EnCana has released a presentation that shows a well in Sabine Parish with an IP of 17 mmcfe/day.  Although the well is not identified, It looks to be around the Sistrunk well.  If you go to EnCana's web site, under Investor Presentations, and call up the presentation from Feb. 4, you'll see it. (I've also tried to upload it here.)  This far exceeds anything seen to date in that part of Sabine Parish.  All unleased landowners should be aware of this.  This well shows great potential for northern Sabine Parish. 

Tags: EnCana, Parish, Sabine

Views: 146


Replies to This Discussion

Thanks Henry, always good to hear from you. I am thinking the jimmy ray brown was a good one also. Wells on the horizon for 9-4, 9-5, 9-8. Things are indeed brewing in this area. Gas prices a real problem going forward though.
Henry, thank you for the update. I'm one of those with UMI and I am listening. The T J Sistrunk well (239983) is in Sect, 003, T09N-R12W and is "waiting pipeline". Word is people are very optimistic about this well. The Jimmy Brown well (240294) is in Sect 009, T09N-R12W and was frac 1/22/10. Word I heard is this is a Bossier Shale well and is looking very good. Is there a way to tell if this is a Bossier Shale and did they have some problems trying to get the HA Shale? Please note all my info is hear say except for the SONRIS data.
I have no idea if TJ Sistrunk, or any of the other EnCana wells in Sabine Parish, are Haynesville or Mid Bossier. Sorry. I'm thinking you should be leasing for $15k. Good luck.
Thanks Ken, I needed that BUMP. For some reason, last night while replying to Henry's post above, my computer disposed of Henry's discussion and my reply and I "Searched The World Over And..." LOL and I could not find it anywhere until now when you gave the Bump.

Henry, what I wanted to say is Thank You for the encouragement of leasing value being in the $15k/acre, and I agree with you since there are very good wells in the De Soto and North Sabine Parish area and with HS, Bossier and pockets of good CV, $15k sure makes sense to me. The risk of dry hole has gone away in this area, pipelines are being laid and with improved technology then MO should share more in the profits IMHO.
I heard dat ;o)
I was wondering if this might be the well in sec4-9n-11w?
Gambler, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact location of the well as shown on EnCana's presentation but to me it looks like the T J Sistrunk well location, plus I remember reading a reply by someone on here that said they were told directly by EnCana that it was the T J Sistrunk well. Maybe someone can recall the reply and refer to it here, or whoever that added the reply would confirm it. I'll keep looking as well and if I locate it I will identify it here.
For us uneducated folks who rely on this group for competence...isn't 17 Mcfe very low??? Don't we want numbers in the MMcfe? Please educate...
M is 1000, MM is 1000 X 1000 or 1,000,000 B is 1000 X 1000,000 or a Billion
My bad. I fixed it. Thanks.
Now that's exciting!!! Thanks Henry!!!


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