'Rapid rise in Iraqi oil output could undermine market'

"Ultimately, Iraq could target a huge increase in its crude oil production capacity to as much as 10-12 million bpd, equivalent to that of Saudi Arabia. Such a prospect must nevertheless be treated with great caution. An overly rapid increase in Iraqi production would be bound to cause major upheavals on the world energy scene, in terms of the supply-demand balance, the level of oil prices, the development of alternative energy sources and a reconfiguration of the Opec production quota system, which Iraq will have to reintegrate sooner or later, after being exempt since 2003."

Sarkis said he believed neither Saudi Arabia, Opec's kingpin, nor Iran nor any other major exporting country within the 12-nation Opec, would stand by and "watch the spigots suddenly opened at Iraqi oil fields".


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Wouldn't a rapid conversion to NG powered vehicles have a similar effect on petroleum?
Yes, and there would be no need of any country's military to protect ocean shipping lanes.
Then why is Obama not supporting the conversion to natural gas vehicles in America and making CNG the preferred transportation fuel in America?
I think it has something to do with our foreign debt. Our government lets this debt dictate how we look at the import of foreign energy. That is why even Boon Pickens is having a tough time getting them to listen to him. We need a president that will say to **ll with foreign energy, "DRILL AND DRILL NOW".
Why have the Democrats banned offshore drilling off the East and West Coasts, off Florida and onshore in Alaska for over 20 years? Obama's Energy Department is putting one stumbling block after another to stop or slow offshore drilling and onshore drilling on Federal lands.

Using CNG for transportation means more good paying American jobs, in America. The money for infrasture, will be spent in the USA, No export of capital overseas to pay for foreign fuel.

Look what other countries, like Germany, Italy, etc are doing in setting up fueling points. I saw where the German government was seeking to have CNG points built over their entire autobahn system/
I think many people are afraid to say what our problem with getting a energy program put together might be linked to, that being the flow of foreign blood in somebody's veins. "When the political winds of war blow in the wrong direction, I will stand with the Mu*****"..... On another subject, where is Buck? What is going on with the Obamabirth trial in California?
Hiiiiiii, intrepid. I've got a couple of things to show you ...


"Great news for our friends at the Clean Cities program. Vice President Joe Biden recently announced $300 million in funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) for state and local governments, and transit authorities to expand the nation’s fleet of clean, sustainable vehicles. The funds are also going to be used for the fueling infrastructure necessary to support those vehicles"

And this ...


"The recently enacted American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (P.L. 111-05) (or stimulus package) provides billions in new funding for programs that could potentially benefit NGVs. Of primary interest to NGVAmerica members are the following: 1) Department of Energy Pilot Program for alternative fuel, infrastructure and advanced technology vehicles - $300 million; 2) U.S. EPA Diesel Emission Reduction Program - $300 million; 3) Federal Transit Administration capital expenditures- $8.4 billion; 4) Department of Energy Block Grants for Energy Efficiency and Conservation - $3.2 billion; and 5)General Services Administration Federal Fleet acquisition of fuel efficient vehicles - $300 million."

Do me a favor, will ya'? Can you add those $$$$ up for me, let me know what it totals?

Well, let me see ....first thing I see is " billions in new funding for programs that could potentially benefit NGVs. "

Is this another carefully crafted way of speaking by our new President and his administration who is so adept at crafting words that sound like one thing but are actually applied in the almost complete opposite?

You and I both know that ALL that money won't actually directly go to natural gas vehicles or even the support of the natural gas industry but it is a start.

Took you quite a while to find something though, didn't it. :D

sesport, in all seriousness, we both hope Obama is going to spend the money to get the best benefit for the country. I have great doubts. You seem to still believe.

God Bless America!
No, it didn't take me awhile to find it. I've got ARRA bookmarked. I just thought I'd let you all wind down a bit flapping your gums. lol

If you look on this link, down on the chart is the Fossil Energy Research & Development's allocated amount. It has $$$$$$$$$ numbers in it. lol


I'm really not quite there yet in believing, just still hopeful. You really like being so doubtful?

After all that money is used for what the government is saying it is for, then I would believe it. But when has our crooked politicans ever used money for what is supposed to be used for? Just look at the social security mess, it's part of the general fund and used for whatever pork program they want. I don't think that money will ever get to these programs before it is sucked up by another acorn type program. I think I am typical in my thinking because government has lost the trust of everyday americans in very large numbers.


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