Wood stakes painted hot pink on top with writing on it 1545-14N it is also written on the road in front of the stake. Does anyone have any clue what this is for?

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It's a survey stake (marker). What do you want to know?
I see tall stakes like those in the neighbor's pasture and small stakes along my back property line.
They run the full length of his pasture like they are marking a pipeline of some sort.
Ask the neighbor.

It's always 'best' to ask the surveyor... but they're under no obligation to inform you of their clients, unless they come on your place.
I did ask the neighbor and he said he didn't know either.
He hasn't owned that place more than a couple of years.
I never saw them when they put those markers there.
Looking at the area from above on google earth, it does look like the best route for lines to connect wells without going through or next to people's homes.
I wanted to know what the purpose was for them. They are putting a well in section 24 but not on our property.
Rachel, pull them up and move them onto your property. You might get some pipeline lease money. grin


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