Sabine Island Area In Northern Sabine County, Texas

The northern part of Sabine County, Texas is finally seeing activity as to the Haynesville Shale. There are several rigs running in and around the northern part of the county in San Augustine and Shelby Counties. Chesapeake will probably move 2-3 rigs into Sabine County soon to start developing there acreage blocks. The James Lime play is moving into the direction of Sabine County, Texas.This will encourage companies with leasehold to develope as well.

Posted by Jurassic Exploration Inc on 07 March 2010 14:44


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There you go spreading rumors again, LOL! I have to say, though, they've had a pretty good run with previous posts so, who knows, maybe they do know what they're talking about!
Just ask Cheerleader....
Did I hear someone asking for a cheer????
When I reflect on Jurassic Exploration Inc I can't find any posting that has been inaccurate?? If you all are reading this we would love some imput on the oil issue.
Hugs and kisses to Jurassic Exploration Inc. XXXXXOOOOO
If I were to spread rumors.......the rumors would be bigger than that one and the center of the shale gas universe would be in my backyard. LOL!
They have been amazingly accurate....perhaps they will take a stab at the boundaries of the play. Let's hear it Oil know they read our posts....
Yeah, that really isn't much of a stretch except maybe the part about Chesapeake. I'd be more inclined to believe that CHK will sell the leases they have in Sabine but who knows, right? They could show up with a couple of rigs at any time and completely destroy my theory.
Did you see the new permit in San Augustine today? Cabot... SW of town in the J. Moss survey.
There are two J Moss just South of 21 and one just South of 103. I assume this one is South of 21.
It is just south of 21. I love to see them drilling due South of the King Unit. Hopefully a good indicator of the success of that well. What is up with the 878 acre unit?
I did see it but I don't know why so big.
anyone know anthing about Plains Explorations Co.?
Yes ma'am. What would you like to know?



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