Introducing Reserve Estimation for Unconventional Resources


August 30 - 31, 2011 - Houston, Texas                                                               


Shalers recieve priority discounted booking to attend Reserve Estimation for Unconventional Resources





Are you employing the most appropriate methodology for estimating reserves in unconventional reservoirs?

Estimating reserves in unconventional reservoirs poses specific challenges for the industry. A lack of production history data to work with, constant transient flow and unfamiliar geology may result in a lack of applicability of the conventional reserve estimation mechanisms. In addition, accurately classifying reserves according to SEC regulations and assigning volumes to PUDs becomes increasingly complex.

Reserves Estimation for Unconventional Resources will be a technical meeting, taking place in Houston on August 23rd-24th 2011. This meeting will bring together a wide range of industry representatives who work directly with these resources to discuss the intricate challenges you face and ways to mitigate inaccuracy when estimating reserves. Reservoir engineers from across industry will be provided with the opportunity to examine best practice for estimating, classifying and reporting reserves in unconventional reservoirs.
Go Haynesville Shale and Go Marcellus Shale recognise the importance of accurate reserve estimation and have secured a discount for shaler subscribers. 

Some of the topics to be covered include:
  • Review the potential inapplicability of the Arps decline trend model and a review of alternative decline models that may be more appropriate with Dr. John Lee
  • Join Devon Energy to explore an approach to modify the Arps equation to properly model the transition from linear flow to boundary dominated flow
  • Learn how ExxonMobil integrate volumetric and performance based information to successfully assess continuous resources
  • Explore methods for determining
  • proved areas in an unconventional resource play with Chesapeake
  • Examine classifying PUDs using SEC regulation, moving from probable to proved and examining the regulations of the ASC and the UNECE
  • Implement reservoir simulationtechniques and models for unconventional resources reserves and performance estimation with Hess Corporation
  • Review best techniques for maintaining adequate internal control over reserves estimates and successfully defining  project goals alongside Nexen Inc and Shell 
View the Full Agenda here

Furthermore, Dr. John Lee will be providing a full day pre-conference workshop examining the estimation of reserves when working in unconventional gas reservoirs. This will provide attendees with an in-depth understanding of common and emerging approaches to forecasting production and estimating reserves when working with these resources. 

It has been fascinating putting this meeting together with extensive input from key representatives within the industry.  Feedback has indicated that we've managed to address all the issues that reservoir engineers are facing in this area, and I do hope you'll be able to join us in August. 

Shaler Discount
You can already save up to $700 by registering before the 24th June. But as a Go Marcellus and Go Haynesville Shale subscriber, you're entitled to a further 10% discount. Simply quote GHMS10 on registration.
To register, please use one of the following methods:

Call: +1 212 537 5898

Or you can reply to this email and I will make the appropriate arrangements to register you.
I look forward to meeting you on the 23rd-24th August 2011 in Houston.

Kind regards,

Rachel Clarkson
Programme Director

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