist) may have passed this gene on to me. Of course people on this site have come to terms with the fact that this did not happen. It's not because my farther didn't try, he did. Dad would always gently pop me on the back of the head, ok, ok, he would slap me on the back of my head anytime that I would use improper English. Naturally my head was dribbled more than a basketball at a NBA game to no avail. The fortunate side of all this is dad did not read my English papers mom did. Mom realized early that if dad read my papers and saw my punuation her little Dorcheated would be brain dead by the time he got out of high school. Which leads me to the point of this whole blog. Out of all the pops I would receive for bad English. I noticed a pattern develop. For some reason anytime I would use a slang term or definition the pop was much more forceful. I found that this was considered a gross violation of the English language therefore the force of the pop would be greatly increase. Here recently, I have notice slang terms poping on the GHS and it reminded me of dad. So in tribute of my farther, I will come out and share a few of my own and hope that you will share a few of yours. Let's get started.

Getting Shaled: Anytime that you are arguing with three of more people at the same time.
Drive by Shaler: A Shaler who enters an argument only to leave one comment and never return.
Soft Shaler: A Shaler who attemts to bring warring factions together in order to acheive peace on the GHS.
Sideline Shaler: People who read GHS everyday but never comment on anything.
Serious Shaler: A Shaler who only will talk O&G business and nothing else.
Shale informed: A Shaler who know's what her or she is talking about.
Shaleless: A Shaler who is not informed.
Shaledevil: A Shaler who instigates or start's arguments just for fun.
Shale Hussies: A term developed by woman on this site who spend a lot of time talking girls stuff.
That is just a few of mine but I'm sure each shaler has their own. Let's hear them.

Views: 274

Tags: Non, Shale, related

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Comment by Snake Stewart on January 19, 2009 at 9:49
Shalepimp ?
Comment by Dorcheated A1 on January 19, 2009 at 9:10
Very good sesport, that's what it is really all about .
Comment by sesport on January 19, 2009 at 8:54
Shale-A-Bowl-Go: future business establishment for the purposes of venting frustration, getting a little exercise, networking & fellowshiping as a community
Comment by Cathaus on January 18, 2009 at 18:10
Deranged? I am just slightly off the beam, but short of being deranged, thank you very much!
Hugs and Kisses to you to Snake.
Comment by Snake Stewart on January 18, 2009 at 17:40
Shaleunatic : I'm gonna let this one just roll on by. Good night Cathaus! XOXOXO
Comment by Snake Stewart on January 18, 2009 at 17:38
Watch her " on- the- rocks", Cathuas is one of the reasons this blog was started. She comes to mind in nearly half of all of the deranged examples.
Comment by Cathaus on January 18, 2009 at 16:55
No harm, no foul. It was very funny to this hard-shaled baptist!!!
Comment by on-the-rocks on January 18, 2009 at 16:50
Didn't mean no harm.

I was raised a soft-shelled Baptist, then became a Methodist. I my home town, there wasn't much difference between the two. Just a friendly rivalry and some teasing.
Comment by Cathaus on January 18, 2009 at 16:45
Shalemodificating: Taking liberty with anothers Shale definition. Highly frowned upon by other HardShaled Shalers.
Comment by Snake Stewart on January 18, 2009 at 16:19
That Baptist stuff ........... And on a Sunday too ! :-)


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