The attached shows a summary of the most active operators in the play and the parishes/counties with the most current drilling activity.  I have added a column to denote the change in rig count for each parish/county from the previous week.


Details regarding actual current rig locations and associated well information can be found at the following discussion group.



Tags: Count, Haynesville/Bossier, Rig, Shale

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What a great resource! Here's an updated number: Chesapeake is operating with 36 rigs as of this morning. Although, rig numbers are so fluid and often change before a report can be printed.
Katie, thanks for the information. Sometimes the count for an operator fluctuates just because a rig is on the move.
Les, Katie McCullin as clearly a Chesapeake employee, in my opinion, and could be the source for valuable info, though we'd need to be careful not to request info of a proprietary nature.
Thanks, guys! I am happy to help and answer questions, and appreciate your respect of proprietary information. I try to respond and participate as often as possible, but please don't hesitate to contact me if you have a question or comment.
Katie, Any news of when a rig is scheduled to move into Sabine County and the HEZEKIAH - Well # 1H? API # 403-30456.

Your hard work in providing relevant, reliable information is appreciated. I posted this on another thread, but Rowan #54 has been disassembled and moved from S16-T11N-R15W over this past weekend. That's well Serial #240883 off Roberts Road near Stanley. It's a Chesapeake well. I assume they are or will frac the well soon. Don't know where Rowan 54 is headed next. We're anxiously awaiting information on production for S16.
Streetglide, thanks for your update on the Rowan #54 Rig. Hopefully the new location will turn up in Friday's report. There certainly is a lot of truck traffic on Hwy 84 between Logansport and Mansfield.
Has anyone heard anything about the s1 T10 12w well? My realative has land I believe is in or close to that section?
Tracy, the well has been drilled to total depth but has not been completed and placed on production.

Chesapeake, Pearson 1 #H1 Well, Serial #240700, S1-T10N-R12W
Thanks Les B for the info. Is it common to take this long for completion?
Tracy, some wells take much longer than others. Lining up the necessary contractor to frac the well can take time. Also, the operator may be waiting on the completion of pipeline and gas treating infrastructure in the area before completing the well.



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