I live at the very front of Plantation Trace at Sunflower and Jimmie Davis. I have looked all over and maybe I am just stupid but what section is my house in? Does someone have a map? Also I do not know the current situation in my neighborhood inr egards to negotiations. Thanks in advance for any help.

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Replies to This Discussion

Jim may be correct. However, there are some very near your location who are in Section 14. I wish I could tell you exactly where the dividing line is. Sorry, I guess I'm not much help, am I? Well, anyway, if you find out you're not in 23, 14 would be a good 2nd guess.

You may want to consider joining the Neighborhood Association that is forming. Right now it's a loose knit email group & there's been 1 meeting. They do keep us posted on the O&G stuff. For more info, contact Julie Sinkule: sinkulem AT bellsouth . net (Just trying to keep the spambots away.)

Section 23 encompasses Plantation Trace Estates, PT Garden Homes, and only Chopin/Magnolia Ridge Area in Plantation Trace. The rest of Plantation Trace is in section 14. It sounds to me like you are in the north side of Plantation Trace, which would be section 14. I pulled a picture out of Sonris, hopefully you can see what I am trying to describe.
Ryan - you can go to this link for the Bossier Parish assessor. Click on the Property Search button, then put in your address. Your account number should be like ours in Caddo, first 2 number are township, next 2 are range, last are section numbers. Then there may be some other numbers after that, but I think they're lot numbers.

Hope this helps.

sesport person, I tried that one a couple of months ago when I read it on this site. The numbers the Bossier Assessor's office uses don't match up. Maybe they do in Caddo, but not in Plantation Trace.
So what would this mean:

Assesment Number: Roll: Ward: Location:
0 (Real Estate) 6 BC WD 2


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