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Skip, in your opinion will the HS play go as far east as Minden and possibly Arcadia? Already in R 7 West in north Natchitoches Parish.
treeman, IANAG (I Am Not A Geologist). My prospective is strictly that of a landman and Haynesville Shale researcher. There has been a lot of activity in the Bienville Parish Clerk of Court record room so one or more operators thinks that the producible shale is present. Good completions, unitization activity and leasing in the eastern half of the parish reinforces that opinion. I have not seen the same level of interest in the eastern half of the parish although that could be related to several factors that have generally retarded development for the last year. I do not think that the shale is economic at this time north and east of 17N - 11W on the NE corner of the Play. The SE quadrant is the real mystery as there has just been little or no data points to work off of. I suspect that only the far western sections of 13N - 7W are consider potentially prospective at this time.
what is the brown part on the map?
i can read, however, i thought that there might be some significance to the color. i was hoping that perphaps winn parish was going to be drilled, since we adjoin winn. thank you for your informative reply.
What does the 6 in township 18 ,10W represents? Thanks in advance for any info on that...
6 sections in Township 18N - 10W have unit orders for the Haynesville zone.
Thanks Skip for the info. Here is proballly another dumb question, but a unit order is where they have gotten a permit to drill ?
No. A unit order allows an operator to force pool all the mineral interests within the unit boundary and to drill the maximum number of wells allowed by spacing. In the majority to Haynesville Units the unit is a standard section +/- 640 acres and the spacing for horizontal Haynesville wells is 80 acres. Thus an operator may drill up to 8 wells. Wells usually are permitted after the unit is formed but there are exceptions. Unit applications and alternate unit well applications require notice of the affected land and mineral owners contained in an IP (Interested Person) list and the offer of a local hearing if someone on the IP list requests one. Well permits do not require notice or hearings.
Thanks once again Skip! I have received a letter, in fact six , about a unit application from a law firm that represent HK. Which they obtain a permit just this past October... in Baton Rouge. It was for the section I am in and the two beside me and the two above me.. Each letter shows a map and had the owner's name on the space showing the properties outline. It indicated that we have X amount of time if we wanted to despute the permit and if one wanted a hearing...
You may request a local hearing (Shreveport/District 6) as provided for in the unit application regulations. However, do not expect to successfully dispute the application unless you wish to expend a small fortune on attorneys and industry experts. And then you have to have a compelling reason. You may get some basic and often vague understanding of the intentions of the operator but this a perfunctory step in the process and is more often than not skipped as no one on the IP list requests the local hearing.
Thanks Skip. I did not want to apply for a hearing. I was wondering what happens after a permit is obtained. Do they wait to see if and when the area is econocially right to drill, or they are no longer interested i.e. the map shows we are not in the area they consider a good spot?



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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