I was told by Petrohawk that Township 19 in Webster Parish was as far north of I-20 that was being leased. Has anyone leased in Township 19?

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Unfortunately It is highly unlikely that any company would expend their money drilling a well in a unit where half of the land is unleased . Perhaps with 5% unleased. You are at the mercy of your unleased neighbors. They don't have to be leased to same company to get well drilled. It is most common to have several companies with leases in same unit.

I have a neighbor who owns lots of land who refuses to lease. I have worked with Fina, XTO, Will-Drill and others in attempt to get owner to lease. This has gone on 10 years or more. If they could lease there would be a well drilled within 90 days and I would be getting either royalty or working interest payments. It is proven acreage.
Sorry to hear about that. That seems like a very unfortunate situation. What makes them refuse to sign if you don't mind my asking ?
Mainly that they have too much money from oil already and I guess they prefer to leave heirs with oil and gas in lieu of $.
Tatterscreek, we have 300 acres in township 19 and petrohawk told us township 19 is not in the shale. How did you get them to lease yours? and did they give you a good deal?
Hello Uncle BL , Thats because a lot of these O&G's will lie between their teeth. No offense tatterscreek but if they were only talking to larger land owners why would they step over Unc with 300 acres to get to you and your neighbors for 1/3 of the amount he's got. Thats just one course of their song and dance. If tatterscreek contacted them 1st and has already signed then they got a lousey deal. Again no offense tatter. Speed kills in this play ! Whatever you do , slow down and get as much info as you can.By contacting them you show your readyness to sign. I believe this to be a big mistake.When the time comes, you couldn't hide from them if you wanted too. Knowledge is power. We at SWAMO would love to have you on board with us. We are a no fee no % group of local mineral owners that are going to get paid ! Not because they are going to treat us fair but because we will make them pay us. You have to make them pay you. They wont do it out of the goodness of their hearts I assure you !

As for the forced pooling thing , lets do a little math Unc. The Petrohawk Elm Grove Plantation #63 is putting out 16.8 Mmcf of gas a day on a choke. At $13.35 mcf that equals about $224,000 a day. After a couple of weeks or so the well would be paid for and you would start receiving your part of production. Even with a 30 % fee for production costs you would still get about $84,000 a day.Multiply that times 30 and you would get about $ 2,520,000 a month. And thats just one well. They are talking about 8 wells per section. I think you would be wasteing your time worrying about forced pooling. They aren't looking for business partners and you would be an expensive one ! Worry about something important like what are you going to do with all that money ? If I can answer any questions for you just ask. Have a good one.
Hi, I own only 24 acres in 19 and it appears from what I've been told Haynesville authorities have taken names of land owners in the area to begin what looks like pooling. What is your advice concerning this situation? Further, it was during October or November of '08 when landowners signed list. Thank you for your help in advance. Jelly Roll
If they told you township 19 is not in the shale, they lied. I was lied to by a Petrohawk agent when I called looking for the agent I was dealing with. He told me the same thing even while his co-worker was working a lease with me and my neighbors. Don't hold too much stock in what one person may tell you. I just spoke with a neighbor who is about 1.3 miles due east and he has had 3 offers. A friend in my church is working on an offer and they live on the Minden side of the bayou Dorcheat just east of us also. Another I read on this blog just signed last week in township 19. Just be patient. As far as a good deal, I think we got an acceptable offer for us and it will meet our immediate needs. Yes, I could hold out and get more, possibly, but the real money is in the well, not the bonus. When they drill here, I'll never have to work again and I only have 14 acres.
Amen brother , maybe we can just go fishing all day. When its out of the 103 degree's that is.
Hello Ms Melinda,

Part of our group from up that direction have talked about people that have signed leases with middlemen but not any of the major players.When this thing started , the big boys sorta stayed in their own areas.As time has passed the lines that were draw in the sand separating each companies section have begun to dissapear.Some companies have openly stated a lack of interest in my area , yet they are quietly slipping around leasing.

I believe they are at a point where they have to control the areas that are under lease , holding by production , before they can expand to outer boundaries.We will not know outer boundaries until we can get wells drilled.They may have an idea about where the outer limits may be but the " bit don't lie ". Until that point we can't allow ourselves to be tricked into thinking our land isn't valuable , and lease low, only to find out they had lied for the gazillionth time. Where exactly does 19 start and end ?
Township 19 starts approx. just above Hwy 80
Thanks Mr. Broden
XTO is quietly drilling for deep gas in the Cotton Valley Unit in the 10 to 11 thousand foot range. This is way below the Davis sand of the Cotton Valley and should put them in the Haynesville/Buckner or Jurrasic/Smackover. Any where there is the louann salt there should be a high probability that the Jurrasic mud lime stone or Smackover is on top then the Haynesville on top of that. An informative site is osti.gov. on the study of the North Louisiana Salt Dome Basin by Dr. Mancinni, University of Alabama and Dr. Goddard, LSU. Check it out!


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